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Diabetic Weight Gain


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Say gents, I have a new problem that prevents me from packing on anymore weight. Now I've been a wrestler since my days as a wee child, and I've always ben big on working out, running, and lifting. The question I have for any of you, if any of you are also diabetic and athletes or if you've read anything regarding it, is that after this past Summer I cut down from 220 to 195.


Now while I celebrated my weight loss it leaves me with a poetential problem for this season. My coaches may ask me to bulk back up more to wrestle Heavyweight again, so I'd need to slap on that 30lbs again. But being recently diagnosed with diabetes, I'm finding it hard to bulk up as I cant seem to gain any weight. Any tips?

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  • 4 months later...
Tell your coach you're 195, take it or leave it.



The risk/reward profile doesn't look good. That's an arrogant request on his part; he's not offering up any risk and only benefits from it.


What's your risk/reward? Do you think he's going to be by your side holding your hand if you develop an end-stage nephropathy 5 years from now?


Health always trumps work. Always.

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  • 7 months later...

Hey I have diabetes too, recently diagnosed can be tough to get a handle on insulin regimens. I have had it for 20 yrs so I am pretty used to it. Talk to your doc about certain insulin combinations that really allow you more freedom in your diet. Currently I take a 24 hr Lantus background with Short acting Humalog multiple times a day (whenever I eat pretty much or the glucose level needs a tweak). While I do have to give myself shots often, you will need to test often too, and it takes some practice to know what to take for the Humalog with what you eat... once you get the hang of it you can pretty much eat whatever you want, whenever you want and still keep the glucose levels in great control. It seems that (though I have not had to try to gain lbs this way) that you could start packing it in and still stay in good control.


An idea at least, make sure to talk to your endicrinologist prior to making any changes in your stuff.


I guess this is assuming that you have insulin dependant diabetes, if you don't and are regulated by diet, nevermind :)

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  • 4 months later...

In my line of work, when we respond to a Diabetic Emergency, sometimes the person is acting like they are extremely drunk and combative and other times they are just tired and acting normally.


Two different people with a blood sugar level of 20 will react differently based on how they control their diabetes.


Those who drink pop and candy to try to keep their levels up whenever they feel bad are the ones whose body does not react well to drops in blood sugar levels.


Those who watch their diets and exercise as well as take their insulin when they are supposed to react very well to low sugar levels.


The difference is really amazing. Those who dont take care of themselves you would swear are dying. Those who do only appear to be weak and sweaty, but are totally normal otherwise.


We've had people pass out and crash their cars as well from low blood sugar.


Bottom line, this is not a condition to be taken lightly. If you dont take care of yourself, the results could be bad.


I gather that you are young now, but the earlier you start taking care of your body and monitoring your diabetes, the better it will be for you later on. This is a very managable disease, but only if you stay on top of it.


So you need to ask yourself, how important is it that you stress your body out to gain that weight to move up a class?

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