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So its high time my 7 yr old son start learning to play video games. correctly, that is.


But we're not jumping straight onto the Xbox... No, no... Ole' Dad had to earn his stripes so my kids are gonna have to as well.


We're starting off with the original Super Mario Bro. on an emulated 8-bit NES. From there, we'll move to Mega Man and see how he does.


Games nowadays hold your hand, save every other map, and have no difficulty whatsoever. He's not going to learn that way.



Any other suggestions? I have every system up to Dreamcast emulated in our game room, so my library is whatever the intertubes can offer up.

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I would represent him old ATARI games, but you can start with old NES/Sega mega drive games.


My suggestions : Mario, Teenage mutant ninja turtles, Tetris, Zelda, Bomber man, Paper boy, Skate or die, Ski or die, Donkey Kong, Pac Man, Bubble Bobble, ...etc

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Seven? Seven? Was Three when I was playing Super Mario Bros. on the NES. By 5 I had already played most of the Classics on the NES, Super Mario Bros.1/2/3, Megaman 2/3/5, Contra, etc. I had owned a Genesis while a Kid down the street had an SNES, I had Sonic 2, Mortal Kombat, X-men, I also had a Hidden Gem of a game Dynamite Headdy. On the SNES I had played Super Mario World... and the countless Arcade like games...Knights of the Around, Actraiser, Aero the Acro-Bat, pretty sure thats a hidden gem too. Wasnt till I had gotten a PS2/GC that my video game collection had increasingly expanded, oh and lets not forget the Handled Games.


Gameboy, Theres Mario/Wario Land, Pokemon, Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Land.


I know I am missing a lot here, but you get the gist, but did I beat them? I remember beating at least 80% of the games Ive played. My father had also had gotten an Atari at one point, that came with 80 games.

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Yeah, we've really limited the kids TV/Game time. They've mostly been more interested in sports and outdoor stuff.... of which I'm NOT going to complain. Also, I mostly play stuff like L4D so I never really let them watch or play. They did watch me beat Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 and I remember thinking, MY GOD are kids spoiled nowadays... This crap is waaaaayyy to easy.

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If you want your kids to really enjoy older games, should play Mario Party 3 at least. MP1 while make blisters on your hand...well from the original n64 controller. and if you go the Mario way


Super Mario Bros. 1 => 3 => World => World 2:Yoshi's Island (hit and miss w/ some people) => 64 => Sunshine (another hit and miss). Super Mario Bros. 2, depends on the version the first American is indeed fun, but very long in my opinion, I find it to be as long as the 3d games. :Lost Levels is probably too hard, since Nintendo got mad that a lot of people were saying the first one was easy.


Also if you let them play Double Dragons a "fun" variation of it is River City Ransom. I played it before and I got Jackie to play with me and we had loads of fun. A two hour game.



Edit: VeryNSFW Jackie and I play


Edit 2: Good lord cant use url tag for youtube links? keeps making it media tags.



EDIT 3: Also when I was younger I also played Arcade games (not many around, but in Arizona we still ave some =))... played the classics like Galaga and all those games. Asteroids. One that really caught my eye was the Sega Arcade Title...Shadow of the Shinobi.. I think, could be wrong. I dont know how you feel with violence in video games, but Metal Slug is also a classic, theres also bullet hell shooters too, but thats probably to advanced for them, or kids now a days, I found Capcoms Progear to be very good.

Edited by ValenAlvern
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Throw some Heavy Barrel and Altered Beast at him.


Man as a kid I was able to beat it and I tried playing it again and I couldnt make it past the first stage. Kid Chameleon is also good. Theres two western games on the SNES that kids could enjoy, but they're kinda hard and take some time to beat in one sitting. Sunset Riders and Wild Guns.

Edited by ValenAlvern
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