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Everything posted by Girlzilla

  1. I don't have HBO so I've still only seen Season 1, and am awaiting my pre-order of Season 2 on Amazon. I read every single book in the series and wow, it gets so complicated. I hope HBO has a huge budget for this hah! I also went to a Comic-Con a few months ago and got these signed comics I thought would be nice to share since they are from the story.
  2. Tak' yer finger out o' yer nose, ye clattie imp!

  3. Christmas is the time when kids tell Santa what they want and adults pay for it. Deficits are when adults tell government what they want and their kids pay for it.

  4. If history repeats itself, I'm sooo getting a dinosaur

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Madvillain


      lol, wheres the "like this" box?!

    3. walkingCat


      ROFL, I choose a mammoth for Christmas!

    4. MasterTalpa


      im going to tape a t-rex to my back

    1. tonerrrr


      Top comment hahaha "Still better than nicki manaj"

    2. Girlzilla


      I am Siamese if you please!


    3. walkingCat


      I've uploaded the 10-hour version on my ipod.

  5. You've gotta kill it before it sucks someone's brains out!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MattKemp


      Starship Troopers?

    3. Girlzilla


      Yes! The Brain from StarShip Troopers! You win.


    4. MattKemp


      Yay! What do I win?

  6. You've gotta kill it before it sucks someone's brains out and eats it!

  7. You ain't nothin' but a hoochie mama! Hoodrat! Hoodrat! Hoochie mama!

  8. THIS IS SPARTA!!!!!

    1. TheDude


      Hello Sparta nice to meet you. I'm Dude.

    2. lousiest
    3. Hailfire


      No, Sparta is 3 doors down the hall on the left.

  9. Another one I uploaded heh http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wiON4QVIh5w&feature=youtu.be
  10. The fun part is wondering how many gazillion miles the meteorite traveled before finding Earth. Maybe it's seen aliens. (besides us) Sad people got hurt.
  11. What about all those episodes - I'm still waiting for them to finish that!
  12. I just "liked" one of Biggs' posts, then UNLIKED IT. Yes...
  13. LOL This is what you'll see. I'm going to auction off this bag. My awesome artistic skillz - almost as good as my CS:GO finesse.
  14. I'll sit across form you so I can unplug your lan cable. speaking of which are we coved on lan cables? Everyone should bring their own just in case. A "What To Bring" checklist will be made when it comes closer to the date. Uh, this might be a silly question, but is a LAN cable the same thing as an ethernet cable?
  15. I reserved two seats - how do people know not to take those #'s? I didn't see anything when I was in the store front. So hopefully what I reserved was open... Picked C07 and C08. Picked hehe.
  16. Bringing this set. The cornhole boards were hand-made by Jack Burton Burritos's Dad. He might let us borrow a second set if we promise it'll come back in one piece lol. I think he'd kill us if something bad happened to them.
  17. I vote Miranda lol http://i1143.photobucket.com/albums/n623/hege2222/MassEffect/Melissa1_zps4bf6fd05.png[/img]"]http://
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eH3Y9c-d0KI&feature=youtu.be
  19. Ooooooooo ME4! I still have to finish ME3!! I loved Mass Effect 2. Played a long time back. I play two Shepards. Amanda Shepard, the "good" one, who wouldn't hurt a fly. This one's her in Mass Effect 2: And her Mass Effect 3 version: SHOULD NEVER HAVE GONE WITH THE BRILLIANT IDEA THAT HOT PINK LIPSTICK IS A GOOD IDEA. And my "bad" one, Alyx Shepard, who'd... uh, EAT flies. I admit - I liked playing her more. The bad moral side is hilarious. This one's her in Mass Effect 2: And my favorite line in the whole game, ROFL And her Mass Effect 3 version: Haha! Oh and just a random comment: The woman who does the voice acting for the female Shepard is AWESOME.
  20. Ugh, no. In Morrowind, you could customize spells – change their duration, range, and magnitude and be limited only by the amount of magicka you could cast. Totally different than Skyrim. So I’m stuck with largely useless necromancy spells that can only reanimate weak enemies, like those Rieklings. Even then, some of the higher Riekling classes (Hunter and the Boar Rider, from what I saw) don’t work. I dunno – maybe someone made a mod to address this. WHAT?! You donut. Just wait for a Steam sale. Besides, I know your unflagging honor would never permit such shiftiness. Skyrim has different levels up raise undead. Raise Zombie, Reanimate Corpse, Revenant, Dread Zombie, Dead Thrall. I was wondering if any would raise the warebear. Nope, that's what I was trying to say. Sorry, not trying to sound like a know-it-all. Just crying that Skyrim isn't like Morrowind in some aspects I might be wrong about the WereBear but I'm pretty sure they're too strong for the spells they give you.
  21. I couldn't really enjoy the testing or be useful about it. Too much lag - what I get for playing Skyrim, quitting and waiting for Steam to sychronize the save game files. GRRRRR
  22. Girlzilla


    T minus 25 days!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  23. Now I will have to stare. Shaftiel You and Lunk are both up to no good. Lunk said the same exact thing on the server last night.
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