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Everything posted by Thief_Lord

  1. Packers.....? *Sigh* VIKINGS FTW
  2. Thief_Lord


    So Far I love it. It is turning out to be a lot like Lost, only I am willing to say it is better. I espicially love the Star Trek Addicted, Time-Bending Asian (I Cant remember names). I just cant see more than one season working with this show. Anyone else watching?
  3. If you missed it an encore is on right now!!!!!! This is one of the best episodes of South Park ever
  4. Hate to be mean Thief, but do you know if Wolfsblood is coming? I dout it, he is really busy right now. I will talk to him though.
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  6. I heard that they have this sensor bar you put on the top or in front of the TV's base... then again, I might have seen that somewhere else on something else... I think youre right. You need to point the controller at the sensor bar. I guess the sensor bar must have been located near the system where you tried it? Yeah, the system was in a thick glass box right under the system.
  7. I have it though I must say I am not happy with the fact that there are not many parodies as compoared to past albums. Though I do love the song Canadian Idiot
  8. It was Amazing!!! First of all, I have to say how small the controler was around 6 inches long and around1 1/2 wide. I stayed in line for 2 hours to play Metroid Prime: Corruption....... The Irony was the game broke down and I wasn't able to play it. I did get to play excite truck (GREAT GAME) And Tennis (Pretty Fun) From what I played and Saw the controoler ran pretty smoothly and I only found 1 problem. The controller HAD to be pointed at the System, not the TV. So if your Wii isn't right near your TV you could find some problems. -TL
  9. Sorry....... I thought this post wouldn't be about a Communist sport... No hurt feelin's I hope
  10. "You are worth exactly $2,204,260." at's pretty good stuff right' thar!!!!!
  11. Monday, November 7, 2089 Seconds left to live... 2,622,861,524 This would make me 98 with a little more than a month till I am 99
  12. VIKINGS .....too bad they lost today
  13. whats gc going to do then? Thats what I was just wondering......
  14. I have GOT to see this!!!!! <--- yes, it is worth 5 explamation points!
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  16. LOL, well I feel like bad luck the Second I join; it all falls apart. Oh well, I'll get over it.
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  18. Anyone else like'em besides me? You GOTTA hear their song Brooklyn, It is amazing. Also if you have any other Jazz Bands you like feel free to post.
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  20. LOL, my math teacher pwns at this game and can complete ALL of the expert songs. Though I will say he has somewhat of an obsession. When I tried it at the store, I was able to beat all medium songs I tried and Frankenstein (the best song ever) on hard.
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