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Everything posted by benjester

  1. grrrr. again, sorry I missed it... Hope everyone had a blast... I was busy selling my bike. Hoping for next week.
  2. so far, I think the show has potential... we'll see how it goes though. Pretty decent character set to start off with.
  3. LOL, too funny... although I think they are supposed to be possums?
  4. *sniff sniff*... and no one even mentioned https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/3833/ I'm sad now.
  5. 170 on a bike was my fastest... 253... that is amazing.
  6. WELCOME BACK Mozz!! I can understan what you are saying about riding... as winter comes to a close... and I may be picking up a new addition for my garage as well!!
  7. 5 mb at home... usually average 4.3 or so. work is a 10 meg line right now... in a month or so, it will be 20. 8)
  8. oh, i forgot about farcry... might have to re-install that one... also, coming soon is crisis... by the makers of farcry I believe.
  9. fear call of duty series rainbow six
  10. sorry, I would love to play... but thursday nights I play bball until april. 8(
  11. So, a customer brings a personal laptop to work to have me look at it... Windows won't boot... software error... follow the rabbit hole, and the drive suffered shock damage... total loss. Laptop is a HP Pavilion ZE4300 model ze4325us. It has a Hitachi Travelstart model IC25N040ATCS04-0, otherwise known as a Travelstar 40GN. It uses ATA-5 standard... you can't buy a -5 standard anymore... HP wants 425 for replacment part... Can I get something like http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/Se...&CatId=2342 or http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?...N82E16822149039 to replace the drive. The first drive is the same physical size I believe, but uses ata-7 and the second uses ata-6... are they backwards compatible... any recommendations?
  12. I'm looking forward to giving this a try. I think it was the right decision.
  13. mags, I have very similar specs, and with a different config, I am able to play with 60fps all the time still... just a matter of changing some things up. unless of course you want to buy a new system, then I'm sure we can help ya out. 8) what's your price range?
  14. UPDATE: Still not smoking. I have gained a little more weight. I am now working out daily if I can. My schedule is a little crazy right now. I just ordered some of the tooth picks too. Somehow I did not see that post, so I will try them. I am hoping to lose 20lbs of fat and gain 10 lbs of muscle... it will take awhile... but a worth while goal.
  15. I currently use GAIM since trillian was using more memory than I wanted to commit to a chat... but the new version would be worth looking at. I will try it when it comes out.
  16. hahaha, i'm amazed he stayed with it that long, I would have hung up on ya.
  17. does anyone know where I can grab a copy of the Saturday Night Live skit of Steve Jobs and the iphone from saturday night... it was on you tube, but was pulled off... anyone get it by chance? thanks Ben
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