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Everything posted by huhuh?

  1. huhuh?


    i was in ohio for xmas near cleveland...like a foot of solid ice...me/my uncle/my dad/a neighbor all had metal shovels and spent like 5 hours digging out a bunch of old peoples driveways that couldnt get out....that was not a fun day
  2. anyone beat mine? i have a total of 21 warning and unwarnings...
  3. uh-oh...these muddy shoes are gonna get that rug
  4. http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/end.php best flash movie ever
  5. how ya gonna make any paper towels if all the forests burn down?
  6. man engineering is hard...im switching to business...congrats man!
  7. does Sk.swe still own everyone?
  8. at night when the admins go to sleep the skill drops....but thats when i get to own!!!
  9. there are two reasons to cheat 1) competition, people will do anything to win (compare them with baseball and steriods) 2) to ruin your game, these people have been offended or are mad at CS for some reason so they decide to go and try and ruin everybodys game, then laugh at them
  10. i have the same problem but i believe that it is my school connection along with source that is causing it i used to get only abot 2-5 choke with 1.6 here at school (at home i would get 0..all the time) but with source i get 30 and higher almost always
  11. ahhh college has killed me...not that much, i only have two meals a day thank gawd or i would be fat i just flat out am to exhausted to go to the gym
  12. well those roller coasters make ya wanna do that
  13. is anyone here really l33t and can change that into a 400x100px banner...i dont not poesses such skills
  14. stops at the same place...lol i think they got lazy and didnt finish it
  15. matching on source would be hard...i would get really mad when i missed a bomb defuse cuz i got stuck behind some barrel
  16. Your IQ is high You are a physics geek Your strength is you can understand and use slang Your weakness is electrons You think normal people are interesting Normal people think that you are disturbed
  17. the video stops like half way though but the song keeps going
  18. pootie tang will clean you up just like he did dirty dee (if anyone has not seen this movie i highly recommend you do...BEST MOVIE I HAVE EVER SEEN)
  19. we all know what happens when people go into the shower
  20. this definatly will keep anyone from saying Mmmm
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