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Everything posted by anonymo

  1. *just passing by to place flowers at the grave of this topic*
  2. CUSTOMS!!! not the thing that stops you at the border unless that border is between boredom and goodtimes! all idiocy aside (not really possible) are we gonna have a custom map night tonight? I know OSS took a lot out of you guys last night and I'm sure Vovik is somewhere lost, naked and wishing he hadn't pulled that old lady's finger ...but the rest of us (pretty much just me) need some excitement! anyways I would be happy if we just threw dust_pcg into the rotation and called it custom map night...love ya lots mo
  3. Skommo STEAM_0:1:6855995 Brumsi Skanso STEAM_0:1:5915317 they were basically tk'ing a lot and causing a disturbance...asked them if they could go elsewhere and they didn't respond... vovik and sim651 can back me up plus I took a demo of some of their antics...along with some good tk action from vovik i just can't find anywhere to upload the file...any help would be appreciated... thanks
  4. Thanks for the heads up...must have been slipped in the rotation last night after I finished playing around 8...can't wait to play it
  5. So...still no de_dust_pcg as a custom on scopeless? This is not just some dust3 or anything, this is made by the same guy who made dust and dust2 and it shows. This map is great and could easily do away with regular old dust (not that I'm saying it should). I understand that everyone's still digesting the wonders of port and inferno, but this new dust is just so amazingly fun, especially on scopeless (everything's better scopeless, other than binoculars...what would be the point?) So, just putting that out there, I know there are others who would love to see this map at least in rotation as a custom for a week...at least... Read all about it here de_dust_pcg blog and PM me for the necessary files. For now, keep on rocking in the GC world! Cap ya later, Mo (I am such a nerd...)
  6. and how often was you ping over 300 Nor? it was like playing against Nightcrawler (Xmen) but without the constant BAMF
  7. I'm fat enough as it is my mouse pad has an indent in the table beneath it
  8. Exactly what I expected...it was a weird suggestion to begin with and server load was something I never figured...thanks for the feedback...also thanks for not flaming, however I suppose I'll get shot more often for the suggestion (and not my lack of skill ), but hey, that's what it's all about and mongoloido...you are so correct...i often forget that some people are only playing for stats and will risk helping their team to increase them...
  9. I love this map...I've seen the cts own before too...please leave it... oh yeah and the shotties and pistols only is key...played this on other servers and its just plain boring with other weapons...if it's going to be a big deal then add smg's to the mix...but definitely no rifles
  10. Considering the discussion the last suggestion sparked I figured I'd throw out this other tid bit of brain butter I tripped over recently... What if you kept some kind of running tally of how much $$$ everyone ended the match with and add it to the stats board. You know, so we could all argue over who's better on account of their pile of plunder, considering the amount of stat whores there are around here (myself in particular) Anyways, I know how crazy this is and in no way will it be happening, just thought people might like to enjoy the thought (or flame me about the stat whore bit, but you know its true lol).
  11. Nice nice...I in no way think that the current setup should be gotten rid of, I just thought adding the extra option would provide some extra laughs. I personally try to forgive, but sometimes ppl really need a slap for comical reasons as well as there are individuals that I would love the chance to slap without actually doing real harm *cough*Doom*cough* (nothing personal I just thought this might slightly jostle the death grip he has on his m3, though I'm not one to talk) Anyways my point is all about having fun, and thanks for all the fish...err, responses.
  12. I was just thinking the other day how after being tk'd I would like to be able to let out my frustrations (serious or comical) on my attacker, but without hurting them in anyway. Real men forgive tk's, but couldn't we also be able to slap the player with zero damage...I just thought it might be a viable option so that we can still slap but without hurting the team's chances. I had another idea about being able to remove the tk'ers primary weapon...I don't know if this is even an option, but would be quite amusing. Anyways...just throwing that out there... mO
  13. Nice...no Doom...time to creep up my m3 kills...and we'll see about that...that is if I am unbanned soon
  14. opps...forgot a zero STEAM_0:0:6332856 if this is still not enough there were other #'s after my name but i think they are connect time / ping / loss but here they are anyways 00:28 140 0 *edit: i see this is enough...thanks shep
  15. oh yeah...heh heh...steam id... STEAM_0:6332856 thanks again shep
  16. whew...shep you rock...you definitely had your share fare of trouble makers today...thanks for the quick reply...i'll let my m3 thank you in game
  17. I was just playing scopeless (around 5pm May 4th on cbble) and I got kicked, which I figured was a mistake but no...banned too...what gives...? I figure shep (who was admin at the time) somehow in his infinite wisdom made a slight error...anyways, please let me back on...I'm a good boy...btw just in case there's any confusion my steam id is anonymo187 if it's needed...thanks again
  18. Yeah, I went from 17th (went 20-2 1on1 on piranise) to 100th in a span of hours yesterday...the skill ratings doesn't really apply to everyone. I'm personally a stats whore for real but I'll never judge anyone by it as I know most of you can own me with a thought regardless of our position on the stats board *cough*doom*cough*. And on a previous topic...I'm only 12 kills away from a 1:1 ratio so I may be avoiding the usuals for a while...better yet I'll be killing the usuals...we'll see
  19. I pilage this map right now...I figure not for long though as I'm usually whoring out the 3rd story window as I know shep will attest to
  20. I believe you're all missing a lil MO in your lives as seen from this not so recent adventure at newportbeach... I hope I didn't leave anyone out?
  21. diiirty...especially considering the parties involved...pure pwnarism
  22. I'm with ya Shrop...I personally never played much of the original CS (really bad PC for a long time) and got into CSS now that I have a formidable PC (which is for music, don't tell anyone my im playing) and am completely addicted. It was only when I found Project Mayhem that I really got into it and now I'm trying to break the 1:1 K:D. If I had any money I'd definitely join GC. Anyway, I am yet to have a really good run with any of the serious regulars and I only remember dying by the hand of Shrop so we will have to see what happens on Saturday...that is if the server isn't full...and everone isn't out drinking...
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