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Everything posted by crasx

  1. You can try rofl. I'll just b like good luck
  2. I was thinking about setting up some system to send me an sms if anyone needed help with admin stuff. Essentially I would give a few trusted friends login access to a form they can fill out which would just send the message to my phone
  3. Seems like its still down. sad.
  4. !buy -> health items -> respawn on corpse
  5. LOL I never realized thats what you did. win.
  6. First off thank you for coming and posting on the forum about this so we can discuss it better. This happened last night on the first map of no mercy. The girl you were referring to was chick who is a regular on the server. From what I heard a few people on your team were complaining about you rushing. As you mentioned you were in the safe room (I did not look too hard for other people, just heard names being screamed and saw you in the safe room). The rest of your team was getting beat up pretty bad up on the street level and was asking you to come back and help. When you started mocking your teammates was when I decided to ban you because I felt like you were "trolling" and rushing on purpose. The initial ban was two days because when I ban I usually overreact and am just trying to get you out of the server. However after the round ended I did change it to 15 minutes. You are free to come back and I am sorry for the misunderstanding but if your team is asking you for help it is better not to mock them, that alone will get you banned by my standards. If you come back and play with us I am sure we will learn eachothers gamestyles and I will be less likely to ban you if I know who you are. Hope to see you around
  7. crasx


    I like it. doesn't help if the teams are stacked though which is a totally different issue
  8. pull the bible belt back through the loops it missed... dayum thats poetry

    1. Madvillain


      That was some romantic stuff Crasx

    2. crasx


      buddy wakefield

  9. Yes I consider this an insult: Maybe I misread that as its not fun to play with hackasses... my bad
  10. you should prolly start a new topic about this. However I think this is an admin only thing... I did write a plugin for this but I don't think It was ever put on the server edit: also no reason to insult people. That whs why I muted you, to calm down..
  11. We don't have any rules on teamswitching however you normally shouldn't switch to spec after dying. In the server it is 10v10, after one team goes through a map the infected and survivors are swapped then the map is gone through again (same players, just reversed roles). There is really no reason to switch to spectate and people may get aggravated about you constantly switching and votekick.
  12. I believe I was in the server one time and kicked you for rushing ahead. 6 members of your team were getting constantly smoked off that path in no mercy (first level inside the hospital). They were screaming for the other 4 to come help but the 4 (maybe 3) of you were just waiting for the elevator. this was e5.maestro, not sure if thats you? Glad you wanna learn the rules though, and welcome =] no hate.
  13. hope everything is ok =[ hugs
  14. I second that hint hint. Also you can pm any of the online admins to come deal with it. If I am on and not afk I will help you out unless im in class/at work
  15. I use to use get a cheap sony headset and went through like 3 in a year. I always had trouble with the wires breaking and all that nonsence.. usually it was the speaker part of the headset So I decided to break it up and now I just use normal headphones with a mic on my desk. Works really well and its cheap =] edit: not usb. but works http://www.amazon.com/Logitech-Labtec-Desktop-Microphone-600/dp/B000O7K4LO
  16. how do I get ftp access?
  17. hahahaha l4d2 is a really frustrating game and I don't think any of the admins would ban you for rushing in this case (at least I wouldn't). Especially if others in the game have a bad attitude or w/e I too wish there was an anti-stack system and would be happy to code one but in the end its up to jackie... we've had many discussions on this and I think the verdict was that people want to play with friends and blah blah. so really if you want to make it as fair as possible while keeping the fun element you need to be a leader. This simply means 1. make friends with players so they respect you and 2. when it is unbalanced talk to your friends so they can switch also to even things out also the more friends you have on at a given time the less frustration. Because you could be getting your butt kicked but if you have people to laugh about it with it doesn't really matter also feel free to chat with an admin if they are on and s/he can come in and try to even things out
  18. I agree. Would be nice to give admins log access via ftp so we can check suff like this out without needing to bother jackie
  19. I feel like I was screaming "run run run" to you rofl
  20. look in the steam group servers for gcftw or in console type join l4d.gcftw.com welcome back!
  21. crasx


    I second that. It really brings people together when they say "hey send points to the incapped main" or "help I need 2 points to heal!" Nothing requires you to send points, you can be selfish and hog them all if you want =]
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