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Everything posted by Yortz

  1. Takeing a moment of silence and prayer for the terrible event 15 years ago.

  2. I went wireless with my 6 once because the earphone that came with it finally went bad after a year of continuous use, and it was a great feeling not dealing with cords. Although sound quality wasn't better but that doesn't really bother me. I don't mind going wireless, it's just that most wireless headphones only last 5-8 hours, definitely not buying Apple's $160 5 hour wireless headset.
  3. Spy. And the north will invade, soon.
  4. In the market looking to get a new phone. I currently own a iPhone 6 and getting either the iPhone 7+ or Samsung Note 7 (once the exploding battery issue is fixed). I mostly use my phone to listen to music, Binge on YouTube and emailing. I like all the Samsung Note 7 has to offer but I'm hesitant with it because you can't organize music like iTunes, and I'm also hesitant towards the iPhone 7+ because they effing removed the headphone jack. Any opinion/input would help, thanks.
  5. I better be nice to Gramma, or she'll throw her wet, slimy dentures at me again.
  6. Also keep an eye on the SivKrak The Con, we votekicked him coz he keeps swearing.
  7. Gramma is healthy, back in the day Gramma told me that there were no processed foods back then. All Gramma ate were fresh fruits, vegetables grown from her own garden. All she ate was from mother nature.
  8. She said she was healthy at her 1st 128 years.
  9. Always rely on Gramma's 129 years of experience.
  10. Yortz


    Your Hall of Shame page still alive?
  11. Peanut is actually my mom, my transvestite mom, and Maestro is my dad, and Dixie is my Gramma.
  12. I blame San and Peanut.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. DiXie


      What's a senior admin?


    3. Carlos


      ^ he's calling Peanut old (AKA "Pops").

    4. Yortz


      What Carlos said.

  13. And I thought politicians are all liars.
  14. Can you help the team you're on by not holding spitters all the time?
  15. Is Mayonnaise an instrument?

    1. Carlos


      Of course it is, you fool! ;)

  16. As Maestro would say: "Get the Peanut!!"

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. DiXie


      Oh to clarify, I am sorry for switching the map mid-round!!! :(

    3. Carlos


      Lol it's ok, accidents happen :P


      You did what the people want for that vote and that's what matters :)


      I just felt negative because I rejoined the server and played for a half-hour. That whole time I was there, I never played got the chance to play as survivors. I was planning on leaving early after we had our round because I don't do Cold Stream :P


      Anyways, I'm my normal and positive self. I'm sorry for giving you the trouble, Dixie :/

    4. Carlos


      Btw thank you for responding to the map vote requests! :D


      Even if the majority voted for Cold Stream XD

  17. 10 Tanks at the same time? Lag and crashes everywhere.
  18. FFX on steam!! Now I can go back dodging 200 lightnings in a row and wait for Nimrook to become a free agent.

    1. lordbaby


      good game


  19. Alright, thanks for shedding light on this. Does this apply to those who "crash" as well?
  20. I was asking for the player's courtesy and didn't get it. I asked the admins playing on who logged in last, didn't really help me at all, and my frustrations and emotions got the better of me. I really feel bad for what I said and I do apologize for it.
  21. I really feel bad for what I said. If it bothered/offended some people, again from the bottom of my heart I apologize.
  22. Ok thanks for the input. I've been nice enough to give the spots back to players who went afk/crash or whatever. I asked the player who took the spot and wasn't nice enough to do so. Moving on. And again, I apologize for the harsh words I used whether you forgive me or not.
  23. So if a member who has been playing in the server for quite some time, take a bathroom break, crashes or whatever and gets his/her spot taken, has to wait? If that's so then courtesy and politeness is out of the question then, basically finders keepers losers weepers.
  24. Kewl, wishing you more success and a healthy life. Do come back soon and helps us keep Peanut in his place.
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