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Can you imagine....Bike in Paris


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I met two people that where on a bicycle trip around the world with one way airline tickets to the places between where bikes don't ride on water!


they were so nice! never knew if they made it but that was their plan to go around the world on bicycles!




<edit> oh you mean motorcycles silly me ha!

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What a moron...


People wonder why car drivers get irked at bikers...cutting in between cars and riding the shoulder.


I saw a guy doing the same thing outside of Chicago on 290 in backed up traffic. I was just waiting for one of the cars sitting stuck in traffic to open a door and end that crotch-rocket rider.

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What a moron...


People wonder why car drivers get irked at bikers...cutting in between cars and riding the shoulder.


I saw a guy doing the same thing outside of Chicago on 290 in backed up traffic. I was just waiting for one of the cars sitting stuck in traffic to open a door and end that crotch-rocket rider.


lol!!!! i just imagined that guy getting owned by a door!

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What a moron...


People wonder why car drivers get irked at bikers...cutting in between cars and riding the shoulder.


I saw a guy doing the same thing outside of Chicago on 290 in backed up traffic. I was just waiting for one of the cars sitting stuck in traffic to open a door and end that crotch-rocket rider.

just remember not every motorcyclist drives like those people. those were some crazy insane drivers i could never imagine going that fast on a motorcycle.

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In communities with lots of bikes, that's the norm. Like in LA or Europe, bikes go down the middle lanes and around the traffic...Which seems smart to me, why should they continue to be a part of the flow of traffic when they can go around it? (well, not at 150, but it bumper to bumper commuting).


fun vids

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In communities with lots of bikes, that's the norm. Like in LA or Europe, bikes go down the middle lanes and around the traffic...Which seems smart to me, why should they continue to be a part of the flow of traffic when they can go around it? (well, not at 150, but it bumper to bumper commuting).


fun vids



And yet you hear complaints when accidents happen and when bikers are yelled at, flipped off, etc...


Why shouldn't they...they ARE a part of traffic, if noone considered them as such, then riding would be much, much more dangerous.


It's the same reason why when I had a 400 hp Impala SS, I didn't drive it around like I owned the road. Sure I could'a smoked everyone all the time, and beat lights, and passed folks up and down, but I didn't...


That is the difference between having laws and following them. Just cause you can do something, doesn't mean you should.

Edited by Tek-Almighty
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Motorcycles are concidered by the DMV to be the exact same as cars and trucks...take up the same amount of space...ie one lane.


Going in between traffic gives the other riders a bad reputation, and in the long run, probably hurts more people than just abiding by the rules of the road.

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In communities with lots of bikes, that's the norm. Like in LA or Europe, bikes go down the middle lanes and around the traffic...Which seems smart to me, why should they continue to be a part of the flow of traffic when they can go around it? (well, not at 150, but it bumper to bumper commuting).


fun vids



And yet you hear complaints when accidents happen and when bikers are yelled at, flipped off, etc...


Why shouldn't they...they ARE a part of traffic, if noone considered them as such, then riding would be much, much more dangerous.


It's the same reason why when I had a 400 hp Impala SS, I didn't drive it around like I owned the road. Sure I could'a smoked everyone all the time, and beat lights, and passed folks up and down, but I didn't...


That is the difference between having laws and following them. Just cause you can do something, doesn't mean you should.


technically in CA, there is no law against lane splitting... there is no law for it either, it is just not written anywhere... most states have laws against lane splitting though..... I ride a rocket, and never ride like that. No one I ride with does it either.

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My biggest pet peeve are bikers (cyclists mostly but motorcyclists too) that totally disregard the rules of the road. It drives me nuts when I'm driving around downtown. When I'm trying to make a right turn I generally get right up against the curb to stop bikes from coming up beside me. I absolutely hate it when someone on a bike pulls up at the last second and hovers infront of where I'm trying to turn. If I had my way I would make it illegal for bikes to pass cars in the same lane. This is all really just bicycles though and then mostly couriers. But boy do they really grind my gears! About a month ago I was driving up a big hill (most of Toronto is one giant hill) some cyclist had latched onto my wheel well and was enjoying the free ride. I was seconds from killing him (literally, I was about to swerve, he latched onto the wrong car) when he must have noticed me honking and let go, I would have chased him but he bolted down a side street that I passed too quickly. If I ever see the guy again I'm going to ruin his bike (and probably his knees). Ok I'm done....

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