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new to l4d2


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Most of the people will be fairly understanding if you let them know you're new, and you take their advice, it's fairly easy to learn that way


Stay with your team and don't rush ahead, make sure you understand your way around the points system, spitters should die after they spit first, and beware of the Evil One (Meng)


You're really throwing yourself in at the deep end, just having played and coming to play 10 vs 10 here, but it's always the most fun way to learn :D


Good luck mate, and I hope to see you ingame

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You'll probably die of few death charges, but that's how you will learn :P


As other said, for now stay in front, don't shop too much, don't go to death charge or tall area where you can get trapped easily. As SI if you miss as charger the death charge, buy suicide, as spitter spit and die. As charger charge from front to back unless you'll gonna incap someone or kill him.

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I'm just like u kronik. Bought the game because it was so cheap. Single player was easy, real problems began after I joined GC server... Oh god, why? I just can't do anything there. Everything moves and attacks. I've played only 2 times, seems like I always join weak team. GL

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I'm just like u kronik. Bought the game because it was so cheap. Single player was easy, real problems began after I joined GC server... Oh god, why? I just can't do anything there. Everything moves and attacks. I've played only 2 times, seems like I always join weak team. GL


it ebbs and flows. One or two people can change the dynamic of a team during a campaign for better or for worse. If a teams getting rolled, eventually you'll get some regulars come in, but mainly it's like others said. If you're new, try to stick near the front...meaning be up around the front of the pack and stick close to a teammate. The back of the pack is the hardest part of the survivor group because infected will target stragglers. That said, don't BE the front of the pack either, don't run ahead and leave the pack behind because you'll get jockeyed or worse hunted.

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