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This summer has had usual bang of summer action flicks and I have yet to be disapointed. I loved this movie. The humor was right on, the action was fantastic. However, do not expect the entire movie to be action. The middle half of the movie focused more on plot and humor, yet I was entertained throughout the picture. Of course, some of the 'slow motion' action moments were cheesy, but overall I would recommend this movie to anyone who wants wants to see a fine action film.

Edited by YoMamma
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9.8 out of 10



The movie was so freaking good that I'm going to see it again today, and I'm just as excited as I was yesterday. It didn't get the full 10 out of 10 because of one small irritation at the end of the movie tha thas to do with Bumblebee. That being said, this was incredible. The CG was probably the best I've ever seen, and they did an amazing job at making the audience feel as if these giant robots were really taking part in the live action. It was sweet.


For Transformers fans like myself and Slaughter, it was absolutely incredible. Also, along the lines of what YoMamma said, there were some definite corny parts, but it's Transformers....Transformers wouldn't be themselves if they didn't have their corny moments. It's an integral part of who they are! :-)


Definitely a must see....and I plan on seeing it more than twice in theaters. :peace:

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if you haven't seen the original movie, you absolutely need to. just remember there was no cgi/computer aided animation... but the story is amazing and the soundtrack was very memorable.....also the cast of voices was amazing too...leonard nimoy, casey cason, orson wells, eric idle even :) -- but that is something that is generational i suppose...i got into transformers at a very influential part of my life, so it means more to me to reflect back on those things


as far as the original series, i wouldn't say go run out and see it right away, but if you want to know the background of the transformers, you should see them...it's 4 seasons worth (but the 4th was a short season)

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just wanted to say i finally saw it the other day.... i have mixed feelings...but the warm fuzzy feeling still overwhelms the skeptical feeling i get :D


i really wish they hadn't pushed the "all new cars" kinda thing... would have been neat to see them as "everyday" cars like the bulk of them used to be. and i really wish they had made the transformations simpler! there were so many moving parts i couldn't comprehend how they were transforming :)


and i wish the voices were the same as they used to be...LOL (unrelated, but i miss ironhide's voice saying "BUT PRIME!" and optimus responding "No, Ironhide!").... and how could they put "Devastator" in the movie as a standard Tank? what's that about?

the list goes on....like they should have consulted with me or something before writing the storyline :)


it was still a good movie....but couldn't they have remained more true to the cartoon and the original movie??

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and i wish the voices were the same as they used to be...LOL (unrelated, but i miss ironhide's voice saying "BUT PRIME!" and optimus responding "No, Ironhide!").... and how could they put "Devastator" in the movie as a standard Tank? what's that about?

the list goes on....like they should have consulted with me or something before writing the storyline :)



Peter Cullen was the voice of Optimus Prime in the movie. He is also the original voice

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Just saw it last night, and I LOVED IT! Extremely entertaining throughout, I never once looked at my watch to see when it would be over, even though its well over 2 hours long.


Even my wife loved it, and she was skeptical going in and didn't know anything about transformers.


The CGI effects were easily the best I have ever seen, and I agree the integration of the transformers and live action sequences was seamless, especially considering all of the damage done to the surroundings :D


A++, and they better make another one!

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  • 4 months later...
i really wish they had made the transformations simpler! there were so many moving parts i couldn't comprehend how they were transforming


one thing i heard about the transforming was that michael bay (the director) wanted all the physics to work out. he didnt want things to pop into and out of existence. thats why its so complicated.

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