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Everything posted by discom

  1. discom


    what can you tell us about your iphone? i'm curious
  2. If apple just changed a few simple things, they would have an incredible phone on their hands
  3. http://www.GamersCoalition.com/forums/in...st&p=398762 hmm..
  4. have you tried it yet? looks interesting
  5. as long as I have my student ID, i can go to the university's rec center whenever i want
  6. discom


    I saw that the other day.. so random and funny
  7. here's a few others... i was just taking pics of random stuff around my parent's house in the country
  8. I'm just using a Canon powershot SD800.. i'm too poor for a camera that supports custom lenses
  9. ever since i got my new camera, i've been taking a lot of macro shots. here's one i took the other day
  10. i dislike zunes and ipods... thats why i bought a zen. no software is needed, and i can trade music/movies from any computer i want
  11. there is no way anyone is going to bet against that..
  12. Sorry, but the only reason to buy an ipod is to be trendy. You must have itunes on your comp to use it, and you cant trade songs with anybody you want. They're terrible. also, the Zune doesn't seem that much different. Required software is lame, lame, lame.
  13. you have guns, right? don't let them go to waste
  14. my invisible ticket is now yours
  15. I was always only about 50% sure if i could go, but now I am sure I am not going because I'll be moving around the same time FF takes place. Someone just take my seat.. I'm not gunna bother with selling it.
  16. I call fake. I will change my mind when they set the camera down and do a time lapse of the whole process without the jerky camera movements and stupid music
  17. what a coincidence.. i was just about to retire from cs anyways
  18. you can leave the rpgs at home
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