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Everything posted by Vali

  1. i missed it... what did lousy do?
  2. was nice seeing you all again. sorry i could stay til the end. but i had a blast for the time i was there =]
  4. if i wasnt broke i would pick up blur for ff i would play on someones pc if they dont want to tho =]
  5. Vali

    Baby Boy

    Congrats. I am new daddy as well. My daughter haylee was born Feb 23rd =] its been fun so far
  6. I am 65% sure i am going at this point in time. Just a few bills to pay and ill know for sure.
  7. Vali

    League of Legends

    we need more people to play!
  8. Vali


    wouldent doubt that. so msg either one of us for 1 month free of netflix. cancel after words if you want. I enjoy my netflix... not recently due to the red ring of death on my xbox although its supposed to come today! i am going through netflix withdraws
  9. Vali


    the cards have a promotion code... i can just type it to you.. haha
  10. Vali


    im hoping to come
  11. Vali


    Netflix send me some friend referral cards for 1 month free. I have 3 left msg me here or private message if you want one. I dont know what to do with them xD they expire june 15th 2010.
  12. Vali

    TV Opinions

    Friend bought an operpriced 720p LG quiet some time ago... after about a month he complained about the responce time on gaming...he didnt know what to buy tho My dad has a plasma samsung its nice! but he paid $4,000+ for it :/
  13. Vali

    Norwalk today

    Went to Norwalk today to see the drags. Snowmobiles are so awesome! I am sunburnt like no tomorrow, but had a blast!
  14. we had greay success for friday and saturday! im goin to watch drag racers today hopefully play later tonight when i get home =]
  15. I am all down for tonight! But I have a birthday party to go to at 5pm Saturday, idk if ill be home in time for customs. I hope I am tho.
  16. Alright I got me a case of beer I am all set for Friday night retro! Hope to see you all!
  17. I love munchkin! its the best. i never played killer bunnies. But I dont know if ill be able to afford FFO this year xD its not looking to hot.... but who knows its more than a month away. I could find a $20 bill in the grass tomorrow. Here is to hoping!
  18. Vali

    League of Legends

    Riot Games and Gamebattles.net just recently added a ladder... maybe we can get enough gc members to join the ladder and take a top place =]. We would be rewarded with Riot Points ( in game $0 to buy cool skins or champions =]
  19. Vali

    League of Legends

    Dr. Mundo? he is awesome just spam his cleaver every 2-4 seconds and get some health regen and your golden... kayle is ehh.. i dont like her very much... i can never pop my ultimate in time to save someones life. Add me to friends we can play a few =] Vali For All Tid
  20. I will bring the card game "Munchkin". Its fun and easy to learn. Kill the Monster. Steal the Loot. Stab your Buddy. http://www.worldofmunchkin.com/game/ I have a quiet a few of the sets. I could also bring San Juan. Another fun and easy to learn card game. Besides boardgames/card games. CSS, TF2, and Source Forts =]
  21. Vali

    League of Legends

    Phyzer i found you! i sent an invite. ... wow i didnt know about that site... that site is amazing!
  22. Vali

    League of Legends

    add me to friends "Vali For All Tid" and ill come play.. prolly end up woopin some bots... but ill try to take it easy
  23. Vali

    League of Legends

    You are kinda limited to champions unless you buy the game or play enough games to unlock who you want. all the champs seem pretty balanced so far =] they are adding a new champion every week and updating nerfs and buffs for champions too =]
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