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shaken things up


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basically says this:


You don't legally have to pay income tax but the IRS has no oversight and is above the law so it can still squash you like a bug.


National ID cards will be out next year and they will include an RF chip so that you can be tracked just by carrying it. Also they are issuing RF capsules via injection to folks now so they can be tracked without the card. They relate this over to the Revelation prophesy in the Bible of taking the mark or you won't be able to buy or sell.


Also it covers how we are moving towards a one world govt. where everything is controlled by a few select folks.


The video is in-depth and well done. It is agenda motivated but who isn't? It brings to light several ideas that most folks take for granted or never knew at all and sheds some light on some things that are straight-up scary.

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I don't really see a problem with those. Despite what many people believe to be the contrary, I feel my tax money is put to good use. (Most of the time) If someone has nothing to hide, then there shouldn't be a problem with being tracked. And with the way google Earth is evolving, it looks like people will be able to look in on you, regardless. And a world gov't won't change anything. Instead of international wars, we'll just call them civil wars. Though he is right in how that seems to be the way we're heading, but none of it really upsets me.

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And unfortunately that is exactly the attitude of preWW2 Germany. Then the Nazi party took over , disarmed them forced registration and you had to be able to identify yourself with current papers 24/7. It's also that same complacent attitude that allows our civil liberties to be crushed or disbanded. When they say Jews are a hate group because they believe everyone not Jewish by faith will go to hell. Or they simply take control of local television stations so that they don't bad mouth the current govt. (although a few press folks could benifit from a nice shiney new muzzle)


Not attacking you, but this country works because of passionate people, it was founded by criminals throwing off the chains of English rule. This is a group of Spanish, French and English colonies and we kicked Spain, France and England out. I'm not telling anyone not to pay their taxes but I am saying whatever it is that you do, do it with your eyes open and be informed. Don't just sit back and let someone tell you that you have to do it for your own good. By the people, of the people and for the people.

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I agree with what you say, but I didn't really mean to come off that way. For example, in our last vote, shortly before the elections began, Canadians found out that the liberals had misspent a lot of our tax money. I would've been infuriated if they were voted back in again, but luckily, the conservatives won (by only a small margin, which angers me in itself). It's up to every citizen to allow zero tolerance with right-revoking laws and stealing our money, but it's just my personal opinion, that while the loss of privacy sucks, there are far too many benefits from it.


Although, on the contrary, it would seem Microsoft and a bunch of other IT companies think they should police the world. This is one of the few topics that actually fires me up in terms of revoking rights. http://www.theinquirer.net/default.aspx?article=9391


If you actually look at Microsoft's site/any info about trustworthy computing, it can truly be disturbing how much they try to play this off as something that is not only 'good', but it's absolutely AMAZING for everyone out there (just like Vista). And this one ticks me off because people are allowing it to happen. And when it's implemented and people say 'oh crap, this sucks' it'll be way too late.


So I know you didn't mean to attack me personally, but I just felt I should clarify what I was saying above.

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