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Everything posted by chick82

  1. Morning Glory by Tim Buckley What is Mastertalpa really doing between post?
  2. it's a secret by 5 chinese brothers How do birds poop midflight?
  3. AppleJacks by the Triangles. What does grilled cheese look like?
  4. eucalyptus by deadly syndrome How do you tattle tell on a koala bear?
  5. Stick it stamp it me and Tirtul are in!!
  6. Why ask why? Why not- Hillary duff* How do you gain 10 pounds eating lettuce?
  7. While it maybe considered strategy at times it can really mess up your team and it's not fair to slow loaders who come in and time delay a sec and there's spit where they loaded in at. I think it's a good ideal it's not just sk though there are a few people who do this and it's annoying weather you are on survivor or infected. Can make unfair advantages. Also, are you taking the grenade launcher out of map 3 of No Mercy, after that exploit.
  8. Lol death it took me 2 weeks on the server to figure what in the world people ment by mains. People where like okay protect the mains or chick or a main I'm like what I didn't sign up for that what does it mean lol
  9. After reading and rereading everything I want to say this. A lot of us have made mistakes. Times came to the forums to vent his views on server rules. We responded, but slowly it spiraled out of control. He was being mature being it here instead of ingame. We all have kept it here so that's good but we went to far in expressing our feelings. I did attack times saying he was rude and immature and I shouldn't have. I don't regret saying I was bothered by the Mormon comment but like Times we could of went a better route to explaining how something made us feel. People got upset when he was banned which lead to Matt saying there needs to be a consistently with admins. Which I agree but once again we began to get off topic, and it got out of hand. Now Kira and I are fighting and I don't like it, Kira is my best good friend and I like him being around but now we are at a disagreement because we let this need to be more right than the other. Which leads to Jackie wanting to quit. This I hate. He is a great admin, who does wonders for the server and wants nothing but us to have fun. So you know what I'll be the first to say this: Times I'm sorry I called you immature and rude. I should of handled the way I felt about your comment better and explained it better. Kira I'm sorry you felt I attacked you I didn't mean it that way but I can honestly see why you think that way. Jackie stay! And if there is anyone else I offended or upset I apologize. I let things get the better of me, and handled it in not the best of ways. I think we all should get back to the game and start fresh. Follow the GC rules and just get along.
  10. I'm posting one last thing. Times posted, people responded with their opinions, Times commented on MPG attacking him, people started attacking each other, out of hand it got. If someone post issues and reasons respond with your counter pro or con. Leave personal attacks out of it. Stop the he's this or she's that, or oh your opinion is stupid or you don't play at the right time some your opinion is irrelevant. These personal attacks have everyone on defense and no one on offense causing things to get out of hand. We ALL need to step back and calm down about all of this.
  11. Since I am the Only one who commented about times mormon comment I'll post here. 1) did I think Times was against them NO, BUT I do not like anyone no matter who they are using something religious, nationality, or relationship status, as a reference. Because it is done in a nature that is saying this is what you are doing that I don't like make it stop. 2) everyone knows times was being sarcastic, that was obvious but sarcasm doesn't mean you can say as you please either. 3) no one attacked Times, we all gave our opinions, and when he said what he did I gave my feelings and why it upset me. No one has attacked him we've responded to HIS post. 4) I'm sick of everyone attacking MPG, one this discussion is about Times and admins consistency. I don't know MPG but it's really uncalled for bring up stuff that is far in the past like "cake and mpg deal" that was a long time ago. Why not see how he does as admin before you all come in here throwing insult after insult at him. I'm done posting over this. Thus has become a big drama and is changing topics. I voiced my feelings towards Times comments, he chose to put a smartelic comment. He had little regard for server rules as Jackie. And I even said I'm not opposed to him coming back. So peace I'm done with this soap opera, I quit, here's me script, I'm going postal on zombies.
  12. I wasn't accusing Times of being against Mormons, I was more offened by the reference. I feel like when you take something like M is for this not this and put something that is specific, versus something like M isn't for Middle School, that was my biggest issue was just the way he went with it. I don't think Times is a horrible person, i think hes arrogant(no offense). I just felt like he went in a way of getting his point out that was not the maturest. I just wish I didn't get the vibe from times that he doesn't think he's done anything wrong. That's what bothers me the most. I'm not an admin but I'm not opposed to Times being unbanned BUT he really does need to fix his, I don't want to say attitude, because he's not like mean but its like he does the old school umadbro in a different way and doesn't think it not really hurts peoples feelings but makes them not want to play with him or be able to voice their opinions. Like i said with the not wanting to type votescramble when he's around. So if he does come back just less Times pro tip and more just Times, if that makes sense.
  13. I have a big issue with this Times. I think this is just down right disrespectful to make this statement. I think for you to sit here and say that GC is making people act like Mormons(one you are seriously mistaken if you think this is the only Religion with strong views on Respect, Profanity, Crudeness that just shows how immature and rude you are. That would be like walking up to a group of individuals and saying "Oh you're acting like a bunch of Asian people, or a bunch of Christians, or a bunch of Jews". I think it shows how little you truly care about the rules of GC. Personally TIMES, I think most of your post shows how little you care about GC RULES, you have swore in your post, questions admins authorities, shown ignorance to a religion, and basically said GC rules are stupid and people need to lighten up. Well Times, I think you need to grow up. So you can't swear, you can't stack teams. The number one thing GC always says "If you don't like the rules, you don't have to play here". Well maybe its time you either excepted the rules or move on. Also, Jykri, you saying Tirtul is being overly sensetive, I think you need to remember people in general don't like to be taunted. It's like being at a basketball game and taunting the other team and when they miss shots be like "You Suck" or "Learn to Play", thats not right, so why do you think it should be okay here. I think people need to realize you are already frustrated by losing to be taunted, its like being stabbed in the back and then having the person come to the front and stabbing you in the chest, just because they can. The point is people need to be more considerate of the other team and remember when you were in school it's not nice to be made fun of if you aren't doing so well, its not cool to go to games and have to listen to people say "You suck" or have people running up and down the court screaming "You mad bro".
  14. I use to not like you times we butted heads but it's past and we've become mutual frenemies just leaving each other alone but I will comment with honesty on this post. 1) since I've been on the server there has been a no swearing rule, it has been for a long time, it's not like they woke up yesterday and say no swearing guys no swearing. It's been a friendly environment without the profanity. I cuss like a sailor but I don't do it on the server and I like it. It's nice to not have to hear f this and that every other word. I was annoyed losing wt f but in fairness to Jackie and the admins we do know what it stands for. 2) playing with friends, this is not 4v4, it's nice when you get to be on your friends teams but it doesn't work like that. I love being on tirtul, session, valen, nightling, Jackie's, Kira's, madvillaians team but is that always possible or even fair no. If you want to be on your friends teams always go play 4v4. To keep it as fair and balanced though sometimes its not it's random get over it. 3) admins being strict, well that's their job. Do you get mad at your boss or teachers for keeping peace in the work place or in classrooms. Yes it's just a game but to ensure everyone has a fair and fun game people who join to rush, grief, mic spam, insult, taunt, be poor sports ruin that for people. I'd be lying if I said I've never been mean to anyone on the server cause I've had my moments but I've stopped. I don't like people yelling at me for not dying the second I spit or being behind or whatever, so I try to give people the benefit of the doubt. Lastly, you may not know this times but because of you I still dread typing votescramble, you use to make the rudest and unfriendly comments to people who wanted a votescramble, so before you talk about people being mean to others you should evaluate the way you act and how it makes people feel.
  15. I think the picture speaks for it self
  16. I think something needs to be done about the kicking. We kicked someone in dead center yesterday who purposely walked to the window and stood there and waited to get death charged. Griefing, mic spamming, yelling, being really mean and nasty, are good reasons. I think people kicking people because of skill has gotten out of hand. After we kicked that guy for griefing the other team kicked 2 or 3 people for "lack of skill". 123- While I understand you're frustration, swearing at others is not a good way to get your point across. I understand people can be rude and mean but it wont help your case. Jackie- I think making members only vote kicks might be a good ideal, but you still never know. Admins can't be on 24/7 and members can abuse(less likely) but you never know. (cough "Session") Mechanical- You many have been Pro but arrogance is a bad shade of pink on an already ugly bridesmaid dress. This guy just wants to be your friend and he reminds me of Dean, Dean doesn't know the best english but he tries, just like this guy is trying to communicate. MPG- Has a good point 123, you shouldn't insult yourself, or others. You are upset because people are being mean to you. If you want us to be on your side and help then you really have to let the admins do their job, and hope that those people who are being mean and kicking you for no reason, listen to the admins and quit breaking the rules for kicking people based on skill.
  17. You need someone to post a comment on here, so I will!!

    1. chick82


      Don't Stalk me! lol

  18. First off(only bc I get this a lot) I am not an admin, I have never been an admin the only girl admin is CAKE not CHICK, so I want people to have that clear in their minds. I have no control except !votekick like we all do and even that the team still decides. Second off I think a lot of this got out of hand a lot quicker than anyone intended and so I think things could of been done differently so here is what I have to say. I had went afk in the finale of Dead Center and it went to Sacrafice, and it was full so I waited, when map 2 came up it looked like no one was going to leave so I got up to get some water, and when i got back I saw that Matt had just joined, so I asked Tirtul if he could kick matt since he wasn't a member. Now I could of asked Matt in chat but I didn't so for that I'm sorry. But as soon as I joined in it was an attack Chick she kicked or had Matt kicked, even joking it wasn't funny, because I had been waiting. So I was being given grief and Tirtul being an admin can hear anything but he made the comment about it being Over with, it wasn't anything towards you Matt it was to the people on my team who were commenting about the kick. So it wasn't meant like "Oh forget about Matt", if that makes sense. So Matt kept trying to rejoin after the kick with the occasional comment about member slot reservation and finally was able to get in. Jackie had commented on just letting it go and it was over and done with. Well when Matt got in he was upset (I understand why he like I had been waiting forever) once he got in he kept on about it so I lashed out and said "look I have been waiting, and you I am a member and you aren't so drop it" (I know it was a childish kinda of My Dad can Beat up your Dad kinda of thing) but dealing with it from people on my team, to reading what he wrote about being kicked, to finally him being on the team I was just over it. I know things could of been handled differently and I have since e-mailed and talked to Matt. I think a few things got out of hand. 1) I could of asked Matt instead of Tirtul unless matt was a butt and was like no you can't have the spot(lol) have to have a little humor. 2) Members do get perks. BUT I very very rarely have anyone kicked or ask to have someone kicked I'll wait like most of us do BUT when we've been waiting and someone gets in because we didn't type fast enough or turned our heads that shouldn't lead to an all out ragefest. Thats all I have to say.
  20. You know what I am absolutely done with this thread. To have the nerve to accuse my husband of conflict of interest is so beyond uncalled for when Tirtul has in fact Vetoed my votes, and warned me for accidentally saying a profanity(rare but I am human i make mistakes). You have some serious nerve to not only Bring up an issue that has nothing to do with you being kicked, BUT also to say the things you have said to an admin. I'm sorry Harrold, at the end of the day I think you need to just be permanently banned. You are notorious for rushing and you do yell at your team a lot, and can be very mean and rude. I may not also have a sunshine personality either but You can be down right insulting plus the way you treat an admin, I think for a regular to constantly keep doing these things and breaking the rules is uncalled for and shouldn't be tolerated anymore.
  21. I have several issues with this being brought up. 1) I was the one who votekicked him. 2) You weren't even on our team so you have no idea why he was kicked. 3) I think its really uncalled for to bring this up when the issue is with your kick. On that note I personally did not see weather he was charged/rushed so while I was in the game I am not going to take sides. Now Just so everyone knows: There was a gentlemen on our team who for 3 maps was constantly walking through spit and getting himself dropped. Now on map 3 he was holding the spitter and people asked him nicely if he would please spit&die and some people were like votekick him, I said we can't we know we can't. So the 4th map he ran through spit, THEN i got dropped at the end of the hallway, there was a spit and I said "Hey (person) go back there's spit and you're b&w, he continued to walk through the spit and died. So after 4 maps of him walking through spit, constantly being dropped, and not really helping on infected, or even trying to learn. So while I know we can't kick on skill this guy not only lacked skill but also willingness to learn which hurts a team really bad.
  22. LOL idk why it duplicated I'm sorry but all of Boilers post was in the quote section of my last post. And its all there. That's all the help I can offer. LOL I be posting Multi times to just be like yay i wrote that LOL JK JK...Sorry about that.
  23. THIS IS MY POINT! People who over read into and take what is said the wrong way then make the regulars feel bad. No this isn't a noob friendly game BUT not in the way you think. You assume 50-100 hours is a lot lets do some math on that so you understand the game. 1) If you are new it takes about an hour/hour an half to go through 1 campaign, which gives you an ideal of where to go, what to do, gives you an ideal. So lets say there are 8 campaigns that's about 14-15 hours doing 1 run through, which really you should do at least 1 run through before you play ANY versus, not just our server ANY server, because you need to know where you are going. 2) Then after you have done 1 run through each campaign, you go try REGULAR versus, one because 10v10 versus is not a good place to start it really isn't, one there are ALOT of mods, and two there is a buy system. So you go try out 4v4, assuming no one kicks you for low hours (Which is a true thing because it happens more than you can imagine) you finally start getting a few games under your belt lets say you do a versus in each campaign and that takes 2 hours each. so 8 camps gives you 16 hours. So now total you have 30 hours in which you have only done 1 run through and 1 versus run through. You are just starting to get familiar with the game that has a 4v4 structure with no mods, and you join a 10v10 with a lot of mods and a buy system. Okay this will be a little frustrating for regulars BUT! There are 2 kinda of people that this new person will be. 1) Those who are excited to play, a little weak in some places because they are new, but they ask questions, they communicate, they are trying very hard, they ask about the buy system, they ask what does !sp mean, they actually are trying to learn the game and giving a sincere effort. 2) THESE ARE THE PEOPLE THAT THIS POST IS ABOUT! These players range from 30 hours to 400 hours players. Some of them are new and some have a fair amount of hours, but they don't ask any questions, or may ask a little about the buy or sp system but don't do anything with it, they start shopping because either they've never played this map or they just do their own thing, when teammates ask them "How many points do you need to heal" and they never answer never answer and die because the other team keeps spitting on them and we cant' get them up or another suckie thing is when you Send them points and they don't even use them. And then when you are on infected you and try and explain to them a good choke point or set up this way and about 10mins into the map you get this attitude "Oh all these micro managers are way to bossy, and stop telling people what to do, don't tell me how to play, I play how I want" BLAH BLAH BLAH. Looks its fine and all to play how you want but THIS IS A TEAM! VERSUS! Okay So i'm sorry if you don't know the definition of Team then you need to leave, or if you aren't willing to lead but you'll be Damned if anyone else does because 10 people should just get on the server and do their own thing. Yes lets do that. Lets all get on the server for one night, and NO ONE say anything, NO LEAD, no one help anyone who asks a question about the buy system, no one send points to anyone. REBEL!!!!!!!! AGAINST THE REGULARS! BECAUSE GOD FORBID Anyone gives you advice. There has to be some sort of leadership and on a 10v10 you aren't going to get just 1 like you do in a 4v4 unless you have Dryfire, or Tech, or Parox on your team because(One they hardly shut up and Two because they just have that gamer really load voice). It's just the nature of the beast. If you can't handle the fact that there are 10 people playing and there will be at least 2 or 3 people telling a team what they should do, then don't play on it, because that's how its going to be now and forever. You know back in the day I would kick anyone who annoyed me, aggravated me, who didn't have a mic, who didn't speak english, who was a little kid, who I didn't like, who didn't play as well, BUT now I am WAY more tolerante because of the 10v10 BUT tolereance can only run so deep.
  24. Yes Tonto I agree its not cool to call people names, I have once in a while lost it to the point I'm like really guys and go off a little bit about the lack of team support. My whole thing is yes there are people who get pulled back or stuck or chain smoked(please i've been on this a few times so I understand that) its more like when people don't cover, don't make an effort and then freak out about someone trying to help or make suggestions. As far as the non-English there are a lot of people who aren't English speakers but you have people like Dean for example who doesn't know english really well but he is always communicate with the team even with something as simple as smoked or charged in back. You don't have to be perfect at English but being able to communicate in some fashion is helpful, even if you just can type Help. I just want people to be open to learning or asking for help versus assuming because you are new we think you suck or don't want you on our team that is not the case at all. Its more like if you openly ask questions, ask how the buy menu works, ask questions to know better versus not saying a word ever or only to complain about the people who are trying to make suggestions and set up good attacks. Jackie & Valen put it best you are only as good as your worst/lest experienced player. This is truly a game where one person who takes no suggest who takes no advice who isn't willing to learn can bring a team of 9 other people down. And Valen on the infected, it is easy to pew pew and have someone be able to come back and save you time and time again and maybe bounce back from the lack of experience or attention but on infected, 4 people attacking 10 while the other 6 are doing there own thing and not wanting to take suggestions really you can make up for that, it is just to hard on infected to pick up the slack of people who aren't willing to learn or work as a team.
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