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Everything posted by boiler

  1. ME3 multiplayer: pleasant surprise, and quite addicting.

  2. Tool that I found invaluable when dealing with the Citadel side fetch quests: checking the map when I entered each area of the citadel. If there was someone quest-related I could talk to/turn in an object to, they were listed on the map along with their location. Also, and I don't think this is a spoiler, most of the requested items that aren't given a specific location are actually obtained during the N7 missions against cerberus. If you miss them during their respective missions, you can get them from the Spectre terminal on the citadel. Side note: by FAR my favorite thing they did with ME3 was the heavy melee attack. biotic charge > heavy melee > shotgun-to-the-face = I WIN. Coupled with huge recharge bonuses, I can clear a room of cerberus with this technique in no time.
  3. Blasto 6 was awesome. As is the whole game in general. Which class are you playing? I finished my first playthrough with my soldier (first ME character ever), and am going through again as my vanguard. Loved the vanguard combat in ME2, but holy crap is it awesome in ME3. Especially if you shed a whole bunch of weapon weight and get roughly 193% recharge bonus.
  4. Oh snap! Back with a vengeance! (nice build)
  5. Contemplating faking illness/death so I can play more Mass Effect 3...

  6. I remember with simcity 2000 back in the day that once I got a city fairly well established with a decent tax balance and revenue stream that I would let it run over night so I had piles of cash to play with the next day. I actually still have it on this very laptop, and played it only a couple of months ago. Good times.
  7. Care to give examples of new ones you have played that "suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck"? Just curious.
  8. Workday.... too.... long..... must.... get home....play Mass Effect 3...
  9. I've never played SimTower before, but the fact that I could run Windows 3.1 in DosBox is just awesome. DosBox continues to make me feel all nostalgic and stuff.
  10. boiler

    Howdy Folks!

    Wow, old names be poppin' up ERRRWHERE! (Hi, guys.)
  11. You are missing out BIG TIME. This is my favorite game series I have ever played. Big statement, I know, but true. I will say, however, that you should play the first two in order first. Also, just received my e-mail from best buy - my N7 Collector's Edition will be ready for pick up tomorrow!! CAN'T. WAIT.
  12. I bet they're waiting to bundle it with HL3. So it might be another 15 years or so.
  13. Is that really what happens when you don't choose anyone? Yes, that really is what happens. Solemn reflection upon relationships past, with my fish tank and hamster as a back drop.
  14. So..... I might have loaded up my save file for ME2 that I had from right before the Omega 4 Relay, then basically told Miranda "Sorry, we're too much alike, forget about all that flirty crap I said to you before", then completed the game from there. Hoping this pays off big with Ash, as I basically just turned down a bustier version of Sarah Walker for her. Spent the lonely night before the relay jump staring at the pic of Ash instead of getting it on in the engine room. Is it March 6th yet?
  15. I really got hooked on the "surely there's a better weapon than what I'm holding right now... MUST... KILL... EVERYTHING..." From what I've heard the loot gets better if you play with someone else.
  16. Did you play any of the DLC? The single player campaign was good, not great, but the General Knoxx and Claptrap Robot Revolution DLCs were AWESOME. I think they really found their stride and the way they wanted this game to go with those. Here's hoping they take a similar approach to number two. The only mild complaint I had for the Knoxx DLC was the excessively long highway travel sections.
  17. oh my, Ashley with her hair down is a whole new ballgame. Vote changed, and I don't care what voodoo says about it!
  18. Anyone else pumped for this? A new trailer has been released, and it's AWESOME. http://www.ign.com/videos/2012/02/22/borderlands-2-doomsday-trailer?show=HD I completely missed out on the multiplayer component of the first one since I bought it a year after it had been out and everyone in GC had already put it away for good. I don't intend to make the same mistake again.
  19. I had one of these, does that count? It's a 7000 series, right? I'm so confused by this numbering stuff...
  20. Geez, that would be too easy! I was looking over their feature set yesterday and didn't see that mentioned anywhere. Either way, looks like I'll be able to make this happen. Thanks guys!
  21. Thanks for the help, FK. Looks doable to me, although to really understand it I'll need to spend some more time with it. At least I don't need to learn yet another programming language that I will probably never use again.
  22. Man, I miss Wrex. I really hope I can have him in my party again for ME3. I enjoyed Grunt; he had some good lines and was generally a tank, but just wasn't as awesome. I don't feel like I have missed anything by killing Kaiden every time. Jacob was also just kind of there, and I never used him in my party after I recruited my first team mate.
  23. There are approximately 43829751 (all numbers approximate) sites that claim to be tutorials on .htaccess and password protection. Any particular source you recommend? THANKS!! *thankfully, these aren't state-secret level things that will be protected, so the crude password method should be fine. It will primarily be a page that will contain links to pdfs, and possibly a few other pages. They don't want those pdfs (or pages) available to nosy outsiders.
  24. I have a family friend that has asked me to help them get a website up and running, but they've requested that it have a "protected" section that only members with login/password can access. The problem is, I have no idea how to implement this. I know HTML and CSS, but that's about it. I do have Dreamweaver CS4, but haven't found any built-in tools to help with this. If it makes any difference at all, GoDaddy will be doing the hosting. (I know, some of you just shook your head and/or threw up, but it's not my call) I get the feeling that this is going to involve something like .asp or .php, and I have no friggin clue how to handle those. Help is very much appreciated!!!
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