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If anyone's playing, friend Jack and I and play with us!


GirlzillaGC and JackBurton


I have some screenies of my first character running around, Jack's the little wood elf in the background hehe! I've never played an MMO before, so noobs welcome! Playyy with us!




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I played some of the beta and my brother bought the full game. So I played some live also.


Feels like an MMORPG... kind of. To me it feels like it's somewhere in between a standard MMORPG of pressing number keys for abilities and a proper Elder Scrolls game. Which I guess is what they are going for, but it doesn't feel enough like a proper Elder Scrolls game. Having played the Elder Scrolls games since Morrowind the MMORPG part is the part holding it back, which sucks because that's what the point of them making the game. I didn't think I'd like it from the start and I was right after having played it.


I would have preferred something like Destiny, Borderlands, or The Division gameplay. A small group of people in a full fledged Skyrim like world, with all the real time physics and real time combat, not an MMORPG half-breed. Destiny and The Division also have a MMOG feeling because you can run into other groups of players while running around in your group. That's how I would have wanted this game to go.

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We're having fun playing it - join us! I'm trying each faction - have a new character, a healer.


Jack and I, he's playing a Khajiit in this one


I really like the Argonian camps.


Morrowind-esque landscape



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  • 1 year later...

Weirdo me is going to try and get back into this.  No monthly fee now, so that's a plus.


I think I stopped before because a) was still in school (not anymore, woot), B) I never played MMOs before and, wow, I'm not good at this, and c) the community really turned me off (specifically, the mass of human scum that rises to the surface inevitably on a wave of spam, immaturity, etc)


BUT, I loved Morrowind, Skyrim, and I really just feel like seeing if anything's been improved since I last tried the game a REALLY long time ago.

I'll probably start a new character, too.


OK, so if anyone else is playing, let's play together :)



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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm starting back up I think. Tried it out again last night, picked some pockets, one npc got tinkleed and threw a couple of punches, so I cut him in half. Got an achievement for murdering someone lol. Then I ran into a guard who was not so pleased with me achieving that, demanded I pay a fee, I refused, and then he cut me in half. Was interesting lol.






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I'm starting back up I think. Tried it out again last night, picked some pockets, one npc got tinkled and threw a couple of punches, so I cut him in half. Got an achievement for murdering someone lol. Then I ran into a guard who was not so pleased with me achieving that, demanded I pay a fee, I refused, and then he cut me in half. Was interesting lol.







Ooo! yay!  Add me to your friend list.  I'm @girlzillaGC and Jack is @jackburton.  What's yours again?  I can't remember if we ever added you.  Queen says she's getting the game, too!! She may already have it.  


Woot woot!


I made a Khajiit nightblade and Jacks' been running around with his dragonknight.


So far I'm really enjoying it.  Glad I gave it a second chance.  I'm really understanding the combat a lot better.  I didn't get how to use Interrupt before, rofl.  I can do most quests on my own (as I prefer) except for the Group Dungeons where you should have four.  Jack and I had a blast going through those - we've done two so far.  Found two other randoms to play with.


I have some picktars!


Jack looked through his screenshots and found this goober one of us, so he emailed it to me so I can show you, rofl.




He named his Nord Herger Joyous from 13th Warrior.




He has a puma cat.




My khajiit has a guar, lol.  <3 Morrowind <3  I might have named the guar, but now I can't remember.  Haha!




My Khajiit is amed Zireza Sad-Eyes,  Rofl.




And she likes making stew with creepy skeletons watching.




Overall, I like the MMO.  The different quests are really great in terms of dialogue and content.  Some of the are really memorable.  The locations are amazing.  Grahtwood is my favorite so far.  <3



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I have a V12 High Elf Templar, was in the #1 ranked end game raiding guild in the world, Da Funk.  I played this game for about 3 months last summer and I loved it.  But the game had a LOT of issues.  I think they may have fixed many of them so maybe one day I will come back.


The PvP was great too, great but with lots of balance issues and technical issues.  The meta when I was active was just epic zerging a base with like 100 players, killing your framerate and crashing the servers.  If you are looking for 1v1 or small group PvP, it was hard to find because the PvP servers were geared towards mass scale epic warfare.  No dueling system when I played.  The biggest issue I had was magic based classes and skills were so OP, so everyone had a staff as weapons and magic skills.  Physical and strength based skills and attacks were underpowered so melee dps like warriors and assassins were generally only good in PVE.  


The game is BEAUTIFUL. Lots of interesting quests and diverse areas to explore and complete.  I honestly loved the lower lvl content, up to lvl 49.  Then at veteran ranks, it became super hard to solo quests and stuff.  I quit because my guild was so obsessed with grinding "world firsts" in the raiding content.  And the grouping system sucked when I played, and this is not a game for a lone gamer at end game PVE.  You really needed a guild to fully appreciate all the PVE end game content.   They probably fixed all this stuff.  Good memories :)

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  • 9 months later...

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