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Everything posted by whudats

  1. Morale welfare and Recreation..? MwR
  2. We need one more or we can't have a draft!!! Maybe someone should make a second team if no one signs up...?
  3. I plunged a ways too. Not that I am the best, but I went from 115ish to 260ish after a couple of bad rounds. What other stats? Before my time...?
  4. Acid-Flux - How far did you go?
  5. Aren't most of our players CS:Source guys? Why no source?
  6. Yes - definitely the key is smoke. The other night I think I was one of the only, if not the only, GC on and we had a pretty even match. I started out CT, and until you can get some rifles it is very tough. You can hit the Ts in the windows when you use smoke and don't make yourself an obvious target. Now that I've played it a while, I think this map should stay. It didn't kill the sever, either.
  7. Yes - definitely the key is smoke. The other night I think I was one of the only, if not the only, GC on and we had a pretty even match. I started out CT, and until you can get some rifles it is very tough. You can hit the Ts in the windows when you use smoke and don't make yourself an obvious target. Now that I've played it a while, I think this map should stay. It didn't kill the sever, either.
  8. This is great! Keep 'em comin!!! I didn't expect so many stories that relate to people's lives...pretty cool.
  9. I got to 18 and got tired...
  10. Thanks guys. I was wondering what the Senns sound like. Maybe I'll check them out. Any suggestions from anyone else?
  11. I was just about to ask the same question. I'm looking for one too. My mike is broken on the one I have and the sound is horrible...
  12. Matrix As a CT: Defusal Kit or Flashbang
  13. I think that's a good idea. I hate getting killed by them too...
  14. Love the server name Fatty!
  15. I like it. I haven't played it enough to really know what works best, but I agree. There can be some serious firefights on Mayhem with no scopes. Long distance shots too - it can be hard to tell where they come from sometimes...
  16. This type of thing makes me sick too. The strange thing is, if you look at the rates of violent crime over that last 30 years, they are steadily declining. I'll try to find some evidence to back that up, but I heard it recently on NPR. It seems that the ones we do hear about are horrible. I read an interesting book last year that discussed the notion of FEAR and how a government, whether formal or not, uses FEAR for control of it's citizens. Who is the number one supplier of fear and shock stories and can-you-top-this video footage? The media. The book also mentioned the media as a prime tool, albeit not always knowingly, of governments for spreading the fear they need for control. Sorry about the tangent. I'll try to find a link...
  17. Yes. With Silver you can get DoD:S when it is released. For verification: http://www.steampowered.com/
  18. It's neither. Is that a fair answer? I am going through a period where I am asking a lot of questions about my beliefs and how they compare to different religions. There are so many different ways to interpret the Bible - each religion seems to take the meaning that suits its desires best. Some are very strict, some are more inferential, and for some it IS a book of laws. I'll say that if you honestly say it is a novel, a work of fiction, you can't claim to be a Christian, Catholic, or any other religion that bases its faith on the events and words in the Bible. I believe it's not a novel. How's that? What made you ask the question?
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