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samurai nightling

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Everything posted by samurai nightling

  1. GTA is the only game i prefer to use a controller on console over my PC for. Greatest soundtrack of any game in history = GTA Vice City Greatest explorability and freedom = GTA San Andreas Greatest graphics and realism = GTA IV Greatest of all of that combined?? = GTA V I'm hoping. As you can tell I'm a huge fan of this series. Ever since I picked up my first prostitute in GTA 3 in high school, I've loved this game lol. They all usually have really good story lines as well as replay value. San andreas was the most fun for the amount of content they crammed in, and with NO LOAD TIMES between cities. That was huge when it came out. GTA V is a remake of San Andreas if I'm correct. Same cities/map, different storyline. I honestly can't wait for it to come out.
  2. I jumped on the seerver by myself a few nights ago, and a song started playing out of no where! I was so confused, the only way i figured out to stop it was close CSGO and rejoin lol.
  3. I just dont get it, why would 2 super heroes want to fight? "Bro back off me" "No you back off me bro" "BRO FIGHT!"
  4. Good news, I see this kind of stuff where I work all the time. It sucks, but it's good to see people who can fight it and hopefully beat it.
  5. I've had her album downloaded for months now, great stuff.
  6. I might buy this, the improvements do look good to me. Infinite paragon levels though? I mean people who just run a bot all day will eat that right up. You'll see level 138411 paragon on players before you know it.
  7. I would like to play a little more, but its all about finding the time to. I don't have the best gear in the game, and I'm not dropping money on gold to buy gear. I do OK in MP5 usually with a team, could maybe bump up to MP6 if I was playing with Sky and others. Sky whats your game name? Don't think I've friended u in game yet.
  8. If you guys have common drops that are duplicates and dont mind, I just want a skin for each gun right now. I'll take any free duplicates. I don't have many skins yet.
  9. I randomly play for a while here and there. Just working on leveling my paragon for my Wizard now.
  10. Same for me. I have a rare Dual Berettas Demolition Skin (Field Tested) if anyone's interested in trading for M4/AK/AWP. Bright orange, pretty cool but I rarely use dualies.
  11. Definitely one of my favorites. I watch the Philip DeFranco show on youtube and he's always talking about her and chattin with her. How I found out about her in the first place was his show.
  12. Too bad if u choose multiple maps in CMM you will have to have it chosen ahead of time without knowing which map will be selected to play.
  13. Is Dead Space good? I could maybe try it out. Don't have origin yet, but I could get an account i suppose.
  14. Well, seems if you are 2 separate people that you allowed a banned player from our server to play on your steamid. He's banned from playing on our server period. Hence maybe why you got banned. That is of course if you are indeed 2 different people.
  15. Not sure if its our end or Valve's end but since the update the server is crashing at the beginning of new maps. Did it twice just now after a couple seconds of the warm up rounds. Also, item drops I got in our server aren't in my inventory. That's Valve's fault I'm sure.
  16. I play now and then. Not very often, usually bots with my friend Gram whos pretty pro at the game. He teaches me stuff.
  17. Bloodseeker is a good first choice of hero. At least I think he is. He isn't too difficult to understand the skills, is good at ganking and if you get the force staff that pushes people, he's so deadly lol.
  18. I'm really thinking of picking this up. I really need to get a laptop/Windows 8 tablet that can run games like this one.
  19. My phone is not a smart phone. 3MP i think if not 2MP. Picture quality isn't worth taking anything on it.
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