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Everything posted by CowboyFromHell`X

  1. I don't play CSS at all. CS 1.6 is better.
  2. If you steal the movie from your friend you would cause them to lose money. When you download the movie you cause the companies to lose money. Anyone know how many songs were shared?
  3. While you're at it you better check your garage for cameras. That is, if you workout or anything like that in your garage. Also there is a similarity between borrowing from friends and downloading from the internet. If you were to borrow a movie from a friend, you would return it right? What do you do with the product you download and have already listened to or watched? If you refuse to return the movie to your friend I would consider it stealing. Just the same as if you downloaded said movie.
  4. I just remembered a weird dude that called my house a few weeks ago. Just so you know, my voice is deeper than normal. That info will be important for the story. I'll try to keep this short. Well my pal was talking to me a while back about this annoying guy he works with. The annoying guy is always asking my friend to hook him up with the (MUCH) younger girls of the area. My pal asked me to let this guy call my house and wanted me to make sure the man never asks him for help again. Anyway a few nights later I get a phone call at 11:30 PM on a weekday. I said forget it and let it ring through. This man calls my home 5 more times within the next half hour. I became irritated. So the next time he called I picked up the phone. Sounding a little nervous, he asked if Mickie was there. I had no idea what to say. I shrugged my shoulders and said "This is her." I kind of heard the sound of a jaw hitting a floor on the other line. He said "This must be some mistake, I thought Mickie was a girl!!!" Speechless again, I said what came to my mind first, "Yeah about that man, I won't have that operation until next year if that's cool with you." I heard some mumbling and the phone hang up. Needless to say, my pal was never bothered since. I have no reason in particular for sharing what I just wrote. I love this thread.
  5. In wonderland the snow ascends.
  6. You're the man. As for me, I went sledding. My friend brought over an old boat he had and it could fit 5 people. The only guy who said he was "too old" for sledding in a boat happens to look exactly like Steve the pirate from dodgeball. Go figure. Other than that, it was AWESOME. Then when we were sledding a barrage of snowballs came soaring down from on top of the hill. We tried to fight them off but they ended up commandeering the boat. Jerks.
  7. I was just giving people what they wanted to see. The man looks like he's chiseled out of stone.
  8. Do you know if the suspensions are in school or out of school? It seems odd that a school would punish partiers by giving them a few days off of school...
  9. To the ladies who play on .gc, this man right here will be there. That should be reason enough.
  10. I haven't seen a Timmy-ho's yet. Are they tasty?
  11. Man I wish shoveling was my only problem. Here you have to avoid the little kids hiding in mountains with their caches of snowballs. It's not fair because it was my group who taught them the art of guerilla warfare with snow. Then they turned on us.
  12. Hibernating does sound like a good idea. Sooo cold outside. My hands are all burney.
  13. Hey now NOFX none of that. All fast food is good for the munchies.
  14. I would say this was heavy reading but you would be able to call me a liar. I couldn't even make it past looking at the pictures on the top of the website. It's been said that God will not give a person more than they can handle in their lifetime. As far as this brave young man is concerned, my previous sentence could be interpreted in many different ways. I like the idea that even though the little guy may miss out on the later years of life, he is still witnessing the best. He has the love of his family, love from God and prayers from other people. When it comes down to it, to me anyway, love like that is all that matters in this world. It's what keeps most people going. I wish I could say more but I really can't think of anything. I don't pray often (very stubborn man) but I definitely sent one up for Donovan.
  15. Xcellent. Thanks. I always forget about Pittsburgh. For some reason Pittsburgh is a no-no here, but this is my first team and the Flyers really do suck.
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