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Status Updates posted by Peckles

  1. I am a jolly pig, and I find many trofls.

    1. Hailfire
    2. Fairweather


      everyday im troffling

  2. I am an electronic wizard.

    1. lousiest


      you need to make a vid of the oat poets recording

    2. Peckles


      Hmm..Suppose we could each film ourselves recording then mash up the videos. Kind of hard being a 12 hour drive from each other.

  3. I am too pooped to even poop

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. chick82


      Dude i wanted to say eww, but I seriously soooo relate to this LOL>

    3. walkingCat


      I'm so tinkled, that I tinkled... oh well.

    4. Madvillain


      I feel like NOFX may have said this a few times during his trek.

  4. I asked for lip balm in an airport. Now the government wants to talk to me.

  5. I can't wait to have kids because goats are awesome

    1. Lookback


      Careful, or this will go the way of Dixie's puppies!

    2. Johnny


      We gonna eat his kids too?

  6. I can't wait until tomorrow evening where 99% of the beer I buy will occupy all of my stomach, thus having a far greater impact than 99% of any other occupy garbage. #occupymybelly

    1. Fairweather


      i like the sounds of this


    2. Madvillain


      I am suddenly more interested in the occupy movement.

  7. I contemplated getting a third monitor, but really, who needs that many lizards?

    1. yErMoTH3r


      or icons...ME ME ME!

  8. I didn't check my pockets before washing my clothes. Now the police are after me for laundering money.

    1. Fairweather



  9. I didn't go outside today. Is there weather?

  10. I didn't watch the orgami documentary because I'm too cheap for paperview.

  11. I don't always finish my sentences, but when I do,

    1. walkingCat


      ,..I use old jokes. © Peklz

    2. TheDude



    3. Girlzilla


      I never heard this one.

  12. I don't need a smaller size, I just need to get fat.

  13. I don't want to alarm you, but I'm naked under these clothes.

  14. I don't wish to alarm you, but I'm naked under these clothes.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MPG1770


      It's so cold here in England, I may need you to send me those clothes.

    3. Fairweather
    4. Biggs


      Too obvious

  15. I dunno who made this shirt, because it seams weird.

  16. I filmed myself watching a recording of myself watching Inception.

    1. Laz.e.rus


      did that last one go by really fast?

  17. I got a koi pond. I think it likes me, but it seems a bit nervous.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MPG1770


      Sounds a bit fishy to me

    3. shaftiel


      Don't play along. It only encourages him.

    4. JackieChan


      Shaftiel likes fish sticks.

  18. I got a new mug. It took my wallet.

  19. I got attacked by a jellyfish. Had to get a sting operation.

    1. Biggs


      Someone waited around for you in a van then jumped and real quick-like and peed on your jellyfish wound?

    2. Fairweather


      there's jellyfish in alberta? I call shenanigans!

    3. Cinkadeus


      There are, Fairweather, they're just polite about it.


  20. I got banned from church. Guess I'm non-parishable.

    1. shaftiel


      Wow. That one made me cringe

  21. I got mugged. Tea spilled everywhere.

  22. I graduated with so many flying colours, they call me Nyan Cat.

  23. I had a cat once. Dropped a safe on it. It was a write-off, so I stood on its head.

  24. I had a dream where Pat Sajak told me I was ugly.

    1. TheLaw
    2. Lookback


      How does that make you feel?

    3. Biggs


      I have a dream where Peckles tells me I am purty.

  25. I hate when I can read my coaster because it means my beer hasn't arrived yet.

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