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Everything posted by rhorizon

  1. Challengers may or may not also be attached to a loudly ringing dinner bell or a constantly firing string of roman candles.
  2. I don't always spawn quickly, but when I do I accidentally the boomer Shouts directions at noobs, mic's broken SUDDENLY: witches.
  3. So, here's the plan: No more !lights, but you give members transmutation powers. I don't possibly see how that could go wrong... LOL
  4. I think you need to get checked - you don't want to bring that sickness back into our server.
  5. The shakes, the withdrawal... I feel it coming.
  6. i'm upto date bra. what'dya mean....saying i'm old computered? And he's on a PC, I'm running off of OS X. So different platforms, different users, different clients, and I can see other server's MOTDs. Very slim chance the issue's on our end considering the variables.
  7. For as long as I've been playing on the server, I've never seen an MOTD pop up. Instead, it's just a blank space. I do see the MOTD on other servers, so I think it's broken on ours. It might be a big part of why new players have so much trouble on our server when logging in and playing for the first time.
  8. Pffffft, explanations I just want to buy a group of clowns
  9. rhorizon

    Ammo Pile

    If it reloads for every gun, then the price goes up. If the price goes up, fewer people buy it in fewer places. Who's going to spend those points when a respawn or heal are needed? The finales have ammo piles anyway.
  10. ... 'til it's gone! I'm in the process of waiting for a new laptop to ship. No longer will I have to spout out "sounds out this round olololol!" I still won't have a mic since Valve is content to let sound input in source remain broken in OS X, but I'll be listening! Of course this means that I'm without a L4D2'able machine until next week. The withdrawal shakes, they're setting in...
  11. rhorizon


    HAH! That one... That one gets my vote
  12. Man, I wish I got my own hat... Except it'd be a giant cone dunce hat
  13. He sounds exactly like another guy I know from Conneticut
  14. I don't have a demo either, but I can confirm the obnoxious behavior - I was on at the same time and was witness.
  15. Oh yeah. If it's people griefing, then I'm all mover that. Agreed!
  16. I'm no longer able to join a team from the !teams menu by hitting 2 or 3 (for Surv or Inf). It forces me to use !jointeam instead. Intended or bug?
  17. I do like the idea to add "!sp [xxxxx] all" - would definitely save time in a pinch
  18. Just crashed twice within 10 minutes
  19. rhorizon


    For all of those times that I type too fast and accidentally send !Heal instead of !heal...
  20. Could someone whip the hamsters? They're not running fast enough and the server keeps crashing.
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