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9-11 Remembered


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Got this in an email chain...verbatum below:


Hope you had a GREAT Thanksgiving! Please remember our troops in your prayers of thanks.


The proud warriors of Baker Company wanted to do something to pay tribute to our fallen comrades.  So since we are part of the only Marine Infantry Battalion left in Iraq the one way that we could think of doing that is by taking a picture of Baker Company saying the way we feel.  It would be awesome if you could find a way to share this with our fellow countrymen.  I was wondering if there was any way to get this into your papers to let the world know that "WE HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN" and are proud to serve our country.  SemperFi!

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That's aweseome...


I went to GZ for the first time over Thanksgiving. I'll have to post the pics.


It was very chilling....we rode the new subway, which just opened down there 9 days ago, on the Monday before Thanksgiving. So here we were, boarding a train....in the exact spot where all of that fell...a very sobering feeling.

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Guest Mossad
Guest Mossad
Guest Mossad

I think i was there about a month after the attack, it was pretty scary.

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Im sorry for this post in advance, but I am sick of this.....I have pictures from being at GZ the day after.....yes I was there, yes I was also within a few miles on 9/11 and watched most of it happen.....Maybe it's just because of witnessing it first hand...but I have NOT forgotten, and NEVER will....as I think most of us will NEVER forget.....so keeping up the memory is a great thing and I am not bad mouthing that, but is there a need to keep reminding us?

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Yeah, I think this is our generation's Pearl Harbor, Chernoble, JFK Assassination, whatever. Doubt we're gonna forget about all that. We'll tell our grandkids about it, those of us that don't already have grandkids anyways...Yeah, I'm lookin at you, gramps... o0o


But we should remember this and not forget that it was 3-5 men with boxcutters against an airplane of people. Instead of "not getting involved" the next time this happens perhaps the words "innocent bystander" will mean what it's supposed to mean, which is not much. But that's one person's opinion. I don't know the circumstances of it all, but oh de well.

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Ghost,Dec 3 2003, 08:43 PM] so keeping up the memory is a great thing and I am not bad mouthing that, but is there a need to keep reminding us?



Though this was more of a tribute to the troops over there putting their lives on the line and letting them know that we are still behind them and that even with all the political BS going on we still remember why and we still respect them.

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Ghost,Dec 3 2003, 08:43 PM] Im sorry for this post in advance, but I am sick of this.....I have pictures from being at GZ the day after.....yes I was there, yes I was also within a few miles on 9/11 and watched most of it happen.....Maybe it's just because of witnessing it first hand...but I have NOT forgotten, and NEVER will....as I think most of us will NEVER forget.....so keeping up the memory is a great thing and I am not bad mouthing that, but is there a need to keep reminding us?

Yeah. There's a lot of stories. It was a bad time. I was standing there looking across the river when the towers went down. My brother was in the path train underneath the tower when the 1st plane hit. My best friend was 100 feet away when the towers collapsed. And a lot of us lost a lot of friends. But I liked this post. Maybe you will never forget. I won't either. And I'm sure many here won't, but I don't think it's a bad thing to post a tribute now and then.

Edited by DJ Premier
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That's aweseome...


I went to GZ for the first time over Thanksgiving.  I'll have to post the pics.


It was very chilling....we rode the new subway, which just opened down there 9 days ago, on the Monday before Thanksgiving.  So here we were, boarding a train....in the exact spot where all of that fell...a very sobering feeling.

It's amazing how fast that train is back up and running. If you saw what the complex was like downstairs when the towers were up, you'd be able to appreciate it that much more. Btw, way to go Bush. The fed gave NYC $2B for repairing and upgrading the rail system after the attacks.


As for Ghost, a lot of ppl who were directly affected actually respond the way you do. I think a lot of it had to do with that smell of melting steel and burning plastic that was in the air for about 4 months after the attacks. Ppl here are just more sensitive to these things because that smell was a constant ringing reminder for months on end.

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We were doing a field exercise that was almost over. We'd been out there for a week in simulated combat. It was a live-fire exercise with sim-rounds. A cease-fire was called, all the platoon sgts and those guys were all in a buzz. I'd noticed alot of radio activity from my radio man, which was strange. They were calling all the Marines on Camp Lejeune back to main-side of the base, calling on all freqs that we were using that day, even in the sim-combat. We got a few to clean up, then stood in battallion formation. Our Lt. Col. told us that somebody had messed up, we had a job to do, and for my company, Bravo company, to help get Alpha company packed...

I'll never forget that day.

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i remember that day


woke up, had a bowl of cereal then went to my basement and turned on the tv. Saw the footage and i was like "kool, what movie is this" went up a channel, same thing...then i knew something was wrong. I stood in awe. Came to school and everyone was talking about it. It was a very sad day. But i agree with Ghost, no one will forget this anytime soon. I understand a memorial that could be held yearly, but constant reminders, are they really necessary?. Honestly i'm reminded about 9-11 almost twice a week. They dont have to keep saying it, we know we will not forget!

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I am with DJ Premier. That is a reminder for the troops and I support them 100%. I live in NC and I wasn't there and have never been to the World Trade Center or Ground Zero, therefore I do not have a constant reminder. I think the picture was moral for our troops. They are in the middle of a desert and have been for 6 months. They also are constantly being attack. Personally if I was a soldier in Iraq I would begin to question why I was there. We know why they are there! So Bush can rebuild the railway station at GZ. So I can get up and go teach every morning with fear. So are children and there children will have the freedoms we had growing up. The only conflict besides Desert Storm I remember as a child was the end of the cold war. Ghost and everyone in NY I am sorry for you losses but lets not forget the men who are protecting us.

I found out about 9-11 when a student from my class was called to the office. He came back and I was aggravating him and said what did you get in trouble for this time. He was nervous he said, " My mom called and said that a plane had flown into a building but it wasn't my dad's plane so don't worry about him." I question him about the statement I said that couldn't of happen. Then we get a notice from the prinicipal telling us what is going on and our secruity measures.



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