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Everything posted by Cinkadeus

  1. I'm getting "You do not have this 3rd party mod installed." But that's from clicking CONNECT on the Sourceban page. I use it to see who's in before I join. I'll try by direct IP later. Help us, Jackie-Chan, you're our only hope!
  2. Kubrick made sure I'd never have a computer or TV with an eye watching me.... Plotting against me. I have a laptop with a built in webcam and I put tape over it.
  3. I've said this in game once, it made since then and it makes sense now. Regarding the bots use of profanity: They don't have a choice.
  4. You'd think if she could find missing socks she wouldn't be his "ex" wife.
  5. I just cancelled my account again due to completing all the content.... again... I quit back in June to pay for my MLB.TV account. I came back after the season ended to do the 4.3 content (i.e. kill the guy on the box). To clarify for non WoWers: the guy on the box doesn't appear in the actual game until about a year after the game initially hits store shelves. After I got the "Destroyer's End" title, I didn't see the point in playing anymore. I like the LFR tool, but it allows you to just blow through conent at an alarming rate, much faster than Blizzard can deliver it. Its really beneficial when you have 3 kids and can't make a full raid schedule with your guild anymore. And I've never been a fan of "Mode" instances. I don't see the point of beating a boss, then changing it to "Hard Mode" and beating it again only with more health and a slightly modified mechanic. I thought it was stupid when it came out in Argent Tournament and I still think its dumb. Ulduar had the right idea about hard modes and I loved that, but not this "Heroic" junk. I used to run Alts, but Bliz had homogenized classes so much that there's no difference between them. Almost all classes have a pet, battle resurrection, and interrupt now. I've saved the world 4 times now over 6 years and I think its time to retire for good.
  6. I don't think that's the real Yoda that TNGHunter killed so it should be OK... <tee-hee>
  7. Cracked.com is one of my favorite sites. Today they had video game Venn diagrams. This one fit perfectly.
  8. Sharing points again makes baby Mustachio cry.
  9. I dumped GD years ago. But, if I still had a domain with them, I WOULD have dropped them over the SOPA thing. I do believe that piracy has run rampant and that devs should be paid, but this is the WAY wrong way to go about it.
  10. He's awake and running on the wheel again!
  11. Someone please feed the squirrel powering the server. He's asleep again.
  12. Man, I'm a geek, because looking at those stats is better than Cialis. But $500!?!? It better make coffee and bacon too.
  13. Cinkadeus


    lol, thanks. Was just wondering I've only ever seen the !hat command used in conjunction with an object name. Didn't know it brought up a list.
  14. Cinkadeus


    Is there a hat list somewhere? I googled it but most of the results are useless. I know a few, and the one's that pop up on the command, but I'm looking for something unique.
  15. W O O T. No trying to kill "cockroach" survivors all week! Joygasm.
  16. Do we pay a game server company or is this hosted by a member? It crashed 3 times on us today and "Dead Center" is getting old really quick. One time it didn't even get finished with the campaign before restarting. I love death charging out of the hotel as much as the next guy (especially when its Maestro I'm throwing out the window ), but is there a randomizer on the starting campaign? Jackie, what gives?
  17. Cinkadeus


    I only play around lunch CST and haven't really seen any of this. Not to say it doesn't happen. Hate to hear it though. I'm also a pretty mediocre player as well and my only gripe is the team stacking. I'm not talking about a 200 to 1000 pt single round, I'm talking about a 3000pt gap over 2 or 3 rounds and constant down voting of scrambles. Heh, a 3000 pt gap should be automatic. Other than that, I love the server and the usuals who are on around lunch. Except MaestroPG... Screw that guy <hugs maestro with charger>
  18. Didn't I just make one of these threads? lol I'm going with ATI. They have a better performance to dollar ratio.
  19. Thanks for the manufacturer name... I knew Radeon came from someone I trusted but couldn't remember who.
  20. Thanks for all the input. I think I'm leaning toward the Radeon HD 6950 2GB. I can't crossfire or SLI on this rig but performance/price ratio seems better on ATI cards. The shader count alone on ATIs is awesome. I'm figuring on making a decision the first week of Jan when Newegg tries to dump all its Christmas excess inventory. That's when you can get the best deals from them.
  21. Yeah, Its been a long time since I've used ATI as well. There used to be a distinct difference in the two. I see that if you pair an ATI card with a AMD CPU there's some inherent advantage, but I'm strictly an Intel man after that whole 'slot' CPU debacle. That, and 2 of the 3 games I listed are "As its meant to be played" branded for nVidia.
  22. So I find myself where I land every 2 years or so.... I need a new video card to feed my FPS habit and I'm wondering whether to go AMD (thats ATI) or nVidia again. I currently run a 9800GTX nVidia on a quad-core Intel chip. Luckily, PCI tech hasn't changed any since I bought this rig so I won't be replacing the entire mobo. So I dare to ask the community, in risking a debate worse than one based in religion, which should I get? I'm eyeing a 560 or so nVidia card. I have a $300 price range. oh and almost forgot, this will be for BF3, Batman:AC, and WoW mostly. Yeah, I know... WoW. Don't say it, just let it rest there.
  23. I just keep charging incaps.... grrrrrr. And I did notice the lack of consistent glow on them today.
  24. Meh, its more distracting than annoying... Its not a game-breaker. Steam has bigger problems right now than fixing this. Their forums are STILL down.
  25. Are people that bad that they don't pay attention to glows anymore? Do you even have to ask? Nevermind the fact she's screaming, "I'M DOWN! OH DEAR GOD SOMEONE HELP ME!"
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