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Everything posted by Chimmpp

  1. Psh... dont worry, it doesnt hurt that bad
  2. That doesnt work...
  3. :o Its a Racing/Demo derby game that you can buy on steam. Its rully fun.
  4. Can you say... Continental Club...? Cleveland Hopkins '08!
  5. I didnt use IE... will I explode now er something?
  6. That doesn't prove anything! I think they just stay fresh longer... yeah, thats it.
  7. Where is the dl for the thing?
  8. So... who has a rav4, and is going to FFO07?
  9. They are outside, and Im pretty sure they come of, cause one that I had on the back of my car came off. (I screwed it up when sticking it on, but what ev)
  10. How much will deese cost?
  11. Chimmpp


    Ill switch with you!
  12. Haha, I thought I was the only one who thought that seemed like an episode of the Office.
  13. Sweet... mehbeh if I knew this was coming out I wouldnt have bought a dongle Curse you Best Buy employees!!
  14. Reehehe, hope he doesnt get sick again!
  15. All those have prices with the gun and mask, which I have... so will I only need to buy admission and balls(paint)?
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