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Everything posted by direkt

  1. direkt


    My bind list bind "b" "sm_buy" bind "h" "sm_heal" bind "p" "sm_points" bind "o" "sm_rebuy" Other people go far with buying specific infected or items, i'll just rummage through the menu as I memorized the keystroke patterns to what I buy the most.
  2. sadly, Jackie is right. Maybe a solution to all this bickering is having admins and paying regulars working together to manually switch over to balance teams out. Though for many, that may be too tall of an order. Edit:: I wanted to add this in. More often than not, teams will balance themselves out, though it is usually too late to make the game competitive again. We can also be a bit more aggressive against teamstacking. Because occasionally regulars will switch teams during the first map knowing that the teams are going to be unbalanced and switch over when the opportunity presents itself. Just food for thought
  3. Constant team stackers have been a problem recently. There was this Abs AlexStep guy from mexico who ALWAYS stacks onto the winning team and everytime we or maestro kicks him his reply is always "bye gheys!" and then he'll try to join in 5 minutes later if Maestro doesn't ban him for the day. Maestro's done it at least one in my knowledge and he's probably on the ban list a couple times for team stacking.
  4. sweet! btw the scramble is working at least a lot better than the old one. We're starting to see more even matches than we have been. Also I don't know if it is intended, but respawns no longer count in the tallied score. The respawn is deducted at the end of round score but not from the more important overall score. Hope that wasn't too confusing, but otherwise it's all good!
  5. Note #1 Herbs as far as I know isn't #1 in the server...last I checked Maestro was. Also, if you're a smoker, spitter or boomer and 1 shot completely "destroys" the character the game/mod registers it as a headshot. So a lot of AWP shots that kill those are called headshots. When you get/buy the awp with laser sights, it might as well be a rail gun and is effective with someone who knows how to use it. Me, *sk, Herbs, Times, and a whole slew of others can testify you to this. In reply to your recent statement. It takes one shot to kill a spitter if using an awp. Guarantee you this. Most of us here defend Herbs because he is good and is one of the top players on the server, and it's not hard to kill him. You just have to be not in a common spot or be spawned making noise. Making noise is a dead giveaway to your location. Edit:: If you played swamp fever, then thats cake to be killing infected. You can be seen easily from miles away and you not know it. Many a time do people with long range weapons shoot down range and get kill shots.
  6. I'm pretty darn sure dozens, if not hundreds of people have thought you were hacking at some point yeah general, quit being so good tl;dr general is good. Not cheat quality good. Just great at being experienced in gc's l4d2 server.
  7. So in regards with point B, if as a team decide if they go down to keep truding on for benefit of the team before the round begins, it's kosher? And I'll even couple that with they affirm once their down that they're ok with being left behind that it's okay. because that is what I am reading. Like you said, it's more strategy that, at a minimum in the situation that this entire thread was created out of, raised morale for the team that was being forced to deal with a 2nd map of a heavily stacked team to agree to mad dash to the safe room. As per your example, yes all one would need would have a buddy system to get across. Let's move your map up to the roof where the safe room is within reach (and assume that tanks dont spawn in the safe room), your team has 50-100 points left and there are 3 tanks shredding your team apart on top of the infected. If the game is close, having the mains rush to the safe room or the extra 50 pt survivor bonus (as well as defibbing/reviving or lack there of) can win or lose the match. Do we really need to set static boundaries of what a player can or can not do in the heat of the game? Most times it's a gut call and asking the team if it's okay to break for the safe room if it looks like the team is about to be all incapped, however the key is asking the team to do it. Because in most cases where we see regulars rushing is that they'll stick around and help but if it's a losing battle will ask the team to run for points, or be told to rush for points because they are mains. I've seen lately teammates tell those that are b/w and close to the saferoom to book it there since it's hectic and healing isn't possible. Or they leave a bot behind to have someone join in being down, when we can send points to get them up (if they know how to use the points system) we can stay still and get them up. Most of the regulars have seen where going back to get someone up is an invitation to lose the entire round, because it ends up being a trap. We all understand that theres a difference between rushing for your own sake and then rushing for benefit of the team (i.e. spawn blocking, points if you're a main, etc) . I just don't see any reason to have to clearly define what is/isn't rushing because having static rules in a dynamic setting is going to end up with a ginormous amount of bickering and inconsistency in administrating the server. The system thats in place now is fine as is where enough regulars have the ability to votekick someone the team feels is rushing or otherwise inhibiting gameplay that doesn't correlate to bad skill and are online at some point in time. I mean, I've even switched sides to initiate a votekick because the opposite team had a griefer they couldn't get rid of and then swap back to my original team. @Dreamz, i really don't see how that's lawyered. Napalm (no offense) presented his argument poorly and ambiguously and Jackie shredded through an easy argument.
  8. I'm liking the !ready plugin Jackie, but just in case you didn't get my message, there are a couple bugs possibly related to it: Scripted tanks spawn frozen and if they aren't killed and passed then they can move Players joining mid-round are frozen until they are pounced or otherwise moved by infected. I'll let you know if more crop up if I see them
  9. which number is choke? and if it isnt on the net_graph 2 then which one do i need to see it. I run cmdrate and updaterate at 66 and interp to 0.5, and registration is...meh ok.
  10. Your ONLY flaw in your argument, which Jackie would tend to be a little more lax on, is that the team you're complaining about agreed verbally BEFORE THE ROUND STARTED to make a mad dash to the safe room and incaps and mains would be sent points. You also conviently left out the fact that for the past 5 rounds the team which agreed to rush got hammered by 3000+ points, and the map scramble only switched one or two people one of which being me.I feel I would have a say in it considering I was on said team that you felt compelled to complain about. The banning for rushers is typically reserved for the lone rusher who goes and runs out and essentially costs the team the death because it's not planned. I don't feel that one side as a team should feel like we HAVE to play a certain game style because we might hurt the infected's (in this case) feelings, especially if the team is getting wrecked. It's not fun getting clobbered and have another map full of it, so sometimes just as bad as it "ruins your experience" if a team agrees to rush, it likewise sucks to be on the receiving end of a stacked team on multiple maps. In summary, your argument in my opinion is moot. We decided as a team to make a mad dash, made even more so with a tank basically right off the start. We sent points to those who were still up and we as a team had a great time. I don't see how that conflicts with what Jackie wants for the server. Also PS, we ended up beating said team in the round because of it and everyone was happy for a change.
  11. This. Nothing like 3 tanks, all of whom die in 20 seconds and they keep getting tanks
  12. direkt


    What i do is in console type connect and spam that until I get in. I usually beat the autojoin feature from team and its a more effective way on having a greater chance on getting in.
  13. I'd still play here if we went to the zero tolerance, but i occasionally let one slip and usually immediately apologize for it, so maybe like Jackie said a one warn would work. On another side note: Is it possible to get some consistency when regulars want to switch to help a losing team? I've been told on a couple occasions when I want to switch to help the losing team that it's unfair to the winning team to do so. And usually when the other team is getting clobbered by more than 1500-2000 points I at least want to help the other team if it's obviously stacked on one side. Also, how long is the afk kicker timer set for and are admins exempt from it? Sometimes it can be maddening to have to wait 20-30 minutes to get into a server with a spec slot taken by a seemingly afk spec and another one who is actively waiting to get in. Theres one regular (not naming names) that this happens with with some frequency.
  14. What did the hanoi hilton do to meng this time?
  15. direkt


    Bonzi Buddy is not your buddy, just as a FYI.
  16. This or make no respawns, but maybe make the defib penalty a lot higher than the default 25 (if possible, change to maybe 50 or 75/defib).
  17. I'm willing to do that if it helps. ditto.
  18. I love what you've done so far with the !buy system jackie, I've been wondering if you could take a look into if it is possible in making the default map be randomized for whenever the server crashes? Recently, about every 1-3 maps the server will crash and default to Dead Center (if you can fix the server crashing anyway, then fantastic and my previous question is moot)
  19. Figured it would be about time I donated, got tired of having to wait upwards of 30 minutes quick connecting in hopes for a slot to the only server I play L4D2 for. Also question, does paying the month's dues give access to the !hats, !light command? If so, great!
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