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looneypumpkin last won the day on November 8 2024

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About looneypumpkin

  • Birthday 07/04/1984

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  • Location
    Saint Charles, MO
  • Interests
    TF2, L4D2

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  1. Curious because we need funds to keep the server running and membership seems low!
  2. I always get popped in the air by humans and bots as a boomer but it is crazy easy to farm points still, especially with all the achievements boomer gets by booming and from hordes. Doesn't the smoker's smoke cause a horde too? I wonder if something can be added in for that. But yes I agree we should not be getting tanks within 3 minutes. But we do have some exceptionally good players as infected who can do this and it sucks to punish them for skill. But it really makes it hard on the other team and leads to rage quits which has been a problem with L4D verses forever.
  3. Hey dude. What made you leave USA? What do you love about it over there? Can't say I blame you! lol
  4. Oh my gosh this is just so sad. She was always fun to play with and will be missed.
  5. Stay safe. Probably gonna be crazy stuff happening in the US this fall too.
  6. Yes, no one but me could see my Ellis. Though I'd probably have some explainin to do with my kids. Though they did see me accidently play nude BG3 characters. Supposedly clothing and armor are different things and if you drop your clothes, your armor does not cover you, lol.
  7. The problem with having 2 servers, even in our hay day of a full server almost nightly, we did not have enough people to fill both. People want to play together. I almost wonder if it's possible to do a server with more than 10v10? I have seen a few of those before, but not many. Maybe it becomes too crazy? I'm open about the addons but am concerned about using them to cheat or get an advantage. I honestly am ignorant about various addons. I think I had a scantily clad Ellis once but that was the extent of what I loaded up many years ago.
  8. yea didn't everyone get unbanned? We starting fresh. Trying to reform people. It's been pretty chill.
  9. lol let me continue to hijack... adding back stats (and more) is on Soda's to-do list. It's a lot to do. I'll see where he is with getting to it this weekend. I too miss stats.
  10. We continue to transition to the new storefront and make improvements. You can also pm Soda, cc or me to get you into your reserve or if you need help or info about payments.
  11. Hey looney this is Ice Bear.  I paid the membership with paypal about 10 mins ago.

    1. looneypumpkin


      Got you in, will take a moment to patch as it has to reload.

  12. I struggle with hunter more than rocket jockey which is just weird. Hit box must be different. There was a time when I was landing decent pounces maybe 1/3 of the time. I hope to get back to that, lol.
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