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Everything posted by ArmyG

  1. Post all your passwords here and I'll tell you how secure they are.
  2. I also work full time and go to school almost full time in the evening, so I know how it is. First off, let's be clear on this: what GPA you get for not studying depends on various factors, including your school's grading standards, how smart you are, what material you've covered before (either formally or informally), what major you're working toward, and of course how must work you did relative to how much work your classmates actually did. There is no free lunch. There is no easy way out. I study, I keep up on my reading, the program I'm in is competitive, and as I sit here at the halfway point for my degree the lowest grade I've gotten (earned?) so far is a B+. One thing I can tell you is that I'm tired all the time. I'm also way more cranky than I ever was before this began. So, umm, two things.
  3. Paper says that Feiger is on the case now. Sigh.
  4. ArmyG

    The Toledo Show

    I am relieved to know there are people on this Earth even more crazy than I am.
  5. Sounds like somebody just spent some serious money on a computer...
  6. I see surround sound headphones on Amazon for like $20. Isn't that low cost?
  7. Did you try audacity? http://audacity.sourceforge.net/
  8. ArmyG


    I just get an empty white screen on that link.
  9. http://freep.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2006604080325
  10. It's a clock-radio with a gro-lamp on top? I bet they advertise in high times magazine.
  11. ArmyG


    I want the kind of egg with candy in the middle.
  12. ArmyG

    Poor Triangle!

    So I'm the only one who thinks Mistake of Pythagoras has a sad ending then. I just wish they tried to rehabilitate the triangle somehow. I'm not a believer in capital punishment.
  13. I feel bad for the poor triangle with his head on a stake. How sad.
  14. OK, I did. But they just stand there like idiots. One of them threw a mine thingie inside, but it didn't do anything at all. Anything else I can try?
  15. I am by a big building with like 6 doors (stairs to 4 of them), but they all have force fields on them and I can't get in. Could someone please give me a hint?
  16. The last version I used was like R13. Sigh.
  17. His name is Brian Sack, and his website is at http://www.banterist.com The website claims to be humorous.
  18. When I was an undergrad we "learned" things.
  19. I'll be honest. Why is not doing what you want considered "stupid"? Also, people do the things they do for a lot of different reasons.
  20. Just buy a used PS2 from your local used game store. They've gotta be pretty cheap by now.
  21. ArmyG

    Do you use Gmail?

    I don't use gmail because I don't trust them. I think there's something fishy going on with those search kiddos.
  22. Aww come on, law school isn't that hard.
  23. Do you have a copy of baseball for the Intellivision?
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