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Everything posted by ValenAlvern

  1. Biggs the Jackiechan of the MC server?
  2. The same score or killing 300+ common?
  3. Bring those days back - PLEASE - and get rid of the !sp. On a serious side though, no matter how hard we try to teach, it seems to me that many new regular people just don't want to learn how to use the point system, with many becoming incapped and dead with 30pts plus, it becomes frustrating and annoying. How about adding an admin spray of some sort explaining these features? Theres two types of people. Learning from Example, and Learning from Experience. One is learning from a third party and another is learning from whats happening to you. I dont know what the server is like, but seldomly when I played people told how the menu system works and they'd get it right away. I feel a lot of people are defaulting to Learn from Exp.. !help or !h that explains in short how the buy system works on the server "get points from kills or helping the team, you can use points for yourself or your team. Use !menu to accesses the menu system. Use !sp to send points to other players."
  4. If you want your kids to really enjoy older games, should play Mario Party 3 at least. MP1 while make blisters on your hand...well from the original n64 controller. and if you go the Mario way Super Mario Bros. 1 => 3 => World => World 2:Yoshi's Island (hit and miss w/ some people) => 64 => Sunshine (another hit and miss). Super Mario Bros. 2, depends on the version the first American is indeed fun, but very long in my opinion, I find it to be as long as the 3d games. :Lost Levels is probably too hard, since Nintendo got mad that a lot of people were saying the first one was easy. Also if you let them play Double Dragons a "fun" variation of it is River City Ransom. I played it before and I got Jackie to play with me and we had loads of fun. A two hour game. Edit: VeryNSFW Jackie and I play Edit 2: Good lord cant use url tag for youtube links? keeps making it media tags. EDIT 3: Also when I was younger I also played Arcade games (not many around, but in Arizona we still ave some =))... played the classics like Galaga and all those games. Asteroids. One that really caught my eye was the Sega Arcade Title...Shadow of the Shinobi.. I think, could be wrong. I dont know how you feel with violence in video games, but Metal Slug is also a classic, theres also bullet hell shooters too, but thats probably to advanced for them, or kids now a days, I found Capcoms Progear to be very good.
  5. Hahah remember when everyone could be a Tank? Good times...good times...
  6. Seven? Seven? Was Three when I was playing Super Mario Bros. on the NES. By 5 I had already played most of the Classics on the NES, Super Mario Bros.1/2/3, Megaman 2/3/5, Contra, etc. I had owned a Genesis while a Kid down the street had an SNES, I had Sonic 2, Mortal Kombat, X-men, I also had a Hidden Gem of a game Dynamite Headdy. On the SNES I had played Super Mario World... and the countless Arcade like games...Knights of the Around, Actraiser, Aero the Acro-Bat, pretty sure thats a hidden gem too. Wasnt till I had gotten a PS2/GC that my video game collection had increasingly expanded, oh and lets not forget the Handled Games. Gameboy, Theres Mario/Wario Land, Pokemon, Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Land. I know I am missing a lot here, but you get the gist, but did I beat them? I remember beating at least 80% of the games Ive played. My father had also had gotten an Atari at one point, that came with 80 games.
  7. Isn't that what makes it fun? When in spite all of that you still get the herd of useless to the saferoom? Its more fun being the wolf instead of the shepard.
  8. ValenAlvern


    Terraria - 2d Minecraft Starbound - 2d Minecraft + Borderlands Except the different between Starbound and Minecraft/Terraria is that you can visit ENDLESS PLANETS. The point of the game is basically recon vs digging. They also talk about random generated guns (and I hear you can make your own) theres also vehicles. Also everything is randomly generated from land to guns, even the alien creatures. When Biggs first posted this, they had 25 Heads, Bodies and Legs for aliens or something around there. EDIT: They too will also have random dungeons too, and from the looks of it, Space Mayans or Egyptians. Since the dungeons looks to be heavily inspired by them. EDIT Numeruo ...Twuo....:You can also pick Human... Not Human(forget what it is) and Robot, to play as. EDIT three-oh: They revealed more Races. Human, Apex(Apes/Monkeys), Avians, Florans, Aquairan(unnamed) and Robot(unnamed). Theres also Quests, NPC, and youre able to recruit/tame beings on other planets
  9. Didnt know Microsoft was a privately owned company. Microsoft is more like a Megaphone or a Cellphone company, with their devices we're able to form a larger more broaden way of communicating with people (PC/Xbox) while GC is allowed to remove you from the premise for going into their Baby Gap dropping f-bombs, Microsoft is not (or should not be) allowed for dropping f-bombs with their megaphones/cellphones. Nor did I mention the government, but the government is allowing more and more companies in creation of new laws in censoring the internet, if Microsoft does do this, it would keep on escalating.
  10. Is it PC? I dont recall everyone in Africa being Black. Personally I see PC as "Ignorant and proud." Funny how people get offended by the observation of color of skin. This is subjective, its like saying "This is fun, why dont you like it." everyone is gonna to experience things differently, this why its hard/impossible (and immoral) to censor the internet. If we also start censoring the internet, what can we say outside, sure the workplace is different. If we draw parallels to the real world, communities like GC are a work place, thus allowed to enforce their own rules. While the Internet is like the General Public. Go into Baby Gap and start swearing youre gonna get kicked out, no different than GC. So censoring the Internet = Censoring the Public. We'd be as bad as China, who brings you to jail for going on a forum or making a Yahoo account. The Internet for China is just a electronic newspaper, do anything else and its jail.
  11. Didnt know PM meant Public Messaging. Dont have L4D2 installed, but Valve ships game updates before the server updates.
  12. Now will it be female Taskmaster or male Taskmaster. Deadpool would be out...breaking the fourth wall...BANGBANGBANGBANG "WHOA is that a lightsaber? AND IT WORKS, man beats those children toys huh?". Wolverine would be cool "Use the force" I am planning to use force, bub. Fantastic 4our.... Nah, I dont think it would work. Magneto as a Sith WOULD work, since it appears majority of things in the Star Wars uni is metal. Luke surveys a planet and its the Disney planet, new companions Mickey, Donald and Goofy as they search for Princesses of Heart.
  13. Star Wars VII: A New Empire of the Phantom Clones with Mickey Mouse
  14. My favorite parody of the death star, is when they say "Thats no Moon" and its a picture of an donkey. EDIT: The thought of the word being censored to donkey makes me chuckle. Chuckling if they do that on day time TV. "Dude quit being such an -DONKEY-!"
  15. Im here to say it'll suck, prove me wrong.
  16. Anyone notice that more and more games do Halloween or Holiday Updates now? Sure TV shows do it a lot, but Ive notice this to be a more recent trend. What things in your list of games or w/e have you are currently doing this? Personally my favorite so far is Cave Story, seems to be the best out of them all. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFVpFVy9cFk Replacing everything with a Halloween Theme, over the weekend they gave us a taste by having only the main character sprite done differently and it was yesterday when they redid whole game. Killing Floor does unique things when on Holiday, but its already a horror game.
  17. Cheating in Minecraft, how loooooooooow.....how low is the Slimes?
  18. I saw you in there when it was full.
  19. Headshotting regular infected can give.. 1 or 2 points, if youre using pistols thats another... what is 2 or 5 or something? you earn up to 20 or 35 just outside the safe room. Also Awp is best for racking up the points, as most of your shoots will be head shots or instant kills. You can also get points by healing others, helping them,saving them. High PPM = Team Player. You also gotta account for when a round last 20minutes, but I think that could average out the people with 10~20ppm who are average players, but get in games were their team has a long round. THen theres those with 30+, where THEY in any of those long rounds, if they're werent in those long rounds we'd probably see 80ppm vs 30ppm.
  20. Always thought it be cool if there was a weekly ranking or monthly, but it still keeps track over overall stats.
  21. I put my own fix on the server several days ago and this was the first case of it happening as I have it log each time it happens. Shame Valve can't fix this. what is it!!!??? It's the bug when someone connects to the server as Infected and a Survivor is stuck in that "Charger pounding a survivor" animation and the Infected player cannot do anything until they suicide and they can constantly press their USE button to start warping all over the place. The fix does it for the Infected player if it happens. oh yea forgot that exists
  22. What are these bugs? Swamp Fever 1. The "Survivors have Escaped Bug" makes impossible to spawn, and its at the ...water trolly or w/e they call it. No Mercy 3. This has been there since L4D1. Elevator going up can cause you to fall through the floor.
  23. There is only one chapter bug that can kill you. When youre under the bleachers when the finale starts. It kills you and ejects you from the game. Valve said they fix'd Swap Fever Bug and the Elevator Bug a long time ago, yet they still happen. I feel like they only have 2 or 3 people doing the coding now... or have been doing the coding cause some of the "bug" fixes they've done are sup-par.
  24. I cannot wrap me head around this, and I use to play WoW. Jackie knows, we played together. I normally play when friends are playing. Then again I played it from 8pm~2am at nights and got up at 8am~10am P.S I said normally and not always.
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