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Everything posted by PeanutButterNJelly

  1. Remember, we promote good sportsmanship. Anything not displaying that will be dealt with accordingly. Soda: With Gandalf (also Elias), because the throwing is so obvious, you shouldn't even need to announce it.
  2. Thanks! People in game were realizing there was no benefit to helping bots, so they weren't using packs on them. I can see the point about reducing the benefit of killing them or damaging them though.
  3. I hope we still get same points for healing bots, otherwise not much point in using a health kit on them
  4. I dont mind you discussing Deadlock or anything else with me, but just stop with putting it in things like this post etc I am unbanning you, thanks for understanding the reasons and agreeing to tone it down on the propane cans and trolling. Dont stop with the fun and humor. One note on the propane cans... I am referring to someone just buying them and blowing them up at the end of the map. When used for strategy purposes, they are fine. If you buy a bunch to hurt tanks, that is a reasonable use.
  5. Bans in general: sometimes admins will do a ban to force an issue to be discussed. That was the situation in this case. It didn't necessarily mean you need to be punished with that length of time, as much as coming here and we can discuss the issue and hopefully resolve it and move on. Assuming that because you CAN do it, does that mean you SHOULD do it? and it is someone else's fault for not preventing it in the !buy system?: Everyone here is a volunteer. There should be no rush for us to have Jackie drop everything else in his life to put a limit on buying propane tanks. He doesn't even play the game anymore, so we should be thankful that he and Crash still do fix things, update things and try to come up with new things for the server. Regarding the tank spamming in general, it is funny, but it has incapped or killed people on your team. We assume that our members will be mature enough to follow GC rules and GC L4D2 server rules. I expect everyone to exhibit good sportsmanship as much as possible. We have a lot of fun in the server and you are a big part of it (part of what makes this game fun is playing with you and the other regulars that joke around in there), but please agree to be more careful on the trolling stuff and I will un-ban you. Also, stop with the Deadlock stuff. I have communicated with him. I like Deadlock, but there are some issues and rules that I have to abide by.
  6. Someone complained that there was a rusher on your team. I tried to get just the rusher, but since no one typed his name, and I could only go by what I heard, I typed it in wrong. It is not easy to get the name quickly and react before the game is changed for both teams. I was also playing, while doing my volunteer admin duties to make the server a fun place for the rest of the people. When I had the incorrect name, I decided to teleport the group back a small bit, while I got him. Because of the rusher, and because I was trying to find out who it was, I was unable to play and it cost me (and thus my team) spawns, which gave the survivor team a nice advantage and helped them miss the choke points. The second teleport, after I finally dealt with the rusher helped even things out for the two teams. Based on how the round ended for both teams, it seems I made the correct decision. I am not going to let 1 rusher destroy a round and lead to everyone complaining, leaving, etc. You were banned because I will not accept a comment like that about myself or any other admin. If you have a problem with the way a situation is dealt with, you can contact me directly, you can post here, or you can send in on report system here on the website. However, comments in the server about it will not be allowed. If you had asked why, instead of calling it a joke, I would have answered you in game or outside of the game. As far as the comments about Mercman are concerned, your intent was obvious. As far as I knew/saw, he was in the front of the group and was pulled by a smoker. He had not gone up to the event, like the rusher on your team did. Whether or not he was actually rushing I am not 100% sure, because I only saw him after the smoker had pulled him. Try not to think that I see everything all over the map at all times. But for you to imply that he rushed and left, after the comment about healing on the previous map, showed me you were either in a bad mood or had bad intentions. You did not say "he could have healed the guy in a safe spot like next to a tree or a corner safely away from the cliff" as you claim above. Read what you typed in the screenshot. "Heal next to the cliff. Great idea". Wow, real helpful comment there. After that, and after your comment about Mercman, I was not going to deal with things in the server in this manner. You obviously had an agenda, which is admitted to in your post above, about admins. I certainly am not going to have someone accusing admins of general issues like this. There are other ways you could handled either the specific complaint against Merc or your general complaint about all admins. If you want to apply for admin and try playing this game while also dealing with rushers, people cursing, people cheating and the impatience of the people wanting them dealt with in under 1 second, please let me know and I will send you an application. If you ever have a problem or question about any admin, including myself, do not hesitate to talk to me on it. I am not perfect, and I make mistakes, like all the admins do. However, I try my best to keep competitive games going. Instead of assuming something, just try talking to me in a more civil manner. Just remember, it is not easy to admin the L4D2 servers (and very hard to admin and play at the same time), especially when it is not full of regular players. In addition to adminning and keeping all of the players happy, I also have the extra duty of admining the admins, making sure your memberships work properly, etc. I do not get paid for this. This is purely volunteer work. Actually, I contribute a lot more financially than just about anyone, as I have helped a lot of players that did not have the money to get a membership. I do not need to be thanked, but at least treat me with a little respect please. The easiest rule to remember, which helps in most situations, is : "Don't be a dick" Contact me for any questions on this or anything else.
  7. I think that was someone (probably Yortz) impersonating me.
  8. Yes, it should always be that way. Players should never be disrespectful of any other players. That is why we do not allow name-calling, cursing, etc. It creates the wrong atmosphere. Just remember, sometimes it is meant in a joking matter between regulars. If an admin is doing it, let me know, or talk to the admin and remind them nicely to relax. Generally, admins shouldn't kick other admins. If you think I am being rude or unfair, feel free to tell me.
  9. It is about how they are treated. Yelling at people, ridiculing them, talking down to them is not acceptable. Also there is a difference between a "new" person breaking the rules and not understanding our points system or not understanding our strategies. When someone rushes, they are breaking our rules. Yelling at them is still not acceptable, but, if I am there, I will teleport them back explain the "no rushing" rule and give them a second chance. If they do it again, they are kicked or banned. Again, lets not confuse breaking our rules (rushing, not making forward progress, cursing, etc) with not using or knowing the points system. If someone doesnt ask for points, doesnt use !heal or !getup, they do not deserve to have 5 people yelling at them.
  10. I feel the need to post again on this issue. Remember, GC offers gaming servers to everyone. We welcome all. We provide a fun place to play. We provide a place where players will not be subjected to ridicule, name-calling, etc. I know it can be tough when new players are on a team with a lot of regulars. The regulars get annoyed because the new players do not use the buy menu, or do not follow strategies the way the regulars have been doing after playing the same maps thousands of times. But GC welcomes all players. If you want to be a regular on our server, if you want to be a member of GC, if you want to be an Admin of GC, then help new players, don't chase them away. Yelling "use the buy menu!" or "ask for points!" to new people is not a help. Either leave them alone or bring them along slowly. Certainly do not scream at them, do not talk down to them. If you want to only play with other members, play during times that the server is full of members. Admins, make sure to police this on the server. No one should be treated in a rude way. Kick or ban when this happens.
  11. I just tried to get it going. It didnt load, just restarted the prior campaign.
  12. Hi Velocity I sent you a message on this, but want to answer here as well. We have unbanned you as of right now. The demos crash took did bring up questions and we discussed that with you. Thanks for being very forthcoming in discussing everything with us. Just a message to everyone who might read this: We consider a "cheat" anything that gives someone an unfair advantage over the others. This can include a mod, a skin, a script or a macro. If you are unsure if something you are using is against our rules, just ask. Ultimately, we just want to make sure everyone is on a level playing field in the servers. At the same time, we do not want to disable everything, because we realize there are some things that spice up the game for you, without giving an advantage.
  13. It didnt work, not sure what the problem is with diescraper. stinks, i really like that campaign
  14. Jackie fixed Diescraper, so we can hopefully run that again. We will try it around 8pm est tonight on server 2 Make sure you have all the customs Go here for links and instructions: http://gamrs.co/forums/index.php?/topic/44980-custom-campaign-list-updated-102015/?p=540746
  15. I like Maestro's idea on buying up blocking achievement notices to survivors, if that is possible to do. Customs - i believe we are doing it tonight. i am not sure of my schedule, but i should be on around 8pm est. if someone wants to run it sooner we can do that too. Diescraper!
  16. We can do customs Friday or Saturday. I am not sure of my schedule yet. Any other admins that can guarantee they can be there to set it up? I like the idea of tank on respawn. Although, if the survivors know it is bought, they probably would not bother with a respawn. But I think it would work. See what Jackie thinks.
  17. Thanks for the apology. None of us are immune to making mistakes or doing something in fun that take too far. I don't know if Merc has read this yet, but I when I told him you were sorry, he said the same thing, that we all do dumb things sometimes and asked me to unban you.
  18. Lets try to keep this a bit more civil. Lets not blame and call people names in here please. All the regulars (players and admins) are friends and have a good time in the servers. Lets try to keep it that way. If anyone has a specific complaint about an admin or vice versa, send it to me through the website as a complaint or as a message (try not to send through friend chat, its a pain for me to handle things that way). Even if it is a minor thing, you can send anything you want to me. What Maestro says makes sense. If votes are put up all the time, only a few maps end up ever getting played. I know some admins put up votes more than others. Admins don't need to put up votes all the time, but should remember they are there to help make things enjoyable for everyone. If most people want a vote, try to put one up. An admin can also put up votes for less played maps too, to try to keep more variety. If you want to put up "passing, swamp fever, cold stream, hard rain" thats fine. I would generally include the intended map in the vote.
  19. Okay thanks, I returned the Pepper post, since it was her who you said directed the comment to on the server. We do like to joke around on the server and I think we would be crazy to surpress that. It is one of the reasons many of us still play the game on there. I join in on the fun, jokes, sarcasm as much or more than anyone else, for the purpose of humor. But, we just have to make sure it doesn't violate GC rules, such as cursing, criticizing or attacking people for any reason, etc. In this situation, I know you meant it in fun, and the person you directed it to also knew it was in fun, but the comment itself was inappropriate as it is regarding a deadly disease that destroys people's lives. Others seeing you type it, or hearing you say that, either may know someone (or be someone) affected by the disease or they may think you are criticizing Sol for real (rather than as a joke). Thanks for understanding.
  20. Pepper, as Jackie said, do not post in here unless you are involved, please. I removed the post. Elias, we realize you did it as a joke and that Sol didn't get offended by it, but it can be offensive to others. Thanks for apologizing. I lowered it to a day, from a week. Please make sure to have fun, but also uphold GC's rules and standards.
  21. Last wipe was 1/6/17. Come in and try it out. If you are a GC member, you can start with some items. Check out this link for info: http://gamrs.co/forums/index.php?/topic/46787-gc-member-starter-kits-for-rust-server/?p=563350 Also, we have the server listed in the banner at the top of the forum. It can tell you how many people are on it at the moment.
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