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Everything posted by 3vil

  1. 3vil


    I can't,since I haven't bought anything from steam
  2. 3vil


    I have a sticker bubble and a weapons case but will never be able to buy keys so it really sucks
  3. 3vil


    what is the point in getting cases and such if you never get keys to open them?
  4. I am still alive, was having a graphics cards issue,was playing csgo last night but only saw bots
  5. 3vil


    is that tonight?
  6. 3vil


    thank you shaft for the gift,gotta tweak my setting but had some fun last night
  7. 3vil


    been down since oct 2011,hernia surgery and can't get released back to work til at least end of the month
  8. 3vil


    still not cleared for work so no money coming in
  9. 3vil


    except I do not own go
  10. 3vil


    do you still have a cs:s server?
  11. but what of us that don't have go?leaves us hangin'.
  12. every time i try to connect to a cs:s game,it says the server is running and older version,wth?
  13. what aion server do you play on?
  14. so keep this til i have the parts,build a new one and give this to my neice?
  15. thats why i asked,that way i can build a monster,muhahaha!
  16. psu=power supply unit?i have bigger ones i can use
  17. i am only getting between 30 to 55 fps while playing and i would like more
  18. my lil sis wants to start a game over but it won't let her
  19. i have a hp pailion p6208f with amd athlon IIx2 215 dual core with 6 gigs of ram and a radeon 4350 card,what is best option to upgrade?
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