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Nice...Unclean it is like the add-on things you can get from logitech for certain games that have some features built into the game.


Let us know how it works.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It requires far too much tweaking to work properly, and it seems that everytime I exit from the game, it rewrites the authentication codes from the XML documents so the next time I load up the modded hotbars are broken.


I quit. I'll update if I find something that works within reason.

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After you're done tweaking it, can you just set the files to "Read-Only"?


I could, but considering the amount of hate this game passes to my computer (mostly in the form of fragmentation) I'm afraid of angering it further.

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In what respect? :D


In an area that you've probably never had any issues in before, length. :halo:


I'm starting to wonder if it's your sig or your avatar that's the culprit. Also, are you making it longer as I notice this? :lol2:

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It's my avatar...it was pre-approved. It's been like that for about 4-5 years now. Hehe, when I first came back, Congregation gave me some good natured ach ee double hockey sticks about it. :D And no, not making it longer.

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It's my avatar...it was pre-approved. It's been like that for about 4-5 years now. Hehe, when I first came back, Congregation gave me some good natured ach ee double hockey sticks about it. :D And no, not making it longer.


Yeah I figured as much.


Heck you might as well advertise in all that real-estate you have down there...might be able to afford this game. :shrug03:

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