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Racist kickvotes and hate


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Charlie plays really well with high ping. It's around 150 I think. It's just something you get used to. Not sure what 250 looks like. Attacking people is probably like rolling a dice.


Someone else kicked you this time. I think it was redrum... It should show in the logs. I only vote kick people who have always on mics or for intentional greifing which I rarely see surprisingly. Is holding spitter while everyone is screaming at you to spit and die griefing? haha


Not sure why 3/5 of our team voted to kick you. I also heard the Vodka and Rocky 4 comments today. Is that racism? I'm going to go with yes. I mean if associating watermelon and chicken with black people is racist... Or noodles and sushi with Asians. All that stuff is delicious. What are we talking about again? Why do I need javascript enabled to properly format this? ahhhhhhh

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This was after you were vkicked for whatever reason the first time:


01/03/12 12:34:52: 123lookatMe<1:27237261>

























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I think something needs to be done about the kicking. We kicked someone in dead center yesterday who purposely walked to the window and stood there and waited to get death charged. Griefing, mic spamming, yelling, being really mean and nasty, are good reasons.


I think people kicking people because of skill has gotten out of hand. After we kicked that guy for griefing the other team kicked 2 or 3 people for "lack of skill".


123- While I understand you're frustration, swearing at others is not a good way to get your point across. I understand people can be rude and mean but it wont help your case.


Jackie- I think making members only vote kicks might be a good ideal, but you still never know. Admins can't be on 24/7 and members can abuse(less likely) but you never know. (cough "Session")


Mechanical- You many have been Pro but arrogance is a bad shade of pink on an already ugly bridesmaid dress. This guy just wants to be your friend and he reminds me of Dean, Dean doesn't know the best english but he tries, just like this guy is trying to communicate.


MPG- Has a good point 123, you shouldn't insult yourself, or others. You are upset because people are being mean to you. If you want us to be on your side and help then you really have to let the admins do their job, and hope that those people who are being mean and kicking you for no reason, listen to the admins and quit breaking the rules for kicking people based on skill.

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Hi Guys,


Just registered on the forums to kind of say my piece about the situation. I initiated like 3 kicks on 123lookatme today for several reasons, the first being that he was being incredibly loud and obnoxious with his mic spam, and it wasn't even in english, so he was being loud and ranting to himself on the mic which was incredibly annoying. Aside from that, he was rude and would always go afk in the back, or would just walk in the opposite direction of where we needed to go as survivor. He was not kicked, nor voted to be kicked for playing poorly, but his behaviour was typical "troll" type stuff. You can see by the chat log above that Jackie posted, this guy was looking for attention, then he wants to come cry on the forums about being treated badly? Or calling charlie racist?


Anyway.. love the server, love playing with the regulars, glad to be on the forums etc etc.. but this guy is a huge tool.

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123, our server has a no swearing/racism/anything offensive rule. You first need to learn to follow that even when you're mad. Secondly, his reasons for votekicking you are pretty valid, especially after seeing the logs of your own behavior. Something will most likely be done about votekicking, but you need to still be civil about the whole matter in the mean time.

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