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Everything posted by Fatty

  1. She's only got 53 hp at level 4 right now...but daaayumm....she hasn't lost in a while. Give it a shot!
  2. My best pupil (self-created): http://dropya-off.mybrute.com She's only level 3 right now...but she's got a shield, a morning star, and a bear. Fight her...you better have a net for the bear.
  3. rofl,,,,i thought i was gonna sneak in here and gain some pupils... http://fatty.gc.mybrute.com I R a pupil of Mini's..come kick my butt.
  4. I'm going to try to get the pics from bub and put up a POS site that has pics.....just to have the pics.....
  5. I have no idea what you're talking about...
  6. That company is gone, and there's no other option around here. However, there's always people willing to let you use their computers, as at any given time people are doing other things. Just bring your configs.
  7. I can't wait for Diablo III!!! I'm sure it will have some online stuffs....but the problem for me in playing those online is that putting in little time leaves you behind in development....<shrugs>
  8. Barashin joins the rookie team for FFO 09!
  9. We didn't have an event last year, did we? I see no evidence of anything ever happening.
  10. It's my pleasure to announce that VooDooPC is the official n00b of 2009! Now, who else out there will join him in the rookie picture?!?!?
  11. I'll be there! Get your reservations made, people! At this point in time, we're limited to 40 by space!
  12. This is awesome. Reserve your seats now, guys! Check your emailz.
  13. We're going through with it!! New mailing coming out now! Please leave my sausage out of this.
  14. I'm not going to give you excuses, I'll only say that I'm sorry I started something and didn't finish it with you. Congrats to Playaa...sent you your $10. I hope that this helped at least some. I was off to a decent start, got off track, etc. etc, then was too embaressed to bother posting anything and just let it go away from me. Since then, very recently, I've realigned my goals in efforts to prepare for our vacation this summer....accountable to only myself. Hugs!
  15. It would be grand to have you back....for all above reasons...and cause we miss j00!
  16. just want to let everyone know that Im doing great just have been really busy with school. I cant wait to be done I have about 5 more months

  17. The fact that we're a little disctrict is becoming obvious....Eastlake is going off on this.....oh well....
  18. I just realized that you had to be joking about the "best" website link up there... http://www.woodridge.k12.oh.us/
  19. I can always count on your passive-negative spin, can't I, SJ? Vote em up, and thanks!
  20. Hi, my name is Fatty. I'm a teacher! Do me a fav and spam up some votes for Woodridge High School using the following link: http://wjw.4wmt.com/packages/templates/ano...49-1237a04302cc I know ya'll have multiple computers! I have to think up a better prize than cookies though...for the person that lends the most votes! Thinking....
  21. Fatty doesn't understand. Anyways, last time I checked, keystone was really cheap and not worth it anyways.
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