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Everything posted by discom

  1. Sorry, but the kid is wrong. Eggheads win.
  2. Is that any good...haven't tried it yet. It's quick and simple, but I can't tell you anymore than that cause I still have dialup =)
  3. he was putting the answer to your question in bold, and I don't think he has anything against free software licenses..
  4. I have 1. I tried taking a screenshot of it, but it won't paste
  5. I'm gunna have to go with sj... #3 wins
  6. discom


    Happy anniversary, thread!
  7. discom


    ...and all was laid to burnination.
  8. There may be a bit of exaggerating going on... don't let it bother you
  9. discom


    What an idiotic thread
  10. There is no need to spend $200 on a case unless it's gunna have loads of stuff in it. This is all you need.
  11. discom


    anonymo was born on 4chan... he already has the internets memorized.
  12. I'll take them if you're still willing! my account only has CS:S
  13. I didn't do much...
  14. If you believed that, prepare for a day of confusion and grief.
  15. Thanks for the advice guys - though I made the mistake of shaving and dressing too nice. The guy interviewing looked incredibly similar to kevin rose..
  16. I apologize for any controversies this thread may have created To me, there is no mac vs. pc war. Just use whatever you want.. The "better" choice is the one that you enjoy the most.
  17. I already checked best buy Also, I didn't really apply for this job - they called me after getting my resume from someone else. I don't really care who i work for, i just need some extra cash right now. I also need more experience with customer support. Anyways, I'm probably the opposite of a fanboy.. I'm not really loyal to anyone. I mostly just use what I get for free. My problem is that I need to get the employer to think that I am passionate for their products when in reality I'm not passionate for any company's stuff.
  18. I am counting on sj for a helpful reply
  19. Let's just say that hypothetically I have an interview for an Apple tech support job... what do I do to make them think that I really am passionate for apple? also, I'm not anti-apple, i just dont own their products.
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