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Poor recrud behavior

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Today I played on Recrud for the first time in a while (I'm a regular on Mayhem) and it probably will be another while before I return. I was suprised by how a few of the other regulars were acting. I was intentionally tk'd by one after accidently shooting him/her, who then said "I'm tired of you guys shooting me, use your radar!" Then on the next map I watched a regular and someone else get in a tk fest with eachother. Of course, the regular then calls in an admin and gets the other guy banned. No one said anything about them BOTH tking.


The point of this post is not to punish or name names. Instead, for those of you involved or not, I hope you realize everything you do in the server reflects upon GC and on any clan you are in. In this case, not only are people visiting GC seeing this "typical" bad server behavior, but you're making everyone else in the server look bad too.




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The point of this post is not to punish or name names. Instead, for those of you involved or not, I hope you realize everything you do in the server reflects upon GC and on any clan you are in. In this case, not only are people visiting GC seeing this "typical" bad server behavior, but you're making everyone else in the server look bad too.






hi jay thank you for posting this! there are A LOT of people who care very much! they care about how ALL the servers run and the people that are there to keep it real and fun for all


sorry you had to feel dissapointed enough to post this :( don't give up faith I think that more than you imagine there are people here who do so much for the gamerscoalition that you would be amazed!!! sorry for a sour experience :huh:


I always try to be as polite and friendly as possible I love this community and all it represents and playing on some of the best servers and with the best players is what keeps me showing up with a smile :wavey::stretch::D^_^:boing::hihi::lol2::smileyb::spin2::biggrinjester:

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I've played on Recrudsecence many times. It has a very different feel and attracts a different crowd than Mayhem, but this sounds like an aberration to me.


If an admin gets called to deal with something, obviously they won't know anything more than they've been told. If you see a regular abusing the faith being placed in them you can speak up yourself. Any player can send messages to all admins and GC members by putting '@ ' (@ and a space) before their chat or team chat. Just be warned that some of us can be impressively oblivious (especially when fiddling with the console), and you might need to try a couple of times to get attention.

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I know I was the admin that was called, I got an xfire while at work telling me of a tker, I jumped on hslw and banned him asap, im now guessiing the person who asked for him to be banned also was the one who was exchanging tk's, he did tell me he had to tk him once or twice but he was saving him from tking tons of others, not good to retaliate, but thats the story i got.

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it was more than just that one guy who seemed to use alot of friendly fire. the other people just weren't as bad. i was getting annoyed by people not using their radar and creating unnecessary friendly fire if the smallest attention was looked at on radar. i just must say it was unusual night when i didn't recongize a third of names on recrud.

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Thanks for the responses. I am not coming down on GC or any of the admins here. I'm just saying, those of us who play with GC, members or just regulars, have a responsibility to play like the mature adults we are. When you falter for just a second and intentionally tk someone, you're soiling GC and yourself. Either get an admin or walk away, its just not worth it.




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  • 4 weeks later...

if you see a clan named [rev] except the rev is spelled with those fancy shmancy letters people love to use grab an admin to watch them.


They were on Recrud last night killing everyone on their teams. The whole clan. I didn't want to post up on the ban requests because I didn't manage to capture their names or steam ID's. I was the only one on Recrud that knew any admins so I was searching for one while the shannanigans were going on.


Thanks again Allanon for coming to the rescue, you fixed the server right up, I just wish there was more that I could have done to help.


Oh, and for the record, if anyone ever has any complaints about me, I've probably done something to offend completely unintentionally, so just tell me so I can stop being stupid! :-) I love .gc and would never intentionally be a schmuck to anyone on the server.

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