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Everything posted by boiler

  1. Thanks for the more detailed info. It sucks so bad that all that data is sitting in arms reach and I have zero reasonable ways to get it off of there. This same scenario happened to my 360. All I had to do was use a data transfer adapter thingy that the hard drive plugged in to, with the other end plugged into the new console. Easy. It's not like I've got state secrets on there or anything. For the full games, link their ability to play to the account they were used with. Done and done.
  2. Man, dude looks like he's barely tapping the door, afraid to break it or something.
  3. The PS3 uses FAT32 I believe, it's just an encryption tied to the original console that could not ever function again. Even if I could get my computer to "see" the files, I doubt the new PS3 would be able to reconcile them properly. This sucks.
  4. Long story short, my PS3 died in a house fire. While the console was dead, I did manage to pull the hard drive (which looked unscathed) in the hopes of saving my game data (especially Dark/Demon Souls). The PS3 uses a regular old 2.5" SATA hard drive, why wouldn't I be able to just copy/paste from the old to the new? Research has shown though that apparently the old hard drive is encrypted with a key specific to the PS3 it came with. I can't plug it into my computer to perform a backup. I can't put it in an external enclosure, plug it in to the new PS3, then transfer files. I can't put it in the new PS3 to run data backup utility without the console trying to immediately reformat the drive. It is INFURIATING that I have all my data sitting here, and I can't get it to my new system. The ONLY way to get data from one PS3 to another seems to be running a backup/transfer utility on the original console. 120 hours of Demon's Souls, gone. 80 hours of Dark Souls (game wasn't even beaten yet), gone. Having to fight through Blighttown again? Ugh........ Dead Space 2 saves, gone. If anyone has any suggestions as to how I can salvage this stuff, I'm open to suggestions. And no, I can't do the "oven trick" or any such other thing to the old console. It has been thrown away, and was not in a condition that would have allowed for a temp recovery. NICE ONE SONY, good job making it impossible for someone to get their game saves back after unrecoverable hardware failure.
  5. Dude, that's like...somewhere I go too! Canadia: It's smaller than you think!
  6. You made 120,000 dollars from the auction house? Holy crap. Yeah yeah, GOLD. Whatever.
  7. Please note: The MOST money I have ever gotten from the AH was roughly $120k. I am just enjoying seeing MORE legendaries drop than before.
  8. Thus far have gotten 4 legendaries since the 1.4 update. First three were pretty meh that I sold fairly cheap, but this one was a little more impressive:
  9. Yeah, waffles too. Add that to the above agreement.
  10. I think that if there should be an American representation of terrorists, hipsters are appropriate. While not exactly "scary", they certainly induce more fear than your typical Canadian terrorist:
  11. So are we all in agreement that as long as we are supplied with plenty of Stella and/or other local beers that it's cool if the Belgians take over and enslave us all?
  12. Hey, hey, gentlemen. Let's not stray from the topic of this thread. Beer.
  13. I've got on average 350 resist all at the moment. The only thing that can come close to one-shotting me is if butcher grabs me. Act II is still a serious grind solo though
  14. I was unaware that "dry as the sahara" was a level of humor...
  15. I like how I spent all that time leveling my DH, and now apparently it is viewed as a drag on any team environment. My barbarian doesn't have nearly good enough gear to start farming Inferno with yet.
  16. well, looks like we're enemies from here on out. *snif* I'm feeling all nostalgic all of the sudden... It's like it's 2008 all over again. I feel like I need to bad mouth Apple or something.
  17. For a beer that you can get almost anywhere, this is one of my favorites: For something with more of a local flavor, I'm a big fan of a brewery in Indianapolis: http://sunkingbrewing.com/beers.php The Irish and Scotts really know how to make a great dark beer. German Bocks are also delicious. Stay away from IPAs though, those suck. Of course, get it on tap if you can, ALWAYS better than in the bottle. I can and will drink the likes of Miller Lite (bit like making love in a canoe though). But when I'm in the mood to drink BEER, I prefer something darker with a little more flavor.
  18. The monthly amount is going directly into his pocket, any maintenance or utilities is paid for by the company. It's not like if something is wrong with the plumbing he finds a plumber and then pays him out of his pocket, he'll write a check from the company to the plumber. Again, while what you are saying is true, fundamentally it is still "his" money, as he owns the company. The service is either being paid for by the company or the building owner - the owner is either paying as the landlord out of his own pocket (with money he earned from his company) or is paying through the company with money he simply hasn't given to himself as personal payment. The upside for the owner is the lease payment is no longer going to someone else, but rather is going towards a property investment of his own. In the end, the owner IS coming out ahead, but not in a strictly cash sense. My head hurts now. This all makes sense to me but it's hard to type it out in coherent thoughts. I, for one, welcome our new Belgian overlords.
  19. .... and just like that, the thread magic is gone.
  20. Look at it this way: That money for building leasing was always going to go towards leasing, he's not "taking money from the company" every month. If he didn't own the building, presumably an equal amount of money would still be coming out of the company to pay for the space. Also keep in mind that the monthy amount is not all going directly into his pockets. As the building owner, he is paying for maintenance, utilities and potential loan payments to pay for the purchase of the building. Since the company is HIS company though, any revenue brought in that isn't going to business expenses such as inventory and payroll would be his money to do with as he pleased anyway. I know the idea of taking money from a company to make a seemingly "private" purchase of property that is then leased back seems sketchy. but in the end all he's really doing is shuffling money around in a manner that makes a difference in his tax burden.
  21. c'mon man, give me some credit. everyone knows canadians don't have access to airplanes. He does have a point, mo...
  22. So I decided not to wait anymore for this game to be bundled with HL3 and picked it up now. I'm guessing the over/under on times I play it before realizing I sucked at CS:S and quit: 8.5 Accepting bets now.
  23. Any ETA on the arrival of 1.0.4? I'm guessing all that's been officially announced is "A Tuesday to be named later".
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