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Online Board Games


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I am just entering the entire world of "Euro Board Games". My first introduction to them was Knizia's Samurai that Klear converted into a computer game. Of course it was a great way to be introduced to such games because it is more of a "light" board game.


For Christmas I bought myself Mare Nostrum on the advice of a friend. Then I found this website called BoardGameGeeks. And it seems that there are several of these games that are playable in java form on the web. Here is website that lists them (part of the BoardGameGeek website).


A "Gaming Club" is basically a group of guys that have a set time to get together and play games. I was thinking it would be kinda cool to have something like that from among friends online. We could form some rules and set some times to play which could all be organized via these forums. Again, this is not Checkers or Uno type games. These are strategy games and usually require a bigger investment in time. Some games may last 3 or 4 hours (hopefully that is not the norm). So be warned of this going in.


So what I am doing here is just seeing if there would be any interest in something like this. Experience playing these games is not required, enough advance warning would be given to read and comprehend the rules before the actual playing of them. Of all the games available (Settlers of Cattan, Puerto Rico, Carcossone, Tigris & Euphrates, etc) I have never played any myself so newbies would be welcome :P

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I like strategy games but for me it is too much time cuz of all the thinking that needs to be put into it. Risk was the funnest for me cuz while it involved some strategy, it wasn't too in-depth. I played a game a friend of mine made (a pastor from my church and a teacher at the bible college I went to) that was set in medieval England and used modified Axis and Allies rules. It was fun but we spent about 4 hours playing and barely scratched the surface on our match.

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roger that. I also dont have a lot of extra time. I was thinking maybe gettting a game together every other week or even once a month. And I agree that four hours is way too long.


I dont even know if it would be worth it. Its one thing to sit for 3 or 4 hours around a table with snacks and drinks yakking it up with real live friends, but another thing all together sitting at a keyboard "chatting".

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Just finished playing Mare Nostrum for the first time. Had a great time. Of course we were all newbies so it made it interesting. Played it with brother-in-laws and sister-in-law and my wife. I think my wife could take or leave it but everyone else seem to really enjoy it. We didnt get done with the game but are planning on finishing it Thursday night.


I traded to take Greece cause I knew it was the weakest Civ. My b-i-l took Rome which is advantaged toward military and immediately started amassing armies. I was prime target for him so I had to build up militarily to deter him (that worked) but it cost me precious time building up my economics and left me in a much reduced position. Rome eventually skipped over me and went after the Babylonions who along with the Carthagenians were ahead at the time (Carthage was below Rome). Babylon (my wife) was severely hurt by the attacks of Rome (I was able to squeak out one province from her) but Carthage was way ahead. He was also well defended so attacking him was suicide. Instead I attack Egypt. Good thing I did cause, unbeknownst to us, she was two turns from a suprise Pyramid purchase. But then we had to all lay down our axes and face Carthage or it was going to be over. A last ditch effort by Egypt and myself thwarted him for a couple turns. Just then Rome was able to get a couple of wonders (only needed one more just like Carthage). So we were going to have a real hard time thwarting TWO guys in the trade phase when we decided to call it a night.


My position is still hopeless so I'll conveniently lose the papers we wrote down the game on. B)

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Here is some pictures of the game. I took these to show off the card sorter I made.








I really enjoyed the game. First game I lost playing the weakest civ (Greece). Second game I lost due to poor planning. Just about had it as Egypt. Both games we played Carthage won. The same guy played Carthage both times.


These kind of games are fun in R-L but I just dont know how well they would translate to the internet.

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