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Everything posted by monthos

  1. I had my elite for over two years now, never red ringed on me yet. I also never move my xbox when its powered on, but I have had family and friends ruin 2 separate copies of cod4 in the past two years. All games I buy are now installed to the hard drive.
  2. To play devils advocate here. the pc offers superb graphics and controls, but in terms of controls it is almost too good. It does not even take the best of the best to hear a sound, which with even with only stereo to hear a sound equal in both ears, and do an instant 180 dead stop and blindfire to kill their foe.The human body simply cannot do that like most people do in pc games. So depending on the sensitivity of a stick I think its better in that regard. I wish there was an option to disable autoaim on the console as it ruins my shot more than it helps, but I have no clue if mw2 has that and I am getting off the point... I love pc gaming, and used to be on the whole anti console FPS bandwagon, but as I matured and got smarter, I realized it was more about people trying to play war simulators who wanted superhuman reflex's than it was about "the purity of the game" Alright I am done, feel free to tell me how wrong I am
  3. True that, If I still lived in Cleveland I would have went with something else, at the end of winter I drove back up to visit my folks and got caught in freezing rain, the engine brake from letting off the gas was enough for the tires to break loose.. I couldn't afford any of the expensive pre modded ones . I figure enjoy it for what it is now, then later in a few years when the miles are racking up I will get another daily driver, and then I will start modding this one out.
  4. I never did post this when I purchased it, due to buying it right before I made the move to Virginia last October. Its a 2002 Mustang GT, 5 speed, leather seats, Mach 460 sound system, totally stock aside from the air filter. Had ~48,000 miles when I got it, now has ~56,000. Its my daily driver for the most part, during the summer I am always torn do I drive this or my dual sport motorcycle to work. During the winter however I wish I had something a little more plain, but I manage When I bought it I had been looking for awhile for a deal in the area, my criteria was I wanted a mustang GT, had to be a stick and had to have less than 50k miles. I got just that and have not regretted it one bit. In the next year or so I plan on getting a house with a garage, as well as a cheap/reliable car for daily use. At which point I will be looking for suggestions on how to mod this out. Any other mustang lovers out there?
  5. On my last drive back to Ohio, I seen someone with the plates "car lol" ... I tried my best to take a pic with the phone while driving 75 through the mountains on the pa turnpike, but just couldn't do it due to safety constrains...
  6. While I realize its not for everyone. That's probably the best choice if you prefer your local desktop not get slowed down by additional software. Back when I lived in Cleveland I had 1.5mb DSL as well as cable and went through the hassle of doing routing based on destination. Best internet setup I EVER had though I also had multiple static IP's, which I used for when all my friends came over with their xbox 360's. btw console gaming gets real finicky with its p2p gaming when only one of them gets the assigned port forwarded to them... Anyways, now I just have a nice small Cobalt Raq4 server that I got for free. Runs debian and one Ethernet is for my cable, one for my lan. Works well and I can keep better tabs on when my room mate torrents and slows me down I will never use small router from a store for a router again.
  7. monthos


    I am trying to bring my debt down, slowly... I was an idiot after high school and worked a crap job for a few years without looking toward the future, though at least at that point I was debt free. At some point other people convinced me I needed schooling, so I followed my older brother to an open house and ended up enrolling in a technical school. In my opinion it cost WAY too much money and did not end doing much for my job outlook. I met some guys and did the whole networking thing, which I can thank for my current job, but the schooling itself was not worth it. So at this point I am 38K in school debt, and owe about 5K on my car. I could pay off the car right now but that would deplete my cash altogether. I recently changed jobs and moved to Virginia outside of DC, and to be honest did not take into account the cost of living difference, which is staggering compared to Cleveland... I currently pay about $200 extra to my school loans a month, though my car loan is just going and paying the bare minimum. I want to try and finance a house later this year, which I consider a good long term decision considering I like the area and plan on staying awhile. I would be so much better off without that useless school debt though
  8. I was just waiting for someone to tell me who to pay. Payment sent I started getting into it at the end and now I am slipping again. In addition to these contests we should have a friendly tracker going, perhaps that would help keep me in line..
  9. I cant remember how long we were running with this, the chart(which has not been updated in some some) makes it appear this is the final week! Sucks since I just started moving too! Weighed in this morning at 228, pretty good since I had the worst thing for lunch yesterday, Angry Triple Whopper from BK...
  10. Some TVs won't accept a 1080p signal over component but that shouldn't be the case if the PS3 menu shows in 1080p. Honestly I'm not sure how using HDMI cables will solve that unless your TV is just weird about it. And like fx and Norg already said, all HDMI cables are the same. A digital signal will either get to it's destination or not, there's no in between (in terms of quality or otherwise). Currently we're finally seeing the bigger retailers quit the whole HDMI scam but it's still going on (and probably will never subside as long as people keep buying Monster products). HDMI supports a feature of a handshaking with the display, to ensure its an authorised display and not some device to capture the HD video in an unauthorized medium. Component is an analog signal and obviously cannot do this, your blu ray discs are probably telling the PS3 not to do full HD except on an authorized HDMI display, so it down scales. I remember reading this feature about hdmi back in the day, I know its in the spec but I can't say if its one of the features the companies use. But from the sound of it, it appears so.
  11. I just played the demo on the xbox 360 a couple days ago. I was on a private chat with my little brother as I played, and he laughed every time I got startled because i would scream over the mic.. Good graphics, seems like it will be a good game.
  12. Considering we almost always play CS:S Im pretty sure your old pc if it still works will suffice I don't see a reason I can't make it now. So I will buy the tickets hopefully by months end. I will still need to talk to Gr1nn3r and Vali(poopdood) though..
  13. Changing habits is really all I have done. I make an effort to eat less at meals, and am not going out to BK for lunch every day. I gave up pop for the most part as well. I slipped a few times and ended up eating too little for dinner, then end up grabbing a midnight snack(which is never a healthy food) I am hoping to weigh in at 230 this friday though, we will see!
  14. 233. Is a pound a week good? I figured I could do better than this..
  15. I drank a bit too much last night and was very dehydrated this morning, so my morning check came in much lower than I think it should be so I won't count it. I will post up later tonight or tomorrow morning after I get rid of this headache...
  16. Hah, yeah I guess we are... I have lost about 5lbs in 7 weeks, thats not great but at least I am very slowly heading in the right direction. Cant notice a change in my waist or anything though...
  17. Not sure if poopdood checks the forums. I forwarded this link to him via aim.
  18. I plan on it, I live out of state now so it all depends on if I can get the time off. I will not know this for a few months probably. I am pretty sure gkdsha and E-Zly can not make it, as one is in Air force boot camp atm, and the other just swore in and will be leaving sometime soon. I am sure if I make it Gr1nn3r and poopdood will show up though. I will talk to them to gauge their interest. I still remember last year's match with me and Ezly(brothers) final showdown against gkdsha and grinner(brothers). It was a hard fought match and I do not feel bad losing to them.. great memories!
  19. 236 again hopefully I can get back on track now that the holidays are over.
  20. I had a blade cx or something, dual blade design. My problem was if you whipped it in any direction too fast, the blades were made of plastic and flexed a bit. Since they rotate in opposite directions, that makes for a fantastic CRACK and your heli goes all wobbley, it takes skill to bring it down gracefully after that (if the blades shattered, then there is no saving it) blades were cheap though, I flown it outdoors quite a bit too, just wait for a low/no wind day. I had accidentally lost the view of mine over the house. and by the time I ran around to see where it was, it was a speck in the sky, took me awhile to bring it back down safely. My brother dropped it from about a 2story fall and for some reason it blew the controller. I replaced the controller but it never flew right again. So yeah, its a great learner and now I want to get one again...
  21. 235, hit a wall as well. this holiday season better hurry up and end so I can get back on track.
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