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Everything posted by Fairweather

  1. aawwww what a cutie i'm really sorry man
  2. my friend recommended this series to me and i'm currently about 200 pages in the first book... wowzers so far its exceeded my expectations and then some. Jordan has done a really great job of providing riveting detail but not getting carried away with it like Tolkien did. At times during the LOTR series I got bored from all the excessive descriptions but so far Jordan has kept me on my edge since page one. I recommend this to anyone who loves the fantasy genre and is looking for something new to read.. the series is 12 books long tho and these aren't small books so if you do check it out be prepared to spend some time on it.
  3. I went to an IMAX too. I think it is the only way to see it. He did say it could be a trilogy. He would make the next one if the first was had any success. So, I think we can all expect a part two. Yea, I'd be really surprised if he made a 2nd, cause I thought the 1st wrapped up pretty nicely leaving little for a sequel. i second this
  4. I had my elite for over two years now, never red ringed on me yet. I also never move my xbox when its powered on, but I have had family and friends ruin 2 separate copies of cod4 in the past two years. All games I buy are now installed to the hard drive. quick! stand on your head and drink goats milk out of a cotton tube or you might jinx it!!
  5. they stiiiiilll havnt got cgi quite right yet, but still was a very visually pleasing movie tho
  6. there's four of them but the other three aren't as good as the first one.. always seems to happen I'm not really sure about Koontz's other books, Odd Thomas was the first book's of his I've ever read but it's defiantly got me interested into looking into his other stuff now
  7. it's people like wayfarer that kept me coming back to this community when I was a kid, nobody deserves to go that young
  8. ahahahaha how could they break tradition?
  9. I dont know a single person who owns a 360 that hasnt happened to
  10. probably still hackin
  11. Greg Rutter's Definitive List of The 99 Things You Should Have Already Experienced On The Internet Unless You're a Loser or Old or Something stumbled upon this a few days ago, enjoi
  12. hhmmm there wasnt quuiite enough on his leroy war cry, i wanna see some feeling!!
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQqx5EsbSfY (language)
  14. i dont get why joe rogan doesnt open his own submarine sandwich shop
  15. whenever something strange like that happens, a wizard did it
  16. I started the Odd Thomas series by Dean Koontz at the beginning of the semester and am now about to finish up the last novel, single handedly it is one of the best series of novels i've ever read and I recommend it to anybody who's looking for a new book to read at the moment
  17. dont mess with jackie chan.. he knows kung foo for when he runs out of bullets
  18. we discussed this guy today in my neuroscience class, professor kinda thought his hand movements were subject to a wigi board effect but its not really clear kinda reminds me of Jean-Dominique Bauby (the dude who blinked his memoir "the diving bell and the butterfly")
  19. i'm just saying that being consciously aware for that long yet not being able to express it would probably put me in the funny farm
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