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Everything posted by Fenix

  1. so no one have any input? I asked because I have money to buy this game or something else. So far the lack of response means I shouldn't buy it?
  2. I was craving a game like DayZ. I tried Rust, but it was pretty boring and unpopulated....and our server kinda blew (no offense). H1Z1 seems to be getting more attention, and it's cheaper than DayZ. But is it more polished? What makes this different from DayZ? I hear it's a combination of Rust and DayZ in one package. I think I mentioned another game like that called 7 Days to Die where you fend off zombies, find resources, but also build a fort. The cool part of that game was that you could build traps for zombies and survivors to steal loot! Is H1Z1 similar to that?
  3. Maestro, I do hope you feel better soon. I blame your heart attacks on all the rushing people do while you're online!
  4. I will definitely sign that card. I hope he recovers quickly!
  5. Should probably lock every thread gummy revives lol
  6. This might be because there were 2 or 3 (depending on if someone bought up tank slots) tanks already in play, or that someone bought a tank right before you did and was about to spawn in as one. I'm not sure who gets to be tank if the max is going to be hit though. For example, if only 2 tanks are available, and two people buy a tank and a scripted one is about to spawn in, I'm not sure who has precedence. I know the scripted one may, but I'm not sure if one of the players gets to spawn in based on who bought it first, or who spawns in first. IMO I think it's based on who spawns in first. I've bought a tank when 1 was already up, but when I was about to spawn in, another tank appeared and I spawned in as a jockey instead (you morph into tank AFTER you spawn).
  7. So the last couple nights I've played I ran into a weird issue that I have no clue what is causing it. When I'm in the !buy menu, when I hit 0 (whether above the P, or in the num-key pad) to close the menu, it selects the "1" option instead. Also, I have a macro system for my G15 keyboard to use to accessing the menu and points just by pressing a button. Nothing fancy, but the way I set it up was that I can use a "key recording" where it records what keys I press and uses that for the macro. Anyways, those are also causing the menu to select the 1 option when they didn't before. Only thing I can think of is that in my macro, it has shift+1 for the ! symbol....and for some reason the menu is ignoring my Shift and still selecting 1. Any suggestions to troubleshoot this?
  8. Fenix

    Post much?

    Alright Gummy....this is getting ridiculous lol.
  9. Fenix

    Post much?

    Gummy bears attacking the forum...run for your lives!
  10. Have you folks ever encountered any of these teams on the GC server?
  11. I may not be able to that weekend. It really depends on what time. Also, I'm moving so that hinders stuff a bit.
  12. I'm only behind in points scored due to 2 bad weeks this past week. I scored over 40 points lower than usual. On top of that, for whatever reason, both times I've been up against Chick, we both score unusually low points. Other than that I'm pretty much on par with the rest of you.
  13. You only say it's a bit off because I'm in 1st place with the lowest amount of points scored against me. Boo hoo FYI playoffs are already set/clinched.
  14. First announcement, which has many aspects of TF2....
  15. I have always wondered about this in the past. You know how I have made claim that certain members were possibly botting or hacking, and now this makes complete sense. Even when the demos showed no one was aimbotting, the fact that they got so many headshots so easily made it seem there was something else giving those players an unfair advantage. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's what this is about right?
  16. I never had a clue why no one doesn't like talking about the other league. Seems league #2 gets all the attention. Here's our league last week:
  17. Seriously, why would the Seahawks give up one of their best receivers?!
  18. Hmm ok thnx for the info. I always thought lateral plays still counted as throws. Was wondering why Luck didn't get the points for tossing it to Richardson for the TD.
  19. Hey quick question, if a QB hands the ball off to an RB and the RB scores, the QB does not receive points for that TD right? But if a QB tosses the ball back to the RB and the RB runs in for the TD, doesn't that count as a throw? Shouldn't the QB also get points for that TD?
  20. So even if I win this whole thing, are you just going to tell me it was all based on luck and I wouldn't have won if I had a different schedule Captain Hindsight? Isn't this whole thing based on luck anyways? I just get this feeling you're going to bash on my wins no matter how it was won...because you didn't win.
  21. The points against me do not matter if I keep scoring higher than my opponent. Anyways I'll be looking forward to my 6-0 win against Ditka (which is who on GC?)
  22. Well I just annihilated Tirtul in league 1...so he might still be hiding from his computer for a while longer
  23. Wish I had the demo of him in mid-air shooting at things (50 feet above the coaster!). Biggs helped me with how to get demos, so I got a couple and sent them to Peanut. He was still online under a different name...Ronin.
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