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Everything posted by MrDuke

  1. x2 If I recall, he asked to be banned because some serious schoolwork was goin on. I didn't realize my banstick was so powerfulz...and big!
  2. Wow, Preach. I'm sorry for all the hurting. How old are your kids? Reason being my brother went through it and his kids were 4 and 6 when he went through it. He struggled on how to be the best dad he could be and wrestled with the same questions you just asked. If you are interested in chatting with him, PM me and I'll get you the info.
  3. All things are possible with faith. I will pray for your dad and family. MRSA is serious, but treatable. Keep us posted.
  4. Bump. Everytime I decide to play a few rounds on Retro I check our GG/DM server, which is dead. My tally is 38 times joining Steam to play and 38 times seeing that server dead. Copy what works. Visit That's the format. When I check that server, it's been: 16/16 30 times 15/16 4 times 14/16 2 times 8/16 1 time (morning) 6/16 1 time (morning) Can we make this happen? I'd play right now but A) Retro is dead and B ) WC is full
  5. Perfect timing, the date has just been set actually, this year it will be June 25th thru June 27th. Hope you can make it this year! I missed this chat. Great date though! I'm in.
  6. I see 3 people so far. Not going to happen with 3. Post up quickly, 2 days left... Me Fish TX
  7. MrDuke


    I'd watch foreclosure rates/ DOM rates for homes in your area (we have 9 homes in a 1 block radius in foreclosure and DOMs are averaging 180 and up). .fx, if you sold in 9 days that's awesome. Its a great time to be buying. Another indicator is cardboard box companies (Uline). Watch their quarterly reports. When it picks up, it usually means the economy is doing better. Everything I'm reading says Spring '10 is the recovery date. I don't believe it... I just can't tell if its earlier or later. Goldman Sachs reported and beat expectations. Other banks that received TARP funds report later this week. They've been hoarding cash to date so I'd compare short and longterm debt reductions against writeoffs and % delinquency rates. If it looks positive then maybe we're heading in the right direction (they'll start loaning money again).
  8. Is the cookout Wednesday or Thursday after golf?
  9. MrDuke


    I'm glad nothing gets by you, Ebil Capt. Honor Roll. That's the joke. Stay with us, now.
  10. MrDuke


    Since I am and will be intoxicated, A) I abstain C) I can't drive, therefore I can't make the run. So sorry.
  11. MrDuke


    For the amount of people attending, it's going to be "fend for yourself". We'll find someone to make a food run on the fly. Maybe next year...
  12. I JUST threw out all my CCRA disks, maps and such. Literally. Yesterday. All my Duke Nukem stuff too. You couldn't announce this a lil sooner?
  13. MrDuke


    wait a minute... <checks minutes from previous FFs> Yer always lit. Why would this year be any worse??
  14. MrDuke


    40 people = limited deals. I can do KFC and Taco Bell fairly easy. Other places weren't impressed with our #s. Maybe its the econ, dunno. Regardless, I can set up a pizza run, or wing run or whatever. Subs? Swensons? Suggestions? I need to know by this Wednesday, July 1st. Also, who's bringing the keg and what kind is it going to be this year?
  15. MrDuke

    Lola anyone?

    Wow, that's a word from the past. 1992 I think... good times.
  16. $175 shipped, firmer. Will give m2 more time...
  17. AIG 195% ROI (only $2000 though and not intended for buy and hold). Ford 117% ROI GE 37% (late). Read. Read. Read. Also, buy some options to hedge against your purchase or, if you're really brave, invest in options alone.
  18. I pray all goes well for you. I've had enough surgeries that it's almost a game for me to see how long I can last before the anesthesia gets me. See if there's a clock near you when they start the surgery and ask them when they're adding the anesthetic. Kinda fun...takes your mind off matters. Last time I tried holding my head up and afterwards the nurse said I shouldn't do that anymore because my head dropped with a 'thud' when it kicked in. I was on my belly, mind you.
  19. I have not filled one prescription for my mother in law... ZING! POW!! BING!!!@
  20. ask Bubblegum, he put his front door in. 2 cases later, it was purfeckt...
  21. I'm sorry, man. It sucks, no way else to describe it. You seem to have your head screwed on straight in that you're recognizing the accomplishments, the wisdom and the richness of their lives. Just be available. To talk, to listen... whatever. It'll help you, your uncle and everyone else get through the grief. I'll pray for you and your family, Matt. Brian
  22. I would play a GG/DM server, but not in its current format. There need to be 10+ maps that are designed for this format. I have a list of maps if this moves forward.
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