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My Girlfriend

All Kill3r

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I won't say much in this matter as i never seem to be able to hold any relationship together, but i will leave something that might hopefully help.


Someone once asked me this, "How do you define a relationship? What do you think is important in order for you to get this relationship working?" Nevertheless, i wasn't able to answer. After pondering over it for a little while, i demanded for the answer. My friend merely smiled and answered, "No one can answer this question but yourself. Think of the elements that you know you want in a relationship. None of these elements are more important than the others. However, none of these elements can function well or at all without the others. It works in a cycle. When you have realized this, then you'll be able to find a person you most likely will be yours."


It took me a long time to understand what he meant. But until today, i have not been able to answer myself the first question he asked. A relationship.


I know it is a little confusing, but once you get it, you'll understand. And i'm hoping this will help you.

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Guest leo
Guest leo
Guest leo

One person cannot hold a relationship together in love.

It takes 2 to tango, in the game of love where there are no rules.

Love does and yet does not exist. Love can be expressed in many ways,

The love for a Father, a Mother, a Sister, a Brother, a Cousin.

Even love for a friend. there are 2 lines in the game of love: Love and Lust.

Most commonly people mix this up, just because you have a feelings for another, doesn't mean it's love right away.

It's good to figure out who you love and who you do not.

It's very bad, to base what "love" is from an outsider.

Even though i have heard that in love you're blind, which is very true.

But the outsider could be after something, he/she could be jealous.

In this life, there are many reasons along with many motives for people to do what they do.

But some would rather be blind than wide awake in this horrid reality.

Sadly this is what the internet is used for, to keep us blind, to temporarily keep us away from our problems.

Instead of Facing them.


my 2 cents


In response to Killer


You shouldn't of broken it of, you should of just talked it over with her

find out what's wrong so that both of you can either fix it, or leave it be

and then decide whether to move on or stay together. I don't mean to fill your head with shoulda coulda wouldas, but that's the ideal resolution in any relationship.


I don't think at least, that you can drop love, like it never happened or it just faded out.

I think that once loved always loved, but then again i could be wrong


once again 2 cents

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Guest [DOH]TaPe
Guest [DOH]TaPe
Guest [DOH]TaPe

A Friend

A friend is a person whom you want to have near when you are dying.

And whom you like to be with while you are living;

To whom you spontaneously turn for help when you are in trouble.

And who is the first to hear the good news when you have good fortune;

Whose counsel you seek when you are perplexed.

And whose congratulations you welcome when the perplexity is solved;

In whom you can confide the secret you want no other living soul to know.

Yet will never pry into your heart to discover

whether there are any more secrets to be revealed;

On whom you can lean when your heart aches.

But who will never take advantage of your leaning;

Who will get down on his knees beside you when you are down.

And forget that he did so when you are on your feet again;

And whose shoulder you can weep on when you are sad.

And with whom you enjoy laughing when you are glad;

Who has a tear on his cheek when you suffer.

And a twinkle in his eye when the sun shines on you again;

Who has pain in his tone when you are in distress.

And melody in his voice when your heart is happy;

Who admires you for your strong points.

But loves you in spite of your weak ones;

Who can laugh at your foibles.

Without despising you for having them;

Who makes allowance for your limitations.

Without allowing them to obscure your talents;

Who is proud of you when fortune favors you.

But not ashamed of you when you fail;

Who contributes to your success without claiming any share in it.

Who can feel and show satisfaction when you please him.

But never resentment when you disappoint him;

Who will tell you the truth even when it hurts.

And to whom you can tell the truth without his taking offense;

Who is not ashamed to ask you a favor even at the risk of being imposed upon.

Who can extend a helping hand and lighten your load

Without expecting any other reward than having had the privilege of so doing;

Who gives all he can whenever he can.

Without ever keeping a record of what he has given;

Who says the best about you when everybody else is saying the worst.

Any person needs at least four such friends;

Every person owes it to himself to be such a friend to at least four fellow humans.


God help me to be such a friend.

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Guest [DOH]TaPe
Guest [DOH]TaPe
Guest [DOH]TaPe
thats nice...but it did start out a little morbid 8P)

Morbid? :(


When you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. Live your life so that when you die, you're the one who is smiling and everyone around you is crying.

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Guest [DOH]TaPe
Guest [DOH]TaPe
Guest [DOH]TaPe

When you're feeling lonely, you're not alone. And yet, you are alone... so very alone.



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Guest [DOH]TaPe
Guest [DOH]TaPe
Guest [DOH]TaPe
are u still talking? <_<

Are you still afraid of rain? :rolleyes:

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Guest Boy Sherman
Guest Boy Sherman
Guest Boy Sherman

damn rain hurts man!

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