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startin' tuesday/wednesday


ooo do i love pasta/bread but it must go



only protein and that good fat stuff (non animal or whatever)



anyone know the pound to protein gram comsumption that you should be taking?


ive heard something like for every 4 pound of weight eat a gram of protein....or something like that



for the first time ever i can start doing heavy lifting cuz finally swimming is over (getting big for swimming is bad bcuz it will just make ya sink in the water)


now i will finally be able to max bench at more than 165 :boo:



anyone have any good workouts for abs?....thats my most needed department....ive tried for a while (cuz abs are good for swimming!) but i cant get definition... :angry:


also i could stand to lose 5 or so pounds....but then gain it back in muscle.....








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Two things.


1. Your reference to the Atkins diet. This is the latest new fad, and actually has some merit, it WILL work. However, you sound like your goal is to gain size and strenght. I know from experience, I used to be big into body building, that you will loose tons of energy causing you to be able to do less and less in the wieght room. If your goal is to gain muscle and strength, I would advise transfering to a more healthy eating lifestyle that includes carbs as well as protein and fat. All three are important.


Mini was dead on with the protein if you are trying to build muscle and gain size.



2. The whole abs thing. Do you want definition or stronger abs? If you want definition, cardio is the only way. Get on that treadmill, stepper, or elliptical and go go go. Doing crunches and situps will do little for the fat above the abs that is making them hard to see.


Now, if you want stronger abs, crunches and situps are the way to go. Tell your frined if he wants to do ab exercises correctly(this is just a guess seeing that he does 600 a day) he should do them properly. When crunches are done correctly, you will be crying after 20 to 30 of them. The hurky jerky situps of gym class really don't do you much good. You need to actually "crunch" your abs when doing crunches. One rep should go like this, start laying with your back on the floor, and roll your body upward using only the contraction of your abs, don't use your head, your arms, or anything else to help you do the crunch, only the contraction in your abs. (at this point your head will probably only be 6 or 8 inches off the ground) Hold that contraction as hard as you can for 4 seconds and then slowly lower your self back down to flat on the floor still using your abs to let you down. This process is called a negative. Your abs should be contracted the whole time you are doing the rep.


Try that, if you do it right, you will be screaming after about 20 or even less.

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thanks bubble


i dunno about that protein number though....my mom (who is a professor of nursing) said it will seriously mess up my kidneys if i eat that much (180 grams of protein is alot)


thanks for the info on the abs....will biking do the same as running or a stairmaster?

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Yeah, the nursing field doesn't like that much protein.....lol.....my wife is a nurse and she used to say I was crazy for taking in that much protein. And its important to know that you can only synthasize so much at a time. If you are going to take in 180 grams of protein, it will need to be broken up into at least six different servings during the day with a couple of hours in between. That lends well to the whole idea of eat the same amout, but more often, I think its supposed to help fire up your metabolism.


Anything that will raise your heartbeat I would consider cardio. Depending on the style of riding you do, it may or may not be as good of a cardio workout. If you coast half the time and ride downhill obviously you aren't going to get as good of a workout.

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  • 2 weeks later...

wooo, increased my max bench by 20 pounds (maybe more i havent really tried) and lost 3 pounds (i look way skinnier)


biggest improvment is in my curls (i use a bar) 40--->80 pounds

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