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Stable Server


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Now that the server is stable and isn't crashing can we explore ideas that once were forbidden?


Raising tank limits beyond 3....other heavy intense items like maybe add in the ability to change what time of day it is on map?

And add in storms to levels? OR make the cloudy, dark scenes of hard rain apply to any map of choosing?

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It's not that it does or doesn't cause instability. It's that it's not a necessary feature; There's no real reason to add it, and just adding it would most likely cause a great amount of confusion amongst players. Also, a lot of people may not like it. I imagine he'd give consideration if you could present an actual legitimate reason for why the server needs the feature. In regards to tanks, I imagine he doesn't want to increase the tank limit because too many tanks running around can be equally confusing.

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imagine he'd give consideration if you could present an actual legitimate reason for why the server needs the feature. In regards to tanks, I imagine he doesn't want to increase the tank limit because too many tanks running around can be equally confusing.


just thinking of ways to keep the server super new/fresh and fun/cool among the teenie boppers that's all.

And adding a fun feature can always be received positive/negative.


Look at presents! Those were an amazing addition. Just imagine if we could take the same maps people love and play all the time (to the detriment and raging of some) and make them different and add new elements to them. :D

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GC Coalition Member

imagine he'd give consideration if you could present an actual legitimate reason for why the server needs the feature. In regards to tanks, I imagine he doesn't want to increase the tank limit because too many tanks running around can be equally confusing.


just thinking of ways to keep the server super new/fresh and fun/cool among the teenie boppers that's all.

And adding a fun feature can always be received positive/negative.


Look at presents! Those were an amazing addition. Just imagine if we could take the same maps people love and play all the time (to the detriment and raging of some) and make them different and add new elements to them. :D


Fun things :). Is a good idea (i personally dont want dark places but still) , but the game will crash multiples times. Also, for the tank thing. Imagine 10 survivors vs 5 tanks :)

Maybe if you put the best in survivors it will not be a problem (2 surv normaly easily kill a tank) if 10 are in and all good, they will focus fire on each tank. But there are many newbs lately :). Keep thinking, you will get it someday :))

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Raising tank limits beyond 3.


Good lord, why? when there was no limits, you'd only need ONE good player and everyone could be a tank before the middle. With 3 at a time it is manageable, this actually gives survivors a chance to win, even on The Parish sewer trap. I also dont think half the time should be a Tank, half of half is good (3).


Now if theres a Tank Queue Timer, than I think maybe 4 Tanks at a time with a Queue Timer of 1minute. Say 4 tanks spawn in and one gets added to the Queue, Tank 4 Dies, You have to wait one minute before the next Tank spawns in. Even if theres only 3, if theres one in the Queue it wont spawn in another Tank.


Or we could have 3 Tanks with the Berserker Tank, when on Fire it gets increased speed.


Though personally I think SI should all have Special properties like the Boomer being 1% chance to Infect survivors.


Smoker, should have 1% chance to instantly incap a Survivor. "<player>'s has gotten Spinal Tapped' by <smoker_player>"

Jockey, should have 1% chance to cause 3 extra points of damage when riding. "<player> is being ridden by the Manic Jokcey!"

Spitter, should do 50%~80% less damage, and be given 1% chance to recharge Spit. Since everyone loves the "Spit and Die" thing, this should be more fitting. That or 1% to do normal spit damage. "<spitter_player> launched Super Charged Spit!"

Hunter, should have 1% to not make noise. "<player> has been incapped by the not-so friendly Ninja Hunter"

Charger, should have 1% Charge 2 people at once, or Extended Charging. "<player>(s)as been caught by the Double Fisted Charger"


Tanks should just have them faster movement speed when on fire. "Tank is on Fire, now he's really mad!". Maybe increased Damage.


Figured since Survivors have classes, all infected should have a little spazzing too.


Boomer has a chance to infect people by the way..

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I agree with Jackie; from my time of writing several different plugins ; from simple and advanced buy plugins, to rpg plugins, the limit I've always felt was the most balanced was two tanks. One can be rick rolled, easily, but two can work together and do a good amount of damage. Three or more really just causes too much confusion, and throws balance out of the window. I am, personally, a stickler for balance, and I've tried to find ways to balance more than two tanks to give players flexibility, but there's just no way to do it without shooting fun factor into the floor. Also, tanks are designed, in general, to be support classes; And they lose that role when there are enough running around to throw the need for strategy out.


My only beef with the current system; I love everything else, to be honest, is it doesn't reward players for their investments. What I mean is quite often I'll do 99.99% of the damage on a special infected player, and another survivor will land the killing blow, taking the points for the kill, and myself being rewarded with nothing. I think it'd be nice if players were awarded points based on their contribution to the kill, not the actual kill; You get points equal to the damage contribution, rather. Now, there are other problems, like the witches not spawning in the right places; purchasing a witch that spawns on a roof some-where is always frustrating.


As for what is causing the servers to crash, it's most likely just a novice mistake in the code. You can't fault jackie - coding, especially plugins on an extremely fragile engine like this version of source, can cause crashes where they never should. It takes a lot of time and investment to stabilize code, when you're working on larger plugins like the buy plugin running on the server. Hands down, everyone should thank him for the hard work, but I think he's more interested in providing reliable server stability before he considers adding more features.

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