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GC Coalition Member

I type with CAPS intentionally. I try to join the server for more then 10 minutes (still dint join it).

Why i cant? Well some kids may be idle on spectator mode. I understand you go to toilet, take a soda or something, but dont be idle! Very selfish. :mad:



PS: Welcome ³[MJ-QC]*PouTch!*. He just buy the membership :dork: . (He is also trying the join the server)

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How do you know they're idle? Do you have proof? They could be watching and not talking (as much). Would you want someone to say every minute "Not afk".


Now afk as a survivor or someone thats suppose to be playing is another thing. I have no idea how the afk kick works (if I recall doesnt the plugin move you to spectator when afk?), I wonder if it kicks them from the game or not since theres no room for spectator.


If this causing so many problems right now, there should be an AFK check for spectator. Like something every 8 or 10 minutes something comes up "Are you afk?" with a yes or no count down of 5 or 10seconds. this only happens for members as I see no real reason for it to pop up for admins. If its admins sitting in spec they probably have a good reason.


Also since this the weekend expect it to be full all the time till the weekday

Edited by ValenAlvern
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I agree, I can't stand people that just hog the spec slots. This has come up numerous times too and here are the main excuses:

  1. "But I want to wait until the rounds over!" Cool. Leave and come back when the rounds over. It's not like you're going to lose your spot; you're a member. Not everyone likes/has the time to wait around like you.
  2. "But I like watching!" That's cool, as long as you're the only one in spec. But if there's two of you it's not cool.
  3. "But I don't like my team and pretending to go AFK for five minutes then comeback and hopefully stack on the winning team!" This has been really popular recently. You guys aren't fooling anyone.
  4. "But I'll just be back in a minute!" Okay, then leave. You're a member and won't have any trouble rejoining unless people are holding spec slots.

I'm not going to name drop but there are few members that FREQUENTLY hold BOTH spec slots subsequently rendering auto-kick feature for memebers useless. I don't know how many more times this has to pop up before somethings done about it.

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I'm not going to name drop but there are few members that FREQUENTLY hold BOTH spec slots subsequently rendering auto-kick feature for memebers useless.

Hmmm maybe making one of the spec slots admin only, this way you can kick non members for a spot... but it'll probably be abused.

Edited by ValenAlvern
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Classic reason for 'why we can't have nice things'. Codrut is right, we shouldn't have players spectating for extended periods because it blocks people from joining. Jackie shouldn't have to make the server kick members that spectate when the server is full, but it may come to that.


So--don't spectate when the server is full. Please spread the word on this in-game, because not everyone checks the forums. You want those spots to stay as 'spectator' slots? Use them courteously.

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I agree, I can't stand people that just hog the spec slots. This has come up numerous times too and here are the main excuses:

  1. "But I want to wait until the rounds over!" Cool. Leave and come back when the rounds over. It's not like you're going to lose your spot; you're a member. Not everyone likes/has the time to wait around like you.
  2. "But I like watching!" That's cool, as long as you're the only one in spec. But if there's two of you it's not cool.
  3. "But I don't like my team and pretending to go AFK for five minutes then comeback and hopefully stack on the winning team!" This has been really popular recently. You guys aren't fooling anyone.
  4. "But I'll just be back in a minute!" Okay, then leave. You're a member and won't have any trouble rejoining unless people are holding spec slots.

I'm not going to name drop but there are few members that FREQUENTLY hold BOTH spec slots subsequently rendering auto-kick feature for memebers useless. I don't know how many more times this has to pop up before somethings done about it.

u cant blame me for this session bc when i was in spec i wasnt afk but the server wasnt full as well LAWL!!! U cANT BLAME ME!!!! plus i havent really been playing much so u really cant blame me.

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Oh, session isnt blaming you. I am, so stop holding my spec spots. I want to be the only one laughing at people while they make mistakes.


if anything uve been in the server more than i have for 2 weeks now. but u never really in spec unless we are playin that game

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Oh, session isnt blaming you. I am, so stop holding my spec spots. I want to be the only one laughing at people while they make mistakes.


if anything uve been in the server more than i have for 2 weeks now. but u never really in spec unless we are playin that game

Which we can't play anymore because people get mad at us for having fun.
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Oh, session isnt blaming you. I am, so stop holding my spec spots. I want to be the only one laughing at people while they make mistakes.


if anything uve been in the server more than i have for 2 weeks now. but u never really in spec unless we are playin that game

Which we can't play anymore because people get mad at us for having fun.


rgr that... i miss that game.... its been over a month since we last played it *tears*

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You could always do a maximum amount of seconds people can idle in spectator before it auto-drops them.

Or just restrict spectator entirely to admins, again.

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GC Server Admin

When server is not full, there should be no reason for anyone to sit in spec for prolonged periods of time. If you are in spec for more than 1 map, don't be upset that you will probably be kicked.

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You could always do a maximum amount of seconds people can idle in spectator before it auto-drops them.

Or just restrict spectator entirely to admins, again.


Why not have a 2-4 minute restriction on sitting in spectator mode (as a non-member/admin) before you are kicked for afk?

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You could always do a maximum amount of seconds people can idle in spectator before it auto-drops them.

Or just restrict spectator entirely to admins, again.


Why not have a 2-4 minute restriction on sitting in spectator mode (as a non-member/admin) before you are kicked for afk?

non members cant go in spec right?

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I could explain the glitch (because of my knowledge on the modding portion) and how to fix it, if it hasn't been patched, and is what I think it is.

Also, just start counters for how long someone is in spec and reset it when the map ends. If people start disconnect/reconnecting to reset the timer

then just create a database that remembers it. But with how busy the server is, I don't see people disconnecting/reconnecting. Then again, it would

just boot a player for them to connect so they might do it. You could always temp-ban the abusers, though.


However, if you simply do the counter for rounds in spectator, if they're in after 3 (there are two rounds per map in versus) you could just drop them

from the server. But, I really expected people, especially on GC, to be more respectful to other players than to idle in spectator like that.

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