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Watchmen Trailer


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having the smashing pumpkin(s) / billy corgan do the score isn't getting off on the right foot...but, if i'd trust anyone on nerdcore stuff, it'd be playaa :D


ps - anyone see DK in imax? i'm not even trying until next week -- is it even released to imax, yet?

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Judging by the trailer, Snyder seems to be able to replicate many of the scenes from the graphic novel (not surprising considering his attention to visual detail). Other than that, it is difficult to tell whether or not he will adhere to the ideology of Alan Moore.


As excited as I am about a Watchmen movie, I am also skeptical. Film adaptations of Moore's works has so far been relatively unsuccessful in terms of staying true to his material; they either suffer from faulty characterizations (League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (2003), Constantine (2005)) or contrived plots (V for Vendetta). The "problem" with Moore's stories is that they are so epic and ambitious that a lesser filmmaker/ screenwriter is not able to grasp its full worth.


Don't get me wrong; I enjoyed parts of Constantine and V for Vendetta, but I also acknowledged the fact that certain things were not fully explored or were cripplingly "dumbed down" for a general, mass audience. Understandably, parts of Watchmen's story will be cut to fit a running time of (most likely) 2-3 hours, but I am only concerned with whether or not the social/ political critique will be retained. I find Watchmen to be the most critical of society after V for Vendetta, which was depressingly effective in describing fascistic governments.


Terry Gilliam was once tapped to direct Watchmen, but later he reneged, citing the fact that it would be more realistic to make a television series. Moore himself did not think a film adaptation was plausible and has cut his ties to Hollywood after being accused of plagiarism by a writer(s) [i.e. complete jackhole/ biggest idiot in the universe] who was adapting League of Extraordinary Gentlemen for the screen.


Hopefully, Snyder, who has gained Hollywood's trust so far with the financial success of 300, will take the time to explore the character stories behind the major players in Watchmen. The trailer is a bit misleading (unintentionally) in that it seems that the Watchmen is an action film, which it is not in terms of the graphic novel. There are very few action scenes in the book.


On a final note, I will say this: if Rorschach is not as sadistic as he is in the comic book, I will not watch the film. :luxhello:

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I just read Entertainment Weekly's interview with Snyder and he definitely wants to stay true to the book. His current directors cut is over 3 hours but the studio is forcing him to get it down to at least 2 and a half hours.

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  • 4 months later...

Second trailer for Watchmen:




Kind of ambivalent at this point. Rorschach's line, "An attack on one is an attack on all of us" I don't recall from the book (there's another line at the beginning of the trailer with the Comedian that I believe is added, but it doesn't bother me as much), which leads me to believe Snyder took it from NATO:


"The [North Atlantic] Council agreed that if it is determined that this was an attack directed from abroad against the United States, it shall be regarded as an action covered by Article Five of the Washington Treaty, which states that an attack against one ally is an attack against them all."




No doubt Snyder seems to want to invoke a post - 9/11 atmosphere in some way, although I hope he doesn't force it like he did in 300.


POSSIBLE SPOILER: I also hope he understands the comparison between what happens in the book and what has happened in real life events of recent memory is what makes that line "An attack on one is an attack on all of us" ridiculous, at least in an ideological sense, which is something I think Alan Moore would have pointed out. Considering that it's just a trailer, it's possible that Snyder does know the fallacy of that remark and that the film may reflect that. END POSSIBLE SPOILER.


Still, it looks like he's tried very hard to preserve visual aspects of the comic book (minus Nite-Owl's flabbiness) for the film, so he should be given credit for that. I'm sure most of us are waiting to hear how much of the dialogue is faithful. :smillie_smilling:

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Saw the movie last night. Amazing. I never read the Watchmen but you definitely have to appreciate the movie for what it was. Don;t go into it expecting another comic book movie, its nothing like Spiderman, Xmen, or any of the others. You have to get into the story rather than the action/adventure to enjoy the film. I would suggest it to certain friends i know would like it, but not for others who would be bored after 30 minutes.

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