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Everything posted by Girlzilla

  1. For some reason it won't let me view em - I click on the link and the pic begins to download, but then Google pops up and asks me if I want to translate the page and I say no, and then BAM! The pic doesn't load.
  2. I'm going to crazy glue my keyboard & mouse to my desk, then giggle when the IT dept can't move me to our new office downtown! rofl!

    1. crasx


      genius, they may just think you spilled so much soda it permanently stuck. ewww

  3. My PC just goes Kapooya! when I try to make it run higher. I like the screenshots. I want my Bioshock Infinite like that!
  4. This game is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. I got zeee more from Tree Spree in our GC map.
  6. I was watching a John Deere commercial the other day and laughed like a goose. "Nothing Runs Like a Deere." I just got it. 0_0 OK, like I pay attention to tractor commercials!!
  7. Girlzilla


    Think I'm with you on this one. Going to pick Dead Space 3, even though never played 1 or 2. I have BF3 and ME3 and don't really care about the other choices. I was hoping they'd let me pick a DLC or two for BF3. Oh well, free is free.
  8. Girlzilla


    OK - this has to be the strangest glitch I've ever seen so far. ROFL. How did he get so high, LOL. After this happened, my game crashed and this happened: I hope I can get back in. Haha!
  9. I just drew it over the water from land to land and it popped up. It's annoying - you have to get it just right for it to pop up. Same with the tunnels. If ya look closely, it's over the edge of the water, not land, so it bridged it. BRIDGED IT!
  10. I like our GC map - everyone's connected. Makes it easier. I've got my Tree Spree city on a railroad spree. And I figured out how to make tunnels. My Sims wouldn't go in them for the longest time, just drove up to the mouth of the tunnel and turned around lol.
  11. Girlzilla


    Game's very fun and playable for me. Some of the glitches are hilarious. I had a Godzilla disaster in my city - he breathes flame, but when he finished and is supposed to sink into the earth and be gone, his fire breath just kept going. It wasn't doing damage but it wasn't supposed to be there. Lol. I call it my "living flame" attraction! Considering no one here makes games for a living - that I'm aware of - how about some patience. What game in the history of mankind doesn't have bugs, and how many of us actually know the amount of collaboration and work it takes to make a game? It has to be a labor of love for some people on some level.
  12. Now you can't say deer in the headlights. It's clearly deer in the trunk.
  13. Why does this sound so wrong? Haha! What is this so called Minecraft?
  14. Well, so today I found a new shiny button. The amazing Right Arrow in the plop Nature ($$) row of line items, revealing a whole new row of line items I never knew about. Including this one: Plant Forest!!!! I went on a planting tree spree. TREE SPREE! Even the industrial parks seemed to like it. It seemed to stop the sprawl of urban junk. That's when I noticed this little guy driving to work: "Going to make the donuts." LOL. Donuts! Hmm, "going to make sausages" while singing? Oh, Sausage Symphony. Not as bad as Asbestos Pillows factory. And last: NAH!
  15. One of those pictures has already happened and the other two probably won't because they're very vague (like the Westeros Kings in the background of Danaerys) WHAT!? Actually two have already happened. Daenerys got preggo with Drogo's baby - that's her holding the dragon eggs she received as a wedding gift. Then there's the one of her in the fire, end of book 1 when she burns the witch who killed her baby and made Drogo all empty, and comes out unscathed as Mother of Dragons. Yah the dragon's huge, not a baby size, but that's why I like the comics. Artistic license! The other one, with the dragon rider... I can't remember if that one happened (I think I know what scene now that I think about it, but don't want to spoil it since it's from a lot later book), but it's from a comic book so probably grounded in some actual scene from GRRM's books.
  16. Behold! The Sim City guide has this keen information on your homeless problem, which I faithfully transcribe below: Ha! You mean eventually DIE OUT! They're killing homeless Sims! Hoard your garbage!!!
  17. This totally proves no one reads my posts - my first one that started this thread had that answer. HAAH!!! If you wanted me to read the text on your topic you shouldn't have distracted me with shiny pictures! What I meant was I didn't know the screenshot button when it happened. Yah, yah - I'm taking you to court! Right after I build it. lol I don't even know if there is one. I have more shiny pictures!
  18. This totally proves no one reads my posts - my first one that started this thread had that answer. HAAH!!!
  19. Girlzilla


    Hmmm, in that case maybe I'd get something for my Battlefield 3 - I don't have all of the DLCs!!!111 I think.
  20. I thought it'd be fun to have a place for us to show off our screenshots from playing Sim City. I didn't have fraps on this time, but pressing C in game will take it for you and save it in My Documents > SimCity folder. (press V for videos, too) just so ya know, in case ya didn't know, ya know? So Jack and I made a private city map and been trying to accomplish a finished Great Work Site, specifically the Solar Farm. He was able to rack up 2 freakin' million dollars and send some of it to my city for the School of Science in my University to do the research requirement for the solar farm. I also did tourism in that city and plopped the Empire State Building. I have major poopoo problems in my city - sewage spilling everywhere lol. And water GAH WATER! And natural disasters - so far alien abduction, meteor strike and Godzilla eating my garbage. And traffic GAHHH traffic. OK, so here are some of mine. Join in with yours!
  21. Rat maps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111
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