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Everything posted by MaRvIn

  1. Yeah, unless you have a business plan with her on it you can't track anything on her phone.
  2. MaRvIn

    Re: Tick

    I read through this but sadly don't know any specs on the host machines. So if someone that does can read through it too and see if we have any of the same problems as this guy. http://csgo-servers.1073505.n5.nabble.com/Server-Jitter-Lag-on-128-tick-Server-with-gt-24-players-td5633.html
  3. Well there may be only 17 votes but people are speaking for others when they post too. Gotta count those too.
  4. Everything seems to be chugging along smoothly more updates soon to come.
  5. I don't see it as being worth it. You can play plenty of free large mech games already. That's the only part of the game that stands out to me. I have watched about 6 hours of game play by streamers on twitch and they all say it is just CoD on steroids with big robots.
  6. It should be in Renegade's trailer.
  7. Awesome, I was skimming too hard to see that you just goto the link.
  8. Time line? Time isn't made out of lines. It is made out of circles. That is why clocks are round!

    1. crasx



  9. I would love to take some. I lost all my stuff when I switched from 360 to PC
  10. Maybe instead of a poll we should have just had people put +1 or however many they are bringing. I mean Mav, Cooldogs and Killer are not active on forums so they might be coming but the vote would never show that.
  11. Marvin kills Slim after Slim runs right by him. +5
  12. BULLS ON PARADE +3 (Three crates air drop)
  13. MaRvIn

    Item Durability

    It is use based.
  14. Remove de_rats_1337 Add de_stadium_go de_ruins de_reef de_cambodia
  15. The only game I have is Risk: Halo Wars Edition.
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